How to save my cat from nasty neighbour


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 30, 2012
I am very tensed these days. My one year old cat sneaked out about four days ago at night from my terrace wall (as here power goes for many hours during summers and it is very hot and we cannot sleep inside the house so we go to our terrace and sleep under the sky). My cat jumped the terrace wall and went to the neighbours terrace and then climbed down inside their house. Early morning I found my cat coming home bleeding from nose and injury in leg. I thought he might have jumped high and hit something on the ground. I soothed him with ice pack and he was fine by evening eating and playing with other kitten. Next day he went again to their area at night and I was not able to find him till late morning. I thought to peep inside their house and I saw my neighbour at the door. I asked her whether she had seen my cat. She denied and said that she is not that time waster like me to look after cats. Hearing her speak her husband too came out and rudely said that they are not here for cats and that my cat should not come even  near their boundary. I came back to my house and thought maybe my cat might have run away somewhere far. So I searched everywhere in my locality but couldnt find him. It was now 18 hours and my cat was without food and water. As it is very hot here he drinks lots of water. I was helpless and felt like crying seeing the scorching sun outside and thought about my precious baby without water for so many hours. My intution once again made me feel like he might be in that rude neighbours house. I talked to my mom and asked her to accompany me to the neighbours house once again. We both went to her gate but she refused to let us in. I begged her politely and said ok fine my cat is not at your place but I would wish to call his name from your gate. She never has ever kept pets and laughed at me. She opened the gate but strictly warned me not to enter her house. My mom began to talk to her and tried to explain to her that cats too have souls like us and are creatures of God. As my mom was talking to her I slowly kept walking to her main door. And reaching the door I pushed inside and ran into her house. She shouted and ran after me. I began to call my cat's name loudly ignoring that woman's voice. I went from one room to another then I climbed her second floor and saw that all rooms were locked. I again called my cat's name and to my surprise I heard a very frail meow. I looked towards each locked room and located the room where the voice was coming. I banged the door and opened it with full force and found my cat locked inside that room. He had bruises on his face and was very muddy, thin and dehydrated with his panting tongue out. I took him on my lap and ran outside calling my mom to get out from their house. That lady was shocked and taken aback as how I dared to opened the door. As we both ran to our house she yelled that if my cat would come again she will kill her.

I am very worried now. Though I have kept my cat inside and I am myself sacrificing by sleeping downstairs without electricity without fan and cooler and in darkness at night. Not even opening any door or window so that he might not escape again as he will be killed now by that nasty neighbour.

Please advise:

Should I change my house. This is our own house but should we move somewhere else on rent so that my cats are safe. I do not know what to do. Please suggest. here people are not good towards animals especially cats. And there is no law to listen to me.

My friends say to take a rented house at some other place and live with the cats far from this neighbour. Please tell me what should I do.

Thanks once again.


TCS Member
May 21, 2013
Amsterdam, Noord Holland
Unfortunately I think the only advice I can give you is to keep the cat inside at all times.  While your neighbor sounds like a very nasty person, I believe that she may well be within her rights in your country (even in the USA, if someone wants to trap a cat on their property and give it to animal control that is legal, though I don't think what you described would be). I understand it is very hot there and this is not ideal for your kitty, but I think you have to keep her inside.  Is there any way to keep her definitely fenced in on the terrace area?


TCS Member
May 5, 2012
Waldron, Arkansas
I don't know how old you are or where you live, but I mostly agree with Melesine. You could call the police or SPCA (or your local equivalent) and file a complaint. Even if the law lets them trap your cat on their property, what they did to her is animal cruelty. And threatening to kill her is surely against the law. However, when you pushed your way into her house, you committed breaking and entering, which is a more serious crime than animal cruelty in most places.

That said, you do not want to get into a long-term squabble with neighbors that live that close. You may have to keep her in something she can't get out of, like a large cage. Or getting her a harness and leash to keep her close to you.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 21, 2013
Trapping a cat may be legal but beating a cat in the U.S. is a crime of animal cruelty. If you are outside the U.S.please call PETA and they will have advice on what legal actions you can take. I know people will hate on PETA but they will take all animal abuse emails seriously and help you take action.
If you are in U.S. call the police, humane society, and file both criminal charges and small claims case for medical bills.
Call now while you can prove his injuries!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 28, 2005
Urbana, IL
I have seen on the TV show My Cat From Hell, that there is some kind of fencing material that is at a 45 degree angle, that a cat cannot climb over, but I can't remember what it's called? Anybody else watch the show and know what it is?

While your neighbors shouldn't be mistreating your cat, not everyone likes cats, and they do have a right not to have your cat on their property. 

Not sure how helpful PETA would be. From what I understand, they oppose all pet ownership, but I might be misinformed.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 21, 2013
I have seen on the TV show My Cat From Hell, that there is some kind of fencing material that is at a 45 degree angle, that a cat cannot climb over, but I can't remember what it's called? Anybody else watch the show and know what it is?

While your neighbors shouldn't be mistreating your cat, not everyone likes cats, and they do have a right not to have your cat on their property. 

Not sure how helpful PETA would be. From what I understand, they oppose all pet ownership, but I might be misinformed.
You are somewhat misinformed. Yes in animal rights it is believed that it would be better if animals were never domesticated at all but it is our responsibility to care for animals and be a guardian to them. Every veg person I know has pets. They have been domesticated and need our help and protection. People always say that about PETA but I think it gets exaggerated and distorted.
I don't agree with every PETA stance but they will help animals in need. They sent me tons of info on helping chained dogs in my old neighborhood and pushed to get a pet store here closed when cruelty and illegal euthanasia was being done there.
Sorry just wanted to put that out there. Not trying to be preachy just saying I am veg, believe in animal rights, and I love my cats they make my life better. I will always care for them even though I do believe it would have been better if they were never domesticated in the first place. I know not everyone shares this ideal but I do think that PETA and HSUS do want to help animals.
Sorry not trying to hijack the thread or start a debate. I just would make these people go through as much trouble as legally possible.
Sure they have the right to not have the cat on their property but are still wrong in beating and slowly torturing a defenseless animal. You do need to keep the cat inside until you are sure he can go out safely in an enclosure.

furmonster mom

Lap #2
Top Cat
Jun 14, 2013
Mohave Desert
First of all, I am so sorry you have such a nasty neighbor.  In the US, our pets are still regarded as property, so while they have a right to trap animals on their property, holding the cat in a locked room would constitute theft.  Their treatment of the cat would constitute animal cruelty.  Unfortunately, they could also report you for breaking and entering, even if it was to retrieve your stolen property.

I agree with everyone who says to keep kitty inside until you can work out a better solution.
I have seen on the TV show My Cat From Hell, that there is some kind of fencing material that is at a 45 degree angle, that a cat cannot climb over, but I can't remember what it's called?...

Not sure how helpful PETA would be. From what I understand, they oppose all pet ownership, but I might be misinformed.
I did a quick search for "cat fencing barrier" and came up with at least 3 sites that offer fencing and conversion fencing.  I'm not sure, but it seems that there would be a minimum height, or a cat would just jump on top of it.

Here are the sites:

Animal Network

Deer Busters


As for PETA... it is also my understanding that they are opposed to any kind of domestication of animals.  Makes no sense, really, since studies have come out pointing to animal domestication as far back as 10,000 years. 
  I'd steer clear of that group, personally.
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 21, 2013
See I knew by mentioning PETA people would start throwing shade 
 . I suggested to call them because they do work internationally and are knowledgable about legal options in many countries where as HSUS is not. You can contact any other agency that you think can help you. I just wasn't sure where the OP is located.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Could you get some fishing net to put over the windows so you could at least open them? Would it be possible to use some wood and chicken wire or metal fencing to build an enclosure/cage which your cat could sleep in on the terrace at night? There are some pictures of both large and small enclosures here that might give you some ideas.

Note to our members: This new member lives in Asia.

furmonster mom

Lap #2
Top Cat
Jun 14, 2013
Mohave Desert
Thank you for clarifying, it explains a few things. 

With this information, I'm guessing the differences in architecture may mean that the fencing conversions may not be the ideal solution after all.  The enclosures are nice, though.  Hopefully Winkie can take away some good ideas.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2013
As far as cooling your room, a bowl of ice with a fan blowing over the top of it might help keep you and kitty cool. Obviously I mean a battery operated fan.

Keep your kitty inside, that neighbor is going to really hurt your kitty.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Aug 30, 2012
Thanks all for listening to me and giving me suggestions. I am trying for fencing my terrace wall. Though the wall is high enough about 10 feet but he jumps more than that.

Thanks so much furmonster mom for giving the idea for fencing and sending me links.

As we are new to this place we recently shifted here about four months ago so we dont know much about our neighbours. Yesterday evening I went to my front door neighbour who are bit kind towards my cats and told them about everthing that happened and they felt very sad and sorry. They then informed me that no one talks with that rude woman and man. And that they had shot their daughter few years back and escaped the law saying that she committed suicide. Now this has made us more worried. If they were so cruel towards their own child then how can they have sympathy for my cat.

I thank few members who suggested to call the police. But unfortunately here in India there is no law that works. Police is just for namesake. If you ever read the news from India you will be surprised that there are so many crimes which police see and witness but do nothing. Infact police and lawyers are involved in the crimes. They are all just for money making. Hundreds of girls are raped daily. Children especially girls are raped, killed or burnt alive. The crime against animals go unnoticed. There are many crimes and abuses against animals but no voice is heard. Where people's voice is not heard how can they give concern to animals. If one reports to police about any crime the irony is that same police people harrass the victim.

As far as PETA is concerned here in India they are just for namesake. They just want their photos to be published in media and that they are awarded and honoured for no fruitful work. Same with PFA (people for animals).

Anyway it has been three nights I have not slept. I just take a nap in the noon time for an hour. I am totally exhausted. I wish my cats to be safe.  On my earlier posts I had mentioned that my cat's mom was killed by dogs and he was too young. I took care of him since his birth. He is my precious and loving kid.

Thanks once again to all.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 21, 2013
Aww I wish you good luck. Unfortunately laws vary around the world. Just keep him inside until you can figure out a way to make an enclosure. It is not shocking to me that someone so violent to a cat would also choose violence towards people, but their daughter. Wow. Stay safe over there you and kitty.
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