I Can't Get Over It. Life Sucks Without Her.


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 23, 2014
ChiChi named thus because she was so filled with energy CHI - she was given 2x the amount of this energy because God knew/knows I'd be a handful and would need all the love and care she could give to me and the world and that light shined very brightly.

When I was walking the walk to go bury her under a cypress tree, all of the animals, the critters out there, the birds and cats on the way, paused, gave a deep nod to me pushing the carriage with our Sherpa bag fitted within and ChiChi beloved ally and mama within. They knew. It was hard - really hard - not to know. It was the vibe and energy, her sweet fierceness. I swear she was an African queen in a previous life. She loved like nobody knew how to show me prior our meeting of hearts that day before Christmas 1999. Bereft of love from humans it was the animals - mine at the time, a cat and dog who had shown me the unconditional love and gave me comfort when I was a child. It pretty much stayed that way for life.

I was drawn to her and she was drawn to me. Truly a match made in heaven. I always said, *you are my soulmate* and that we'd go together because how could I live this life without her? She held on to the last. possible. moment. She just couldn't any longer. We'd gone down many, scary, dark and furious places. We traveled the insides of both her and me in all of our ailments. We tended to each other's pains and celebrated our coolness in music and nature. We rocked when it was good and most of the time it was me and my many moods of thunder that turned the light into the dark. And it was she, the angel sent to me to keep me going NO MATTER WHAT, would do her magic, would just be there in her fabulous tabby - all chakras patterned on her fur in perfect symmetry, yep) and make it all better. The mama of all mamas. It was she that I buried in January - the 9th - of this year.

I have been doing poorly since. There will never be a replacement to what she was. And I figured in reading my books here that there is a time and season for all things. Beginnings and endings and starts and finishes. She brought me this far and now it was up to me to pick from what she taught me, as my human mother had done as well in her time, and to make something good. Make it good Joy, pay it forward, keep the faith and the focus and all will be ok. It's going to be ok. It's going to be ok.

I miss you like all hell and heaven combined. And to the end of the world - till we fly again together.


di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
What a beautiful tribute to such a precious soulmate. And she was, we have one in our lifetime, the yin to our yang. But life doesn't end when they leave us. We wish it would at times, but somehow it just marches on, oblivious to what we want. Because it knows what we need, time and plenty of it to come to terms with the loss in our world and to form a new life's order without them.
I know the empty feeling, the tidal wave of grief and pain that overwhelms us at any given moment. And it comes again and again, a tsunami of emotions, to remind us of our little ones and how much it hurts to have them leave. But I have found that instead of focusing on the loss, how much it hurts ME, I had to focus on my little girl, on what she brought into my life, the good, the love, the incredible will she had to live and find joy in every second of every minute, her little quirks, every single precious memory I had of her. At first it brought incredible pain, but as time went on it helped me to realize that because she loved life so much she would never want me to live in pain myself. Just as I would want for her if I were the first to go. It then brought comfort instead, because I focused on her life, making those years together more meaningful than her death. As it should be with someone you love so very much. To dwell on the pain, on the death, elevates it to a special place. And that is not acceptable when their life brought us so much, everything. Love is spiritual, it is eternal . It lives on through us, so make it a happy place, so it blooms and gives us pleasure, not hide it under a blanket of tears and grief. Go ahead and pass that love on to another little love who so desperately needs someone too. It can never be the same, but it can still bring happiness and a welcome distraction in your life. Like a mother with several children, each is loved for their uniqueness and differences. Love will come, to reside beside the one already there. Never to replace, but to add to, to join.
My heart goes out to you. I pray one day you find peace. It WILL be OK because you have known what few people do, a love that will last a lifetime. Even though you have suffered a tremendous loss, you have gained so very much more. Take care of yourself.........RIP beautiful ChiChi. You meant the world to the one who misses you so dearly. You will forever have a secure place in a loving heart. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I am so sorry that you lost your little soulmate, it is always difficult to say solong especially when the bond is so strong. But what you two went through and lived through will last forever, until you will meet again one day.

Years ago when our first cat Smoke died and we were burying her in the backyard, we turned and say a stray cat just standing next to the garage, we had never seen this cat before, it was just like this cat knew and was paying it's last respects to one who too once was a stray, so yes I believe the animals were doing the same thing for her.

It is so hard to not have them with us, I hope that your heart heals a bit more each day, God Bless.....:alright: :grouphug: :rbheart:


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, ChiChi, dream you deep. You walk in someone's heart forever.

This is a thing that I have come to know...love never dies. It changes form, it purifies, but it is still love, and it abide. ChiChi has put off her earthly body now, that worn body that could no longer support her great heart and giving soul. She remains with you, dancing on the starshine, waiting patiently until you, in the fullness of time, dance with her there.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 23, 2014
Thank you Mamanyt1953. Love never dies. Yes. If it weren't for her, my mama cat, my heart would have been permanently sealed. She kept it open in full. One day I will write the book, one of the moments - our early days - the healing began. I was just lying on the bed feeling really bad, some ailment, and she just came over and began stroking my face. INTENTIONALLY. Not as a way to distract me. Not as a way to get something from me - just her and me in that moment where one comforts another in a complete loving and tender space. That was how it was for EIGHTEEN YEARS. Every day it was there - that energy. It took me by surprise because nobody ever did that to or for me before. No human, for sure. No animal either. I had dogs and cats throughout my life - this? Never. So.

I will not be replacing her with another. I have my Mati, she too is not the best in health right now. She misses ChiChi just as I do because ChiChi was her mama as well. Maybe I will travel with Mati, maybe I will ride this out and see what will happen all around. But, yes, Love - that will be constant - and my heart can attest to it.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
I am so sorry for the loss of you beautiful ChiChi. It always hurts to lose a loved one. Take the time you need to grieve for her, be kind to yourself and others, it helps. Wishing you a peaceful evening.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 23, 2014
Thank you graciously Tara. The Cypress tree too is a mama tree. She is looking over my mama cat. She is in loving hands on earth and celestial hands in heaven.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 23, 2014
Aww Mamany - thank you for your kind words. As the book is written, the word will go out. Some stories need to be told to show others another path to love.

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
Rest you gentle, ChiChi, dream you deep. You walk in someone's heart forever.

This is a thing that I have come to know...love never dies. It changes form, it purifies, but it is still love, and it abide. ChiChi has put off her earthly body now, that worn body that could no longer support her great heart and giving soul. She remains with you, dancing on the starshine, waiting patiently until you, in the fullness of time, dance with her there.
Whenever we catch ourselves saying "I loved" them in the past tense, we need to correct ourselves because you don't go from loving something to loving them in the past only just because they're not here in the physical form. "Loved" is a word for love that dies, a spouse or friend that you once loved but no longer do. If the love is there, the recipient doesn't have to be in front of our faces, and damned if I don't believe that with all my heart.
I've lost so many, and some so SO many years ago and I've never for a second stopped loving them or stopped looking forward to our reunion some day in the next world...


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Nor have I ever doubted that those whom I love that are no longer physically present still love me. They are with me constantly, a source of unseen but deeply felt support.


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
ChiChi named thus because she was so filled with energy CHI - she was given 2x the amount of this energy because God knew/knows I'd be a handful and would need all the love and care she could give to me and the world and that light shined very brightly.

When I was walking the walk to go bury her under a cypress tree, all of the animals, the critters out there, the birds and cats on the way, paused, gave a deep nod to me pushing the carriage with our Sherpa bag fitted within and ChiChi beloved ally and mama within. They knew. It was hard - really hard - not to know. It was the vibe and energy, her sweet fierceness. I swear she was an African queen in a previous life. She loved like nobody knew how to show me prior our meeting of hearts that day before Christmas 1999. Bereft of love from humans it was the animals - mine at the time, a cat and dog who had shown me the unconditional love and gave me comfort when I was a child. It pretty much stayed that way for life.

I was drawn to her and she was drawn to me. Truly a match made in heaven. I always said, *you are my soulmate* and that we'd go together because how could I live this life without her? She held on to the last. possible. moment. She just couldn't any longer. We'd gone down many, scary, dark and furious places. We traveled the insides of both her and me in all of our ailments. We tended to each other's pains and celebrated our coolness in music and nature. We rocked when it was good and most of the time it was me and my many moods of thunder that turned the light into the dark. And it was she, the angel sent to me to keep me going NO MATTER WHAT, would do her magic, would just be there in her fabulous tabby - all chakras patterned on her fur in perfect symmetry, yep) and make it all better. The mama of all mamas. It was she that I buried in January - the 9th - of this year.

I have been doing poorly since. There will never be a replacement to what she was. And I figured in reading my books here that there is a time and season for all things. Beginnings and endings and starts and finishes. She brought me this far and now it was up to me to pick from what she taught me, as my human mother had done as well in her time, and to make something good. Make it good Joy, pay it forward, keep the faith and the focus and all will be ok. It's going to be ok. It's going to be ok.

I miss you like all hell and heaven combined. And to the end of the world - till we fly again together.
