How to calorie count for cats?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2012
I give my cat wellness, and natural balance, one can a day. i bought some indoor formula to give her a couple of times a week.

i also changed her snacks from 2 calories each to 1 calorie each. but i want to figure out how many to leave her out at night. I know most people will tell me not to give her any snacks. but it helps her last longer at night without hunger, if i leave her just a few.

so how can i figure out how many i can give her? I am also starting to exercise her 10-15 mins a day with a toy.

Shes not obese, shes just a little chunky, and i figure its better to worry for her health now, rather than when it is an issue.

Shes 12 lbs only now, but the vet said 9-9.5 lbs would be much healthier for Kitty.

Any advice would be appreciate, ive never had to help an animal lose weight before. lol


TCS Member
Apr 2, 2010
Annapolis, MD
You're a good mommy to be concerned about your cat's weight.

Calories of canned foods are usually listed on the can or online; for example, Wellness Chicken has 120 calories in a 3 oz can.

Cats need any where from 15 to 30 calories per pound, depending on activity level and age, say 20 calories per pound to maintain.  You should decrease caloric intake slowly, around 10%.

Somewhat counter-intuitive (to me, the human at least), cats can lose weight by decreasing portion size but increasing fat; cats need more fat than humans.  And of course don't free feed and ditch the kibble if you haven't already.

Regarding treats, you could combine weight loss with exercise by:  putting the treat in a treat ball, your cat will have to roll around the ball to get the treat.  Or, with your cat near you, throw the treat far away so your cat will have to run to get it.

I am learning with Ritz--who also needs to lose a little weight--that not every meow means FEED ME.  And, don't give in, no matter how much they beg.