How long will it take my cats hormones to balance out after getting spayed?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 15, 2022
So here’s the story. I needed to spay my cat but the vet said no (that’s another story in another thread) so my cat got ‘pregnant’ and I was going to plan another appointment for her to get spayed after she gave birth since I couldn’t find any vets to spay her within her first few weeks of pregnancy. She was acting normal for a pregnant cat and 3 weeks ago started being super aggressive to all my other cats and dogs. I just thought it was from pregnancy hormones so I ignored it for the first week but by the second week she was being so aggressive to my other cats that my youngest kitten was becoming really scared of her. I was luckily able to separate her and just kept her separate until I expected her to give birth. Well her due date came and instead of going into labor she went into heat. So turns out she either had a phantom pregnancy or a miscarriage. So I called the vet and scheduled a spay appointment for January 10th at the same time as my kittens spay surgery.

The problem is that I let her back out to the rest of my cats after her heat cycle was over but she was still being super aggressive. Picking fights for no reason, growling at the mere sight of my other cats, growing when I carry her around, hissing and swatting my cats when they got too close. It was way too aggressive. Her normal behavior is that she is super extroverted, friendly, playful, and loves all my other cats. So her entire aggressive mood has been totally unusual. So I locked her in a dog crate because I’m worried for my youngest kitten (she is literally terrified of this cat now and they used to be bffs up until this month). And yesterday I took her to vet to make sure there isn’t a hidden health issue causing her to be aggressive.

Well the vet looked at her and said she looks perfectly healthy and most likely it was just a false pregnancy causing her hormones to be all over the place. She said there’s a chance there is some type of infection or fluid buildup but most likely that’s not it, and she said that whatever the problem is, it should get cleared up after she gets spayed. If it’s an infection, it will be dealt with during surgery, if it’s a fetus that wasn’t absorbed it will be removed during surgery, or if it’s just her hormones she will return to normal after getting spayed. She gave me some gabapentin to give her once a day until the surgery so I’ve been giving it to my cat but it hasn’t made her any less aggressive to my other cats.

She is locked in a dog crate now but this is her reaction to seeing any of my cats:

Neutered adult male: tolerates him
Intact male kitten: growls at the sight of him
Spayed adult female: growls at the sight of her
Intact female kitten: growls at the sight of her (and now the kitten is terrified)

And for all these situations, she also hisses if they get closer but since she is in a crate they usually stay away from her except the two males because they just ignore her.

It’s still another 9 days until she gets spayed. So after that, how long will it take her hormones to calm down, assuming this is simply a hormone issue from her ‘pregnancy’? She used to be bffs with all my cats and absolutely loved playing with them and cuddling and sleeping with them and now she’s completely hostile and mean to them. I feel so bad watching this happen and I especially feel bad for the kitten and I’m worried that this has ruined their relationship forever. I’m wondering how long after her surgery I can expect it to take before she becomes her normal friendly self again, and if she doesn’t stop being aggressive, how long I should wait before considering going to another vet to look at her.


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I am guessing it can take at least a couple of weeks for the hormones to clear, but I have also heard others say maybe as much as a month. I hope they are checking her out with a full exam and blood work to see if there might be something else causing her behavior.

Is there somewhere else besides a crate that you could keep her - a spare room with a door? I am sure the crate can't be the most pleasant of experiences either and may be making her demeanor worse.
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  • #3


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 15, 2022
I've been keeping her in a separate room these past few weeks, so she wasn't confined to a crate this entire time if thats what you're thinking. But I'm not able to use that room anymore and the only other option I have is a 4x6 run, but that is also being used right now to quarantine some new chickens I got. I will be able to move her to the larger run in a few days but for now she has to stay in the crate. It's an xl crate so it's not tiny but obviously not the most comfortable either.

Honestly the vet didn't seem very concerned at all. She gave her a physical examination and said she looked perfectly healthy. I don't know whether I should be comforted by her lack of concern because that would mean it's nothing serious, or if I should be concerned that she didn't want to run any tests. That's why I'm thinking if my cat doesn't stop being aggressive after getting spayed, I will go to a different vet for a different opinion.

So based on your comment though, I should probably give it about a month after getting spayed to see if her behavior changes, right? And if nothing changes after a month then I should consider getting her looked at again, right?


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
It might not take a month; you may see a positive change sooner. But certainly, if the spaying doesn't calm her down, the vet is going to have to do some additional testing to see if anything else can be pinpointed. I hope the spaying takes care of it, and she returns to her 'old' self.

Also, she may need more than one dose of a day of gabapentin. I don't think that med lasts as long as 24 hours. You might ask the vet about this.
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 15, 2022
The vet told me to do .8ml of liquid gabapentin once a day. She is 7.4 lbs. I was also confused why she said once a day because my dog has been prescribed gabapentin before and the instructions for him was twice a day. But I didn't ask because I thought that maybe it was different for cats.

Do I just split the dose in half and give her .4ml twice a day, or is it supposed to be .8ml twice per day? i dont want to overdo it but also need it to be affective. Today a few hours after I gave her some I brought my kitten over to see how she would react and for the first time since she became aggressive she didn't growl at the sight of the kitten, but when i let her sniff my hand to get the kittens scent she started growling again so I took the kitten away. So I think the gabapentin might be helping at least a little bit, at least a few hours after I give it to her in the morning.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I would ask the vet about how much to give if changing her from once a day to twice a day. Just tell them that it appears to work for a while but not for 24 hours. There are cats who get gabapentin twice - sometimes even 3 - times a day. The vet may suggest starting with half a dose twice a day and see what happens, but I don't know that for sure.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 15, 2022
I have updates and more questions:

I moved my cat to a run outside so that she could have more space and also so that she could be around my other cats and get used to seeing them again. I was traveling for a few days after that so I didn't get to see her behavior but I had my family continue to give her gabapentin once a day, and when I came back home I noticed she seemed calm whenever my other cats were by her run. She and my kitten got spayed 3 days ago too. She wasn't being aggressive anymore when the other cats were by her, so I decided to let her out around my other cats to see how she would behave. Well the first few minutes were fine, but then she started growling so I picked her up and she got really mad when I did that (super unusual for her normal behavior) so I put her back in the run. The next day she was acting super nice to my other cats next to her run and even looked like she wanted to play with them, so I let her out again and once again, at first she was fine and calm but a few minutes later started growling a lot at them so I picked her up, and again she got super mad, and I put her back in her run. Now she is in her run again and she is completely peaceful when the other cats sit by her. So it seems like she is calming down, enough that even the kitten that became terrified of her is not scared of her anymore and will sit by her in the run, but as soon as I let her outside of the run she gets super aggressive again. Is there any reason she is calm when she is confined but all aggressive when I let her out?

I'm going to wait another week before trying to let her out again. If she stays calm then I will stop giving her gabapentin and see how she behaves. I hope she returns back to normal soon though.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 14, 2015
This may not be relevant, but I wanted to share an experience I had with one of my cats. A number of years ago, I trapped a stray cat, and when I took her to the vet, the vet thought she might be pregnant. Did a pregnancy test, it came back negative. I forgot the exact reason, but I decided to wait two months before we got her spayed. I think I was trying to get her more tame? Anyway, during those two months, she was incredibly skittish and aggressive, but since I literally just trapped her, I thought it was just her personality.

When she got spayed, it turned out she had a ectopic pregnancy and was full of mummified kitten fetuses! It was so bad I actually had to get her spayed twice -- the first time they couldn't find the second ovary.

After the surgery, she was so much better! Turns out she was just in pain. :/ I feel so bad that I delayed, but obviously I had no clue what the real reason was for her acting out like that.

I have no idea if this is anything similar to your situation, just wanted to mention ectopic pregnancy as a possibility, especially since becoming aggressive was something my cat did. As you mentioned, the vet said they could remove any fetuses that weren't absorbed during the surgery, so I'm wondering if they might consider it a possibility too?

Edit: Oh, I see you said she got spayed a few days ago, great! Did they mention if they found anything unusual during the surgery?
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 15, 2022
I asked them if they found anything unusual during surgery and they said she was perfectly fine and there was nothing unusual. Even if there were any fetuses, wouldn't they have removed them?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 14, 2015
I asked them if they found anything unusual during surgery and they said she was perfectly fine and there was nothing unusual. Even if there were any fetuses, wouldn't they have removed them?
Yep, they would have.
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 15, 2022
So it’s been 5 weeks since she got spayed and she is still being super aggressive to all my other cats and dogs, but she became even more affectionate with me than before. She has always been super extroverted and friendly but now she is even more affectionate with me. She is following me everywhere all the time and constantly rubbing herself up to me and my family. It’s normal for her but now she does it even more, which I guess doesn’t concern me, but it does make me wonder as to the cause of her sudden aggressive behavior towards my other cats. If she were sick or in pain, wouldn’t she be lashing out toward everyone, including me, instead of being super friendly to me? I am debating whether or not to schedule another vet appointment or not for them to do actual tests. I’ve been giving her gabapentin and it hasn’t been helping. I also tried experimenting by giving her two doses a day, one dose a day, and none at all, and there was no difference in her behavior no matter how much she was getting. So I’m wondering if it sounds like her sudden aggression is caused by a medical problem or if she just had a sudden personality change as she has matured into an adult and will be like this forever.
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 15, 2022


TCS Member
Nov 19, 2023
Your story sounds so similar to my own. My cat Mazie is now spayed, but had a pregnancy and kittens due to very few appointments and us having limited financial means. Anyway, we have 5 of her kittens, 2 are spayed and 3 (females) are currently waiting on surgeries: they are all 4 1/2 mos old. I was wondering if you had any updates on progress. Did the re-introductions work? Did she ever calm down?
Our Cat Mazie is still super aggressive to her babies, and a also to our 6 year old female (spayed) who was she grew up with and never had a problem with until she got pregnant. Mazie, similar to your cat, is happy and calm only around us when the doors are closed. I would love to hear if there was a happy ending to the story, because I need encouragement about our Mazie. I thought about going to have Jackson Galaxy take a look, but $2000 for a visit is crazy!!!!