How to calm stressed out kitty during holidays with family visiting.


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 31, 2012
Good day all!

Is there any good ways to relieve some of the stress my cat will experience during the holidays if family comes to visit? My dad and his fiancee was here for one evening this past weekend and Rasberry, although enjoying the attention, was freaking out a bit when she realised they are sleeping over and the apartment is in disarray with the furniture moved to make space for the blow-up matrass. I felt so sorry for her, but it's not like I could just tell my dad to go to a hotel instead. That would be rude. She was clearly stressed, ran around, even trying to tear the carpeting near the bathroom entrance. I told them she's just excitable, can't really say she's misbehaving because they are there, that would be rude too. I never want her to go through that again, so from now we will, as far as possible avoid having people sleep over, even if it is just for one night. Obviously it will be difficult to avoid, especially if it's parents, but we don't have a choice. It's her home first of all, she should feel safe.

Is there any good ideas I can use to keep her calm in the case this happens again and the situation is unavoidable? It doesn't happen often, in fact, only happened once since my fiance and I moved in together 2 years ago. Diffusers are a bit expensive here, so I'd first like to try alternative methods, but otherwise I'll have to buy one of those. Thanks in advance for all the help! :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
I was going to first recommend the feliway plug in diffusers. They really help, for many cats. You can get them on Amazon for a good price.

Rescue Remedy for pets is another option. It is a calming tincture, very safe. I have never used it, but know people who swear by it. You put a few drops in her food, or rub a few drops along her face and onto the inside of the ear flap. (upper part of ear)

Make sure she has an elevated space to perch on, and a Safe Spot to hide in.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I second the safe spots.  My 2 are pretty antisocial but they have places to hide and if need be I move their food and things to a place they feel safe.  In our old house it was the master bathroom since our guests did not use this and it was a decent size room.  We have family stay sometimes as much as 3 or 4 times a year.  After the first day they calm down and come out more.  

I used a diffuser when my cats had to go stay with my family while we were away once.  I do think it helped; though it says they take time to work so you need to start using it enough in advance.  I still think it helped even though we didn't get to do that.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 31, 2012
Thank you for the ideas! I'll shop around for a diffuser again, check some websites. Maybe I'll get lucky this time. :)

She has her safe spots where she just hides away from the world, but I think with the family coming over she couldn't get to her various spots. Or she didn't think of it? I don't know. Because, apart from the hideouts in the rest of the apartment, she's also quite fond of our bedroom, and it's quite private so she could've stayed in there but she didn't bother, so I don't know. But she was really irritated.

I'll look for the Rescue Remedy as well, I've never seen it before and I don't know if it's available in my country but I'll be able to order that online too right?

One thing I do know can be a problem is high places for her to overlook on what is happening. I found the coolest idea from pet furnishers here in Cape Town; they make shelves (carpeted of course) especially for cats. It's really brilliant. I want to do something like that, but we'll first have to get permission from the landlord. That shouldn't be too much of a biggy though. :) The woes of renting lol!

Thank you once again for the cool ideas. :) It is much appreciated.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 1, 2012
St John's wort is also supposed to reduce anxiety.  I've never tried it, though.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
My vet recommends something called Composure.  It's in the form of a treat, you give once a day.  Supposed to help with anxiety in cats.  I can't say how well it works or if it works, though. 

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