Humane society gave my cat fleas???


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Nov 18, 2013
Queens, NYC
Took my cat Gunther, male, 6 months old i'm guessing...(former stray, found in the streets) to get neutered this past Sunday to the humane society of NYC. After waiting about 3 hours and sitting in a waiting room filled with other animals, and some that have just come off the streets, i was told he could not be neutered because he his ring worm hasn't cleared up yet. the "manager" who didn't even have the balls to speak with me face to face told me this over the phone from a different part of the building after the doctor checked him out, told me he was good to go, and then put all the tags on him and his carrier...and LITERALLY TOOK HIM IN AND THEN BROUGHT HIM BACK OUT TO ME (clearly i'm still upset at this...i mean i understand why he can't be neutered, but i don't appreciate how the "manager" was speaking to me like i'm stupid and i don't understand ****)

I bring him home, poor Gunther who's coming of age...(and driving me crazy). having wasted my sunday and missing my class (online classes on sunday) for this. oh wells. 

this morning, i found a flea on him. i FREAKKED OUT because even tho i now have 3 cats, i've NEVER had to deal with fleas. NEVER. all my cats are indoors. and when i brought Gunther home from the streets, he had no fleas. i have given him two flea baths, and checked him. no fleas. Its even on record at the vet's office that he does not have fleas, even upto his last visit (aug 24th). Also the only time he goes out is only to the vets...and we go only by car because he loves to yell while in the carrier.

Could it be possible that he got fleas from the humane society while waiting to be seen and when they brought him in???? we had to wait 3 hours and i kid you not there were 2 people there who had multiple carriers, with stray or feral cats that they brought in off the street, and they were given preference to go ahead of every one else who were waiting (understandably so)...

Has anyone else experienced this with the Humane Society here in NYC? any advise for fleas and getting rid of them from stuff like furniture and bedding??? i don't have carpet, only hard wood floors. is drying my clothes, bedding and curtains on high heat sufficient enough or do they also need to be washed ?? I have only a flea shampoo ATM and i've read about using lavender and tea tree oil on the cats collar that should help...gotta give Gunther another flea bath too...ugh


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Anywhere other animals are/have been can have some fleas hanging around. . .the vet's office, a shelter, any public area, etc. They hop right off one animal and go looking for some new blood. They can even get into your house/apartment on your shoe/clothes, or coming under the door/through cracks. Fleas are sneaky; they can get anywhere.

If you only found one, flea combing the cats every day for a few days should do the trick. I always feel like baths do more harm than good, unless the infestation is really bad. Baths usually stress cats, and stress makes them more vulnerable to parasites and illnesses, plus removing the body oils can benefit the fleas. So that's not my favorite flea control method.

If you're really worried, go ask your vet for a few doses of whatever spot-on your vet thinks works best in your area. It would be worth the cost for you not to worry about it.

Be very careful using essential oils around cats. They don't react well to them for some reason.
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TCS Member
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Super Cat
Nov 18, 2013
Queens, NYC
Anywhere other animals are/have been can have some fleas hanging around. . .the vet's office, a shelter, any public area, etc. They hop right off one animal and go looking for some new blood. They can even get into your house/apartment on your shoe/clothes, or coming under the door/through cracks. Fleas are sneaky; they can get anywhere.

If you only found one, flea combing the cats every day for a few days should do the trick. I always feel like baths do more harm than good, unless the infestation is really bad. Baths usually stress cats, and stress makes them more vulnerable to parasites and illnesses, plus removing the body oils can benefit the fleas. So that's not my favorite flea control method.

If you're really worried, go ask your vet for a few doses of whatever spot-on your vet thinks works best in your area. It would be worth the cost for you not to worry about it.

Be very careful using essential oils around cats. They don't react well to them for some reason.
I will ask my vet...

You're right, i only saw one flea..and i literally saw it for like a quarter of a second and i freaked out..i tried not to yell and show that i was scared to gunther who i was holding..i just gently put him down to go yell in the bathroom lol. bugs make me very squeamish..

but i've only seen one...So I dont think there is an infestation...I'll hold off on the flea bath.

I'll use a flea comb...well...i'll make the boyfriend use it, and worse comes to work give him a flea bath I suppose..i just cant be around that. just thinking about it is giving me goose bumps and i feel like i got stuff crawling on me. 

I'm worried about using flea medication, because i've read that it affects other organs...i'm not the most knowledgeable on this i admit.

Thank you for your advise...

would it be safe to assume that now my other two cats have gotten fleas??? :(

I want to google this stuff..but at the same time i don't because I don't want to read about it..and i don't want to see any pictures...

If i were to go the flea medication route....i just administer the medication and then...let the fleas die and fall off??? do I have to give them a bath? 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
You just put Advantage, or whatever on your vet recommends, on the back of the neck/top of the back where the kitty can't reach it, rub it gently into the skin, wearing gloves, and Bob's your uncle - do you use that expression in America? You must not use a flea collar or any other anti flea stuff while using advantage.
Use it on all your cats.
If you're worried about clothes sheets etc wash them on as hot as possible. You can get flea spray for furniture from supermarkets or wherever you shop.
Good luck. Keep us posted.
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Nov 18, 2013
Queens, NYC
Thanks @Stewball

I'm looking into Advantage II for cats. I called my vet but he's on vacation until before purchasing anything I will speak with him.

From research that me and the BF did, we're starting to come to the conclusion that Advantage II would be the best thing, although a bit pricey, I don't want to risk getting the "cheaper stuff" and end up killing my cats (i've come across some HORRIBLE REVIEWS that broke my heart)

Yesterday, the BF found a Flea on Charlie too...and he freaked out and gave all 3 cats a flea bath.i wasn't home when he did i have NO IDEA how he managed to pull that off...and I walked in during the drying process. all 3 cats were wet and looked traumatized...and the BF looked extra stressed. LOL

I have another question..

all 3 of my cats are indoor only and i literally mean INDOOR ONLY. They only go out for vet appts. Do i have to give them the flea medication every month?? I don't really feel all that comfortable with administering pesticide on them every month...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
I don't think so. Do you check them for fleas every so often? I'd say just keep the advantage handy and check every so often. Are they lap cats? If so it's easy to check while you're stroking them. Unfortunately fleas can be brought it on the bottom of a shoe. My Lotto who died last may age 20 also only indoors..When he was about 19 I noticed him scratching but took no.notice. How could he have fleas. Well he did. Lots. Advantage and the comb soon dealt with that and the house flea spray dealt with the house. So you see even you could bring in a flea but it happened to me after 19 years..:-)


red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
GOOD FOR YOU for researching flea meds and not just putting something cheap and dangerous on your cats!    If you have 3 cats, just buy a 4-pack of the Advantage II for cats and put it on each of them.  (BTW I disagree with @Stewball about the rubbing in.  Follow the package directions.)  It will be oily for 12 hours or so and then will not show at all.  Try not to touch the area.  It tastes terribly bitter and they may foam at the mouth from the initial application but it will not harm them, it is VERY safe!  That will kill not only any existing fleas on them but also any larva if they live long enough to lay eggs, which they probably will not.  The flea life cycle is 3 weeks, so if you get rid of them right away, you will not have an infestation and will not have to treat your whole house. 

And yes, you can get fleas in any area frequented by animals who may have fleas, so certainly ANY waiting room with animals in it is a place your cat could get fleas.  Even assuming the Humane Society washes down its waiting room floors every night with something that will kill fleas, ringworm and anything else that might infect the next day's occupants, the animals that come the next day may bring them in.  Therefore, the next time you bring Gunther in, apply that last vial of Advantage II you will have left in the 4-pack a few days in advance, so he will be protected.  Advantage is one of the few flea products that it is OK to use on an animal that will be having neuter/spay surgery.

I'm not sure what you are doing to clear up his ringworm, but that's very contagious also.  There is an excellent shampoo for it (several brand names of it are available and some seem to be better than others) that includes a combination of chlorhexadine and ketoconazole.  The one we use is


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
I go by what my vet does which is why i suggested the gloves.
i disagree with using the advantage before he goes. I'd use it as soon as he leaves the place.
I've only had 5 cats in the last 20 odd years so I'm sure Red Top Rescue knows far more than me a lowly mad cat woman ;-)
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Nov 18, 2013
Queens, NYC
@Red Top Rescue

thank you for your advise. and quite honestly, what you said here:

"  Even assuming the Humane Society washes down its waiting room floors every night with something that will kill fleas, ringworm and anything else that might infect the next day's occupants, the animals that come the next day may bring them in."

its making me even more pissed about the humane society. They turned Gunther away after he'd been receiving treatment for the ringworm for about a month...saying they could not neuter him saying he would spread it to other animals, and here is poor Gunther, with Fleas...which he got from them...I don't know...could be from some where else...but seriously, the week before he was checked out by the doc and he had NO FLEAS> I'm just really frustrated :(

I'm in the middle of packing, and moving (moving by the end of this month), but it all started with finding this stray cat about 2 months ago...finding out he had ring worm, then getting him treatment, then doing the cat intro's after getting the okay from the vet...and then him starting to come of age...i have not had decent sleep in over 2 weeks...and now the fleas.. lol. I don't know how me and the BF are functioning at this point with the very little amount of sleep we get and the high levels of stress daily with Gunther trying to get out, him yowling day and night, the complaints from my room mates of him yowling, him mounting my girl Jet every chance he gets. lol. i'm just at a loss right now.

From the human society, they prescribed some oral medication...itra-something..the name escapes me...but its liquid/oil and i have to give it to him for 3 weeks, but like, once a day for 1 week..then 1 week off, then another 1week, and another week off, etc. I don't know how effective that's been, because he throws it up 2 out of 3 times. I wasn't prescribed anything to apply topically, so I've been using yeast infection medication, and applying that topically to his sores, and to mine (cus I got it from him. hooray) and that has been helping a lot actually. apparently whatever active ingredient is necessary to kill the spores (anti-fungal) is the same in yeast infection medication, except yeast infection has 2% of the active ingredient, as opposed to lotrimin or whatever else that's similar (that has only 1%). I definitely will buy the shampoo..thanks for that. using the shampoo, how long did it take to completely clear up for the cats you've used it on??
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Nov 18, 2013
Queens, NYC

I've never had to check the cats for fleas, bugs make me sqeamish, that's the BF's department. So in all the time that I've had all 3 cats, I've never had to deal with fleas...

but even 1 week ago the doctor even checked him out and there were no fleas. I have to invest in a flea comb and have the BF thoroughly check all 3 cats. Although I think he may have killed whatever was there with the flea shampoo he used. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
If he wants to go out so badly do you think it's fair to try to turn him into a house cat?
I was waiting to hear you say you'd caught ringworm from him.
I never bathed a cat in my life. I wouldn't know where to start. I've bathed a dog. They don't scratch.
My two are forever washing themselves
and each other.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2013
As far as something inexpensive and safe to give for fleas, you can purchase Capstar over the counter (used to be vet only).  It's a pill that you give once and it works for 24 hours.  It's one of the safest flea meds out there, and often used together with topicals like Advantage, Revolution, etc.
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Nov 18, 2013
Queens, NYC
The only reason he's dying to go out is because he's maturing sexually and he's trying to find another cat to mate with. He's only like this at night I've noticed, and not much during the day.

To be honest, I didn't ask for this cat period. lol. he was a stray kitten i found while I was out with my family. He almost followed me into the street, which made me worry about him. I brought him home, bathed and fed him. Initially i wanted to just drop him off at a shelter or find someone from my friends circle to take him in, but he was the sweetest cat, and still is (sometimes), the BF and i fell in love with him and decided to keep him. Everything was great. between us, and Gunther, and my two cats, and things expectedly went down hill when he started to go through cat puberty.

Can't let him out of the house, don't know if he'll ever return. He might just go away for forever, or get attacked by the many stray/feral cats in my neighborhood, get hit by a car, get attacked by a dog, etc etc..the list goes on and on..that's why i don't let him out. 
As far as something inexpensive and safe to give for fleas, you can purchase Capstar over the counter (used to be vet only).  It's a pill that you give once and it works for 24 hours.  It's one of the safest flea meds out there, and often used together with topicals like Advantage, Revolution, etc.
Thanks for the recommendation. From what i've found online, doesn't that only kill adult fleas?? Also, Gunther throws up most oral meds given to him :( The BF gave all 3 cats a flea bath yesterday, so I'm going to have to wait to see what the situation is tomorrow, and after speaking to my vet i'll take a course of action...most likely i might buy the advantage II


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
Don't expect a change immediately after the operationew but he should calm down. 20 years ago Lotto was done age 3 months. I got whisky the siamese age 8 months, a throw away cat, and he was dome about a month later. Blighty came to me also from the street age 2 months. He was done age about 4-5 months. I've never seen them in that situation.

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
I'd be glad to share really easy cat bathing instructions.  Step one is to clip all 18 claws.  I won't fill up this thread with it but can send in a private message.  (I keep it in a Word file on my computer.)

The medicine you are using is Itraconozole.  Here is the vetinfo on it:  At least one person has said to use the brand name Sporanox itraconozole, not the generic.  If they are using the generic, that may be one reason he is throwing up. He may also be sensitive to it.  Your vet may want to switch to generic Lamisil (terbinafine), which is relatively new. It is also effective, less expensive, safer, and you only need to dose for 2 weeks.

Throwing it up is not good, and that might explain why he hasn't cleared the ringworm in the time they expected.  You should always check any drugs you are using on your cats with so you will know what side effects to watch for and also if there are things you should not use in combination with whatever medicine he is taking.  The shampoo I told you about is fine to use in combination with the internal drug and it works very fast.  My friend said hers cleared up in 5 days when nothing else had worked.  You can use it on your spots too, and you are right, using the yeast infection medicine for the spots is good.  I think the KetaChlor shampoo will be even better because it's a fungus and it puts out spores, and the shampoo gets rid of the spores. Lime sulfur dips used to be the best topical treatment but my friend is delighted with the KetaChlor because it has worked when the lime sulfur dips failed AND it doesn't stink like the lime sulfur dips.

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Locked="false" Priority="63" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 1 Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="64" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Shading 2 Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="65" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 1 Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Dark List Accent 4"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" 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Name="Medium List 1 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="66" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium List 2 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="67" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 1 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="68" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Dark List Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful List Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 5"/> <w:LsdException 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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2013
Thanks for the recommendation. From what i've found online, doesn't that only kill adult fleas?? Also, Gunther throws up most oral meds given to him :( The BF gave all 3 cats a flea bath yesterday, so I'm going to have to wait to see what the situation is tomorrow, and after speaking to my vet i'll take a course of action...most likely i might buy the advantage II
It does kill only adult fleas, yes.  But it might be nice to have on hand when he returns home after neutering, before fleas can lay eggs and really become a problem.

@Red Top Rescue, I think the full length word doc might help lurkers too.  Just thinking out loud.

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
You would probably be fine with the normal cat sized ones.  You aren't infested with fleas and they are not generally exposed to them.  In rescue we always get the extra large dog size and measure doses with a 1 ml. syringe for the cats.  Oddly enough, it costs about the same for a 4-pack of either one, only there is 10 times as much in an extra large dog vial as there is in a normal size cat vial. 

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
Alternatively, get the larger size, use one on each of the 10-lb cats and about half of one on the small cat.  The dose for an average cat is 0.4 ml, for 10 lbs and over is 0.8 ml.  In truth, there is not a sudden break in the exact dosage where a 9 lb cat would get 0.4 and a 10 lb. cat would get 0.8 because it's actually based on a certain amount per pound so exact dosage would be a rising line, not a sudden step, if you get my meaning.  Since I measure mine, I usually give kittens 0.25 ml, small cats (5-6 lbs) 0.4 ml, average cats (7-8 lbs) 0.6 ml., and my big cats  (8-9 lbs.) 0.8 ml. (each of them weighs about 11-12 lbs.) I don't have any HUGE cats (i.e. Maine Coon types) but they would get 1.0 ml. if I had any.
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TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 14, 2014
I wouldn't recommend you giving the cats more flea baths, because the active ingredients in those flea shampoos are also irritating to the skin. They dry out your cats protective skin coat, and may cause itching and rashes and other allergic reactions, then it will look like the cats got more fleas scratching themselves even more, and they may even become ill from frequent flea baths.

What you would need is a Capstar pill orally to each cat - kills all adult fleas within 24 hours, and that is important, because an adult flea starts lying eggs right after it has had a blood meal, both on your cats and anywhere, so we have to kill the adults as soon as possible.

Together with Capstar you can also use Advantage or Revolution topically on each cat. These are long term working meds, they get into your cat's blood stream and stay active for about 30 days, so if any fleas hatch from existing eggs, they will try and get a meal on your cat, and get knocked out by the meds in his blood. They will then fall of off the cat and slowly die, or moving slowly in his fur, dying and out of stand to lie eggs so you won't get new fleas hatching around in the house. That would be your biggest concern, cause if they can't feed of off your cats, they will jump on you. You are not their preferred host, but you will do in lack of a fresh cat blood, and for each happy flea you will get plenty eggs and new fleas, and a flea infestation in the home is a nightmare - I went through this once with my cats, several weeks of flea war in the home, made me paranoid to this day. 

Thus it is important to "disarm" the existing asap.

It is good you discovered it so soon, so you won't have to go through the whole dance vacuuming twice a day and treating the house with heavy duty poisoning stuff.

You can wash the bed linens and cat beds if possible in hot water, if not then tumble dry on hot, that should kill them.

Then it should be ok just combing the cats and removing what is left. After applying topical meds you may still find fleas on the floor and on the cats, but dont't freak out ;)

As long as they don't move, or move slowly but don't jump, they are in agony stage, your cats are safe and the meds work.

I would recommend Revolution, as it also treats and controls roundworms and hookworms, ear mites, and prevents flea eggs from hatching. The other I do not know much about, but sure your vet knows.

I agree with you, it is not fun applying toxins into your cats' blood, but this is an emergency.

Your cats are lucky they have you and get all the best a cat can wish, good luck 
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