How to calm a kitten after spay?? I've tried everything I can


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 18, 2022
Hey guys, I originally posted this prematurely so I'm posting again after editing.

I adopted a kitten last Thursday from a local shelter, and she was spayed about two days before that. Her incision looked not great and there was a lump under it, and when I took her to the vet Saturday they said she most likely has a seroma. They advised I keep her calm in a small room or large crate/carrier but she is a SUPER active kitty, like genuinely I can't calm her down. I have no extra room to put her in so I got an extra large dog crate first, but she just continued to scale the grates and jump to the top of it and dangle from it. Instead, today I got a large dog carrier that still fits her litter box, food, and water as advised but she still will not stop playing and trying to run around. I've been trying not to let her out except to give her some love every couple of hours, but at this point, I can't tell if being cooped up is making her crazier. This is day 3 in a crate/carrier and she is showing no signs of getting used to it.

I got gabapentin from my vet yesterday who said it might calm her down, but somehow it is only making her more hyperactive, almost worse than before. I've seen online that though extremely uncommon, some pets may have the opposite effects of gabapentin, and of course, my little Phoebe does. I called the vet and they said to keep trying for another couple of days but if it really is making her more excited, to stop giving it to her. Last night, we were up until 3 am because she was rolling and thudding around in her carrier, throwing her litter everywhere, and spilling her water from jumping around. She also keeps stretching up the carrier and I have no idea how to stop her from doing that either. I tried taking some of those things out when she was sleeping/calmer but she is getting over a bout of diarrhea from a bad food reaction as well so I hesitate to take anything out for too long.

I'm just so exhausted and nothing seems to be working, and her crying all the time is breaking my heart. If anyone has any advice I will gladly take it because she is only agitating her seroma and I worry it might open her incision, or just take forever to go away. Please help if you know anything!
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Adult Cat
Sep 18, 2022
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Sep 18, 2022
What happens if you hold her near to your body? Is she still squirmy or does she calm down?
She is calm at first and then after like 30 seconds she squirms. Is that bad??


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Apr 29, 2022
If you can get her playing a calmer game maybe where she's just pushing her feet under something? This helped us with Magnus.

Can try cat TV and the like to see if that keeps her attention and perhaps something like a lick mat or a treat ball?

How does she respond to catnip or silvervine?
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 18, 2022
If you can get her playing a calmer game maybe where she's just pushing her feet under something? This helped us with Magnus.

Can try cat TV and the like to see if that keeps her attention and perhaps something like a lick mat or a treat ball?

How does she respond to catnip or silvervine?
i can definitely try that!! she does tend to kick while playing, so ill try to do something more still with one of her toys and keep it in front of her so she'll use her front paws.

i have been watching videos in my computer while next to her crate and she seems to like watching along so i know that helps, but she's having some tummy issues right now and on a somewhat strict diet/medication so i'm not sure about treats- i can definitely ask my vet tomorrow though if theres something i can do!

as for catnip i have yet to try that or anything similar, ive been watching them like a hawk and havent been able to leave them alone because of her activity. i can definitely see tomorrow if i can have something same day delivered! given her reaction ti the gabapentin, who knows if she'll chill or freak out but it can't hurt to try it.
thanks so much for your advice!!! :)

silent meowlook

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Nov 10, 2014
How much Gabapentin did you give? I would continue with the Gabapentin and keep her in the crate. Does she have an E-Collar on?
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 18, 2022
How much Gabapentin did you give? I would continue with the Gabapentin and keep her in the crate. Does she have an E-Collar on?
I've been giving .2 mls every 12 hours per my vet, and even after this morning's dose, she's going crazy again. She's even begun eating the paper litter pellets so I've had to take those out too, and I'll just try to put her in the bathroom with it once every hour in case she needs it. She had a cone and collar for about 5 minutes and pulled them right off (she's extremely tiny), so I put a cheap sock on her and that lasted a while until she started licking it and fraying the fabric (possibly eating it). I'm so exhausted and I have no idea what to do, I called my vet about Feliway to see if maybe I can use that to calm her down.

I also forgot to mention in my original post that I have another kitten, the same age and the same litter, and I have no space to separate and watch them at the same time. His presence is definitely not helping, I know, but I have nowhere I can put him away from the crate, I've already tried a blanket over the crate but it just makes her jump up and bat it/chew it through the crate. I have no idea what to do.
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  • #13


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Sep 18, 2022
How is the seroma? Is it decreasing, or since she's such a challenging baby, can they maybe drain it?
it doesn't seem to be getting bigger but if it is i can't tell, it's definitely not getting any smaller though. my vet hasn't recommended draining it or anything like that, i think it might be a last resort since she was spayed so recently (just my guess). i'm waiting on a call back from them so i'll try to bring it up as an option. in the mean time, i actually was recommended a vet that does medical boarding and i just dropped her off, they have techs that will watch her 24/7 until her seroma is down. it's the only thing i could think of, but she's a brave kitty so i know she will be fine. thanks so much for your advice/help! i really appreciate it :)


TCS Member
Sep 24, 2022
Just wanted to say I’m in the same boat. 5.5 month yo kitten, and I got her spayed on Tuesday. Vet gave us gabapentin for her to take every 8 hours (0.5mgl) with a paper e-collar. I was totally unprepared for the chaos that would ensue after I brought her home. Like your Phoebe, my kitten Inky was super hyperactive as soon as she got home. I could clearly tell she was drugged because she would be loopy whenever she climbed on my bed frame or the windowsill.
The Vet was adamant about keeping her confined with minimal jumping and running, but it’s been impossible. I initially confined her to my room, and she would jump as high as she could to let out. I gave her gabapentin until Thursday afternoon because like Phoebe, the medication was definitely having the opposite effect. She’s been waaay more hyper after spay than she was pre spay. I took her off the meds and she was a bit of her normal self, but she would still have these crazy zoomies. It’s been 5 days but she’s still not used to the cone and would still go crazy trying to take it off. I don’t know why I’m venting here but I guess I wanted to give you some reassurance that you are not alone. I can’t wait until the vet gives us the go to take off her cone.
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 18, 2022
I don’t know why I’m venting here but I guess I wanted to give you some reassurance that you are not alone. I can’t wait until the vet gives us the go to take off her cone.
I really appreciate your reply, it's nice to know I'm not the only one with a super wild child :,) I ended up medically boarding Phoebs to keep her from hurting herself, and when I called today they told me her seroma is almost gone so she can come home on Wednesday! Definitely a very tough period, but all I know is that you're doing great! Hopefully you are still sane and your Inky is doing much better :)