How To Boost The Confidence Of A Cat?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 27, 2015
our cat Daisy is 2 years old, she got the biggest body size among our 5 cats, however, she sure is at the bottom of hierarchy. She is super sweet, actually the only cat I can hold however and whatever way I want, never scratch anyone. All our other cats are friendly but they sure complain if they do not like the way they are being held

however, Daisy is big cat has zero confidence, basically everyone can bully her, she spend 99% of her time sleep in her spot, which is the highest bed on the cat tree. I am not saying all our cats love each other, but they can co-exist, and none of them are very mean cat. when we are in the sitting room, all the cats will come out sitting around us, one by one, however, daisy never does that, she just hide in her spot, occasionally she come out to eat or sit around me let me pet her and purring like mad

when she is confronted by another cat, all she does is run and hide, this always trig the attack behavior from others. None of our cats are actually aggressive, if she just stand still, other cats will ignore her and walk away, she just never been able to stand up for herself, even tiniest kitten know to growl if it does not like whoever stand in front of it.

Interestingly, Daisy always like kittens, normally adult cats ignore kittens, but Daisy will play with them and running around like mad with them, it is funny to see a big cat with such big body play with tiny kittens.

originally we think given sometime, she will be better, but almost 2 years now, she is still same, I wonder if there anything we can do to help her


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
We have a couple of very good articles on dealing with shy or timid cats. I'm going to give you the links for them. The more places Daisy has where she can look at what's going on without being bothered by the other cats, the better!

16 Top Cat Experts Share Tips For Dealing With Timid Cats
10 Must-know Tips For Happy Living With A Shy Cat
How To Get A Cat To Come Out Of Hiding?
Six Surefire Strategies To Reduce Stress In Cats

OK, it was a couple of couples! But I thought those last two might be handy as well! Keep me posted on how she does.