Hurricane Dorian Approaches


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 6, 2018
They are LOSING THEIR MINDS!!!!! What can I give them to calm them down!!! Seriously It's 3am antics but 24/7 the closer the storm gets.

Heres what's going on.... If you're drinking you may wanna put the glass down...

-Yesterday- I heard what sounded like a child screaming "Help help!" I walk in the kitchen and Heffy has his claw stuck through the chair rungs on a shirt that Piglet is sitting on. Heffy is shouting "Help Help". (He's a VERY VERBAL individual. Like a parrot. lol He's the only really verbal cat I have. So when I heard "Help" I knew who it was. I had NO idea he ACTUALLY needed help lmao) I move the chair move piglet and Heffy is still stuck saying help. Ive caught a monkey with a coconut. I imagine Heffy was messing with Piglet swatting at her and then got stuck. Needless to say Heffy has been the WORST during the storms approach. Hes WAY MORE ACTIVE THAN NORMAL. He also has been humping pillows... he can't find his teddy bear so he has been going after anything he can find. (Socks, pillows, towels..) Like a college kid who was just given 24 hours notice till the end of the world.:banana1: Attacking other cats for no reason. EVEN GOING AFTER BC!!!!!!!
-Murphy has been released from quarantine due to an excellent regimen of Revolution monthly! He is pacing back and forth... then stops.. climbs a wall.. then run in a circle... then goes back to pacing.
-Taz the spaz is EXTRA SPASTIC!! He is running up and down the halls and into a box at the end of the hallway. I mean SLAMS into that box!!! REPEATEDLY!!
-BC is has gone back to bullying the others. As well as pacing.
-Toes won't leave Me ALONE!! He keeps wanting to sit on me no matter where I go. He even tried to hop in the shower with me. WTH?!?! He hates water.
-Even the twin sisters Rocket and Piglet are getting into the insanity! SCRATCHING MY WALLS! They don't do ANYTHING normally. But here they are scratching up my walls.
-Famas is still in kitty Jail (I let her out on the weekends to stretch her legs but she prefers the kennel. She will walk out for 5 minutes and then walks right back in the kennel.) She is the only one acting normal.... she's naturally strange so perhaps her acting normal is how she acts out.
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Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
OH GOODNESS! When you said to set down the water glass, I went one further, and ran to the potty. At my age, that's the safest thing, and just as well that I did!

Sounds like a madhouse. FIND THAT TEDDY BEAR!

I am so sorry that dratted storm is headed at you! I have a son in St. Pete. Are your hatched battened? Supplies laid in? Are you somewhere fairly safe?

Hang in there, and FOR GOODNESS SAKE, as soon as you can, once the storm has passed over, LET US KNOW YOU ARE OK!!!


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
When Feeby feels a barometric pressure change or if it starts to thunder, she will hide - generally underneath our bed. I expect that as this hurricane gets closer to us that is where she will be.

So, I have the opposite from you. But, perhaps if they like hiding at all, you could build them some hiding spots with boxes, blankets/towels with their scent on them and introduce them to these spots to see if they might be interested. Maybe place a few treats in them to get them interested. And, yes, by all means find that teddy bear!!

It is possible if they have a nice little hiding place out of the way that is quiet (at least for now), they might decide it would be a good place to hang out.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
OH Failing kitty Valium, you can TRY to syringe 3 teaspoonfuls of chamomile tea (chilled) down them, 3 times a day. I recommend using the bags from the coffee/tea aisle, since those are all German chamomile. The English kind that grows so often in gardens, is toxic to cats. Just don't get chamomile blended with something else. It will be clearly marked if it is.