Hyper-puss & his annoying bitting / no affection


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 7, 2014
North Carolina

I've already talked briefly about mr. Milkies in the introduction section, now I urge for some behavior advice.

THIS POST IS LONG, and I am very sorry that it is this long But I really want help. And I don't think I'll get any unless I really describe that I have pretty much tried everything I have read and thought of. I absolutely LOVE this cat and want nothing more than to bond and have an at least somewhat cuddly cat.

Milky is almost 4 months old now and is quite the weirdo. I got him when he was 8 weeks old, and I am new to a kitten THIS playful and rough. The aggressive play begun the very next day of having him new to the house. I've fostered kittens before and I've never had issues like this. All of my cats and foster kitties have always been pretty

sweet and loving and in general pretty calm and laid back..

It seems mr. Milkies really, really lacks in the motherly/sibling discipline. Unfortunately his mommy was in such bad shape that the elderly woman who found her decided to adopt her babies out as soon as they started eating solid foods. I guess this is kind of new for me as I've never had a kitten this young separated from its siblings before and I guess that may be a big part of his hyper behavior and some serious play-biting. And it really is play biting, he is not aggressive at all, infact, he purrs as he shreds my hands or clings on my leg :>

Let me just add that Milky is a healthy kitten with all his veterinary needs met and up to date, and is scheduled to be neutered when he hits 6 months.

First of all, ANY advice is welcome as I will try ANYTHING to get this puss to calm down, or to at least stop biting my hands. (No spray bottles or ''physical education'' tho.)

I have read many forums before and have tried the following with no significant results:

- Super-intense play times during the day: Me and Milky play pretty-much whenever he is awake and has that mischievous look on his face, like he's looking for something to mess with. (He loves knocking things off the table, pouncing on the computer keyboard, destroying anything that feels like cardboard, climbing shelves, and a recent and most annoying: He tries to jump on top of a slim LCD tv and I'm scared he's gonna knock it over one day when I'm not watching him.) At which point I try to divert his attention and play with him with a toy that is away from my hands, such as those feathers-on-a-line-on-a-stick. And trust me, this crazy boy does not tire easily. I do my hardest to destroy his playing spirit - we chase up and down stairs, we have a box obstacle course, and just really both commit to play time. Today I had him in the living-room and I got to watch 6 episodes of a 30 minute show with the corner of my eye, before he finally lied down. 15 minutes after play time when he seemed nice and calm, I tried picking him up to carry him to my bedroom, and like usual, got bitten all over my hands.

- The '' NO means NO! '': If he bites me for no reason or ambushes me and clings to my feet and waits for my reaction, I put my hands behind my back and stare at his eyes

and say NO means NO very firmly. He does not care for this method at all. If anything it makes him even rougher.. At which point we resort to intense play time to at least get him

to rest for a while.

- The ''boop'' on the noes followed by NO BITES!: Bites, bites and more bites.

- The yowling sound: Same results as the no means no. I've even tried to hiss at him as a desperate attempt, but no sound in the world gets this cat's attention.

- animal enrichment: I understand being an indoor cat is tough, so I try my hardest to enrich his life.

           1.) Walkies with harness outside: He absolutely LOVES being outside, sniffing around, chasing grasshoppers and butterflies and getting fancy manicures on the trees. But it doesn't tire him at all.

            We do  walkies whenever it's not raining or 30 billion degrees. So far all that got me was a cat meowing at the door every single time I try to relax and don't give him my attention. (ps. i ignore the

            meowing and never re-enforce it.)

            2.) Toys and boxes everywhere! I have done my best to give him many points of interest across the house. There are ropes with bells tied on chair legs, there are boxes on the floor for playtime and

            cat scratches so he has a place to practice his sneaking and jumping.. He still bites my hands afterwards even if he is panting super heavy.

            3.) He has free range all over the house during the day, but sleeps in my bedroom with doors shut at night (which he's actually cool with)

- pressing down on cat's tongue: Apparently some cats will stop biting hands if you push down on their tongue when they attempt to bite. Again, I have tried this silly thing throughout an entire day, all I got were some more battle wounds, plus I felt like I was going to make the cat gag.

- Routine feeding times: He is fed twice a day at pretty much the same times, and always has a play session right before so.. He ''hunts'', and then he eats.

NOW, The second thing I'd like to say is that while I love this crazy hyper-puss, I just wish he'd love me back in a way that is pleasant for a human :p

This CAT does show affection in a rather bizarre way though. Several times a day when I am sitting or laying down he will come up to me and and wait until i put my hand in front of his face so he can suckle on my fingers. I know to some this behavior is something that has to stop.. But for me it is TRULY the only time that Milky actually sits in my lap or lays on my tummy and doesn't bite or scratch me. And sure enough AS soon as he is done suckling my fingers - even if he's half asleep doing it - HE NEVER stays on me for a cuddle... He just goes away and passes out somewhere else.

If you made it through this post and have any words of wisdom or encouragement I would be ever so happy. Like I said, I got a lot of time on my hands (i am in the green card process so I am not allowed to work at this time) and I don't mind using up that time to raise a proper non-hand-biting stable cat, before I have to go to work again.

Thankyou <3


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Is there any chance you can adopt another kitten?  In my experience; 2 kittens are much easier than one!  He does sound really high energy; and I bet he'd enjoy having another young one to play with.  

Some of what you are dealing with will just take consistency (and time) I believe.  Kittens need to be able to eat often and as much as they want; so just keep that in mind when you are creating a meal routine.  Generally we recommend ending the play session and ignoring them when they start biting.  Some cats feed off any attention; even negative attention.  You can try to redirect him to a stuffed animal that is similar in size to him and be sure to never use your hands when you play.  A kickeroo style toy might be appealing to him as well.

I hope that is at least somewhat helpful for you.  You are definitely doing right by trying to train his behaviors now.  

Good luck and keep us updated!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 7, 2014
North Carolina
I'll definitely try out the suggestions ... Oh, I've never seen those kickeroo things before - how neat! :) I'll be on a lookout! That looks like it might work. When he was a kitten I hand-sewed a little cat play buddy for him and stuffed it with shredded plastic bags, bits of paper, catnip and bells (pretty much his favourite ''soundmakers'' ) and he was nuts for it. But it's too small for him now so he cant kick at it..

Oh, about the 2x a day feeding times: It's because this cat doesn't know when to stop eating. Ever since I got him he was like that.. I guess the lack of nutrition when he was a baby shows in his over-eating habits. He was at the vet for this behavior too and he was in good health. He's also had all of his parasite tests that were all negative and preventive medications in case it was something. Anyway: he would eat uncontrollably until he would vomit or get the runs - so I started to feed him 2x a day now (morning after playtime and at night after playtime) + treats in between throughout the day (usually I offer treats that I've soaked in plain yoghurt). So, immediately when I started the ''portion control'' and strict feeding times the vomiting and diarrhea completely stopped, so I think I'm gonna stick to this method.. I assure you he is good weight too. His last vet visit was at 3 1/2 months and he was over 5 lbs. :)

And I would LOVE a second cat buddy for him to balance him out (I honestly think that would help since this little guy is SO desperate for a play buddy that will understand his kitty nature, and perhaps teach him things that I can't), but my husband isn't too enthusiastic about it.. I will keep nagging though :D So, if I ever do get the chance to get him a playmate - what goes better with a boy cat? Another boy or a girl.. Or does it not matter if they are both neutered? Would it also help if the second cat would be a little older (wiser) than him, or is that a bad idea? There are so many wonderful cats that are in shelters in my area, and I feel like with an older/adult one - I'll know what I'll be getting :p

Thanks for the tips! :)

Here's the milkman in action:




TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 20, 2014
Oh he looks adorable and I can empathize with what you are going through.

Hugo (the one in my picture - about 10 months now) was pretty much like that. The first month after I adopted him, he was nicknamed "Freddie Kruger" by one of my friends and my co-workers thought I was in some sort of abusive relationship going by my scratched up hands. Needless to say, I didn't sleep much. I agree with you when you mentioned that the lack of mother/sibling interraction might play a role with this and think having a second kitten is a good idea.

However, if the second kitten route is not possible, here are some stuff that I did. Hugo still bites but more of play bite manner rather than full on sink teeth and claws while backpeddling.

1) fresh lemon juice on hands before sleep - they hate it and the kitten will try to bite you till he taste/smells the juice. The downside is that the juice doesn't stay too long on your hands. The other alternative is chilli oil but that is indeed messier.

2) Feliway - I keep one diffuser on in my bedroom and pretty much it

3) Neuter - Hugo got mellower after the snip. Before that, it was just -perseverance-

4) Have you tried Da Bird? I was very skeptical about it and had already prepared all kinds of toys for the kitten when I got him (first cat = overcompensation). I had the laser pointer and other stuff to keep the cat going. I found Da Bird keeps the cat much more active/interested than just the laser pointer.

Feeding times - I think as a kitten, you're supposed to feed them as much as they will eat.

At four months, I was feeding the kitten 3 times a day wet food and a controlled amount of dry for him to snack on through the day (breakfast, after work, before bed). I should say that this will depends on what kind of food (high protein etc?)
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 7, 2014
North Carolina
Anyways, I'll try all of the suggestions and thank you ALL! :)

- Also I have started giving him smaller portions of food throughout the day now. He has both dry and wet food - both are wellness (kitten) brands.

Problem is that he doesn't care for the better quality wet foods and only kinda licks the watery stuff off, then he goes straight for the dry. I know dry food may be an issue with cats, but this

one seems pretty well hydrated.. he drinks water all the time. As for the wet stuff: I've tried various brands and he only likes the jucky-cheap stuff like friskies, which in turn, make him overeat and runny..

But as long as he's on the monitored dry stuff, he's okay.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 20, 2014
Anyways, I'll try all of the suggestions and thank you ALL! :)

- Also I have started giving him smaller portions of food throughout the day now. He has both dry and wet food - both are wellness (kitten) brands.

Problem is that he doesn't care for the better quality wet foods and only kinda licks the watery stuff off, then he goes straight for the dry. I know dry food may be an issue with cats, but this

one seems pretty well hydrated.. he drinks water all the time. As for the wet stuff: I've tried various brands and he only likes the jucky-cheap stuff like friskies, which in turn, make him overeat and runny..

But as long as he's on the monitored dry stuff, he's okay.
Heh... Those gingers.

Well.. remember to get refills for Dabird if need be.  Regarding Feliway, I felt it made Hugo less "cranky" and "bitey when I have it running. I once let it run out and it was nearly back to Freddie Krueger days again. 

On dry/wet, maybe you want to put some toppings of dry food on top of the wet for him to acclimatize to it first. I mixed mine when I first got Hugo. Other than that, Hugo gets 1/4 cup dry that I leave out through the day but he gets wet 2-3 times a day as proper "meals". I usually add a bit of warm water to the wet to make it soupy and also warm it up so it smells a bit stronger.

I think you can find suggestions to transition dry/wet somewhere around here.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 7, 2014
North Carolina
Okay, then that definitely  sounds like something I'd wanna try out!

As for thew food, its trial and error. Heating it up doesn't do the trick, I even tried mixing the wet and dry and he won't touch any of it.. He just gives it a few licks then meows like ''where the heck is my dinner''. Last night I refuse to give him extra dry food cause I thought if he'd really be hungry he would eat it - this morning the dish looked like he never touched it -.-

Anyway, I'm sure I'll find something he'll like.  can always try home-cooked kitty food if everything else fails :p

- Thanks bunchies :)


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
Looks like you have been getting some well tested and useful advice from lucentstreak here, and that the two of you have ginger boys that are flying in the face of ginger boy reputations for being calm and loving cats!  I wish you luck. 

Milky is super gorgeous and very lucky to have been adopted by such an understanding human who is trying to figure out how to communicate and figure him out without loosing patience.   My boy was super active, never sleepy,  had a love for biting, and bouncing at human heads(whether they were sitting or standing) was his idea of fun.   Well he still does the latter but I've kind of got used to it and he's learned not to land fur-belly first in my face....  

I'm pleased to say I came out of the other end of life with a hyper kitty about a year ago and while it was a relief I have to admit I miss his constant activity and silliness.  

Mouse was skittish at times as a youngster, super brave at others,  now super brave and in charge of his home.  I did find Feliway helped calm him but it was more noticeably helpful for when he was left alone and his clinginess when I'd come back in that his boisterous play and biting.  It isn't quick to take effect either.  If you know anyone who has one of the Feliway sprays for use short term like traveling it might give you an idea of whether it has a positive effect before you decide whether or not to go investing in the plug in diffusers.

The most effective things with Mouse were

1. Me getting to know his non verbal communication, those facial expressions - from mischievous, to plotting, to about to hunt, as getting him to learn other ways to get my attention beyond his initial repertoire of biting, jumping up and wrapping himself round my arm or foot and going in for a big kill bunny kicking and chewing.  I did have more success than you with the ignoring, staying still, 'ouch' routine but it took a lot of patience and consistency for him to stop - a good 6 to 9 months gradually getting to know each other,  and me responding to him before he took to the unwanted behaviours.  Basically even MORE play.  

The big toys like Kickeroo are brilliant as you can get more physical with cats that want to play and attack but get them to learn the toy is what they need to bunny kick or bite when they play fight with you.  You can make other big toys by stuffing old worn out socks together, or covering empty plastic juice bottles with them, or using pieces of rag or old towels for chasing after.  You can even use some of these big toys to carry on that game where he has laid on his back, paws up and waiting like in your photo - where when he was little he would do this with his mom and she would pin him down and lock jaws with him and gently bite at his neck (no do not do either of the latter, just pin him down with the big toy and let him bunny kick and chew at it).  

What you have not mentioned is what you do when he gets really hyper, aggressive and can't calm down from biting and jumping at you.  If he does get to this stage I suggest brief time outs until he settles.  You can either do this with you leaving the room for a minute or two, or lifting him and removing him.  He does not sound like a cat that likes to be on his own so as long as you do not make the time so long he doesn't understand it, or use it constantly when he is playing quite normally then hopefully he will get the message.  I still have to use this with Mouse occasionally when I'm making a bed as he gets way over excited fighting with the sheets.  