How does this look.. Ringworm?

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  • #81


NOT Malfoy!
Thread starter
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
Woke up to find poo outside the box in the galley kitchen. Sigh.. No idea who it was, I'll have to keep an eye on them. Right now, both are eating their dinner. First time ever I've seen anything outside the box. I also found what I think is pee. It's clear, so I am not sure. No reason why the floor should be wet (and isn't a lot either)

Could be stress from the bath I gave them last night, and the non-stop hard cleaning I did last night that stressed them a bit.

Any ideas how I can clean their brush? I will get a new one when the RW is all over, but in the mean time, I want to keep brushing the dead fur out of them. Boil it in hot water for a minute or two?
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 23, 2012
I would use a comb, not a brush.  A comb with round-ended metal teeth and a plastic handle that is easily washed and disinfected.  I would get rid of their brush right now as as you realise, it could have spores in it.  Their beds all need washing as well, hot (60c) if possible.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Woke up to find poo outside the box in the galley kitchen. Sigh.. No idea who it was, I'll have to keep an eye on them. Right now, both are eating their dinner. First time ever I've seen anything outside the box. I also found what I think is pee. It's clear, so I am not sure. No reason why the floor should be wet (and isn't a lot either)

Could be stress from the bath I gave them last night, and the non-stop hard cleaning I did last night that stressed them a bit.

Any ideas how I can clean their brush? I will get a new one when the RW is all over, but in the mean time, I want to keep brushing the dead fur out of them. Boil it in hot water for a minute or two?
Soak the brush in a 10% bleach solution.


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
:yeah: Bleach is your friend right now :D. I totally get that shaving is drastic and definitely go with what your vet is suggesting as a protocol for the RW. Shaving is really for the extreme cases. I think if you can find the lesions and spot-treat them plus the bathing you will be fine :nod:

The clear liquid might be a bit of vomit...from the bath and all the self-grooming the cats did after they were bathed. Sorry about the poop - but I am sure this is stressful for Monet and Cassie and YOU too :hugs::hugs: :rub::rub: :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
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  • #85


NOT Malfoy!
Thread starter
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
thank you all for the suggestions.

I really appreciate everyone's support here. helps keep my sanity a bit, lol
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  • #87


NOT Malfoy!
Thread starter
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
The lesion on Monet's back doesn't look so bad anymore.. the red spot definitely shrunk. I am not seeing any other spots, though I did see a chunk of fur on the rug this morning. I can't see where it came from.. could be a bit of a hairball?

But Cassie's eye, becoming more bald and angrier looking. It's hard to keep the CS on her because she grooms herself right after and I can't seem to stop her! Think a paper plate cone (That I saw someone posted a pic of) would help?
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TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
It might. :nod: How often are you applying the CS to the eye? I haven't found the article - maybe I posted it to someone's pink eye thread here. I'll have to search that. But if I remember correctly, it was recommended to apply the 50-100ppm CS to the eye 5-6x per day.
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  • #89


NOT Malfoy!
Thread starter
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
I've been diluting the CS, I am not sure exactly how much, but I am careful not to get it IN her eye, just on the skin above where it's needed. I've been putting it on 2-4x a day with a little Lamisil to make it easier to rub into the skin.

I'll try the paper plate cone to see if that helps when I return from a family gathering.
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  • #91


NOT Malfoy!
Thread starter
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
looks like the Plate Cone is going to work. She's struggling to groom, but she can't! I'll leave it on for about 10-15 minutes.. that should be long enough I'd think?

I just realized I have one dosage left of the CS.. and the one I ordered the other day hasn't been shipped yet. ugh.

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  • #92


NOT Malfoy!
Thread starter
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
Cassie's eye this morning. :( Monet is doing well.

Since I am out of CS, I'll have to use Lamisil until i get the other one in, hopefully this week



TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
:vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes: AW Cassie's eye does look a little worse - I am sure she will start to recover soon though. The rubbing would be a problem and the plate cone is an excellent idea :clap::clap:. Thinking of the kitties today :) :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
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  • #94


NOT Malfoy!
Thread starter
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
I read somewhere that RW tend to get worse before it gets better. Cassie's looking a little worse today.. spreading more and to the lower eye area and I can see the skin pink (not red and scabby, but pink) between her eye and ear. :(

The two of them had their second medicated shampoo bath last night. Monet was much more tolerable in the tub this time.. Cassie.. eh. lol.

She's so patient though! She let me put the paper plate cone on and off her without any quarrels at all, she sits while I rub the cream on her face without protest.. and she doesn't run away when I approach with the plate and cream. she just doesn't love the baths. She won't scratch or bite me, but she would try to get out of the tub. Few times she grabbed my arm, but never once did she dig her claws in my arm. She knows!

I just wish it'd clear up quickly. I am hating to see her look this way :( If it doesn't get better by friday, I'll call the vet again. I need to give it time.

At least, Monet's spot on his back hasn't gotten worse.. it's clear skin now, no redness, very tiny scabbing that's probably waiting to just fall off (I don't want to pick it off, knowing how sensitive skin are). We're just waiting for fur to grow back. His ears are doing well, still some dry spot along the edges, but better.

Does anyone have suggestions of what else I could try, aside from Lamisil, Collodial Silver and the medicated shampoo? i want to try to get a bit more aggressive with Cassie. I refuse to use diluted bleach so close to her eye.

I've heard apple cider vinegar, but I've never tried it?
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
I read somewhere that RW tend to get worse before it gets better. Cassie's looking a little worse today.. spreading more and to the lower eye area and I can see the skin pink (not red and scabby, but pink) between her eye and ear. :(

The two of them had their second medicated shampoo bath last night. Monet was much more tolerable in the tub this time.. Cassie.. eh. lol.

She's so patient though! She let me put the paper plate cone on and off her without any quarrels at all, she sits while I rub the cream on her face without protest.. and she doesn't run away when I approach with the plate and cream. she just doesn't love the baths. She won't scratch or bite me, but she would try to get out of the tub. Few times she grabbed my arm, but never once did she dig her claws in my arm. She knows!
I just wish it'd clear up quickly. I am hating to see her look this way :( If it doesn't get better by friday, I'll call the vet again. I need to give it time.

At least, Monet's spot on his back hasn't gotten worse.. it's clear skin now, no redness, very tiny scabbing that's probably waiting to just fall off (I don't want to pick it off, knowing how sensitive skin are). We're just waiting for fur to grow back. His ears are doing well, still some dry spot along the edges, but better.

Does anyone have suggestions of what else I could try, aside from Lamisil, Collodial Silver and the medicated shampoo? i want to try to get a bit more aggressive with Cassie. I refuse to use diluted bleach so close to her eye.

I've heard apple cider vinegar, but I've never tried it?
Are you sitll diluting the CS by mixing it with Lamisil? If yes, it will not work as well, just as an FYI - it works well at 500ppm directly on the skin, used 5-6x a day, just like it worked well for his ears :nod:

I really wouldn't use bleach on their skins.... but then that's me :dk: If it burns my skin, I can not even imagine what is does to theirs.... :(
Aside from that, you can do oral meds.... You need to talk to your vet..... That might be your best bet - I was against it, as it can affect the liver.
Know that, worst comes to worst, ringworm does run its course. It is a nuisance, but it is not the end of the world. It is not harmful for them in any way, shape or form.... they are not sick. So take a deep breath, and know that things are going to be alright :alright:
It can take time..... But it will be alright :hugs:
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  • #96


NOT Malfoy!
Thread starter
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
Are you sitll diluting the CS by mixing it with Lamisil? If yes, it will not work as well, just as an FYI - it works well at 500ppm directly on the skin, used 5-6x a day, just like it worked well for his ears

I really wouldn't use bleach on their skins.... but then that's me
If it burns my skin, I can not even imagine what is does to theirs....

Aside from that, you can do oral meds.... You need to talk to your vet..... That might be your best bet - I was against it, as it can affect the liver.
Know that, worst comes to worst, ringworm does run its course. It is a nuisance, but it is not the end of the world. It is not harmful for them in any way, shape or form.... they are not sick. So take a deep breath, and know that things are going to be alright

It can take time..... But it will be alright
Thanks Carolina :) I know I am probably over-reacting! I know they're not in pain or anything (though Cassie is rubbing a bit more than usual), and I know they're not sick and it's not life-threatening.. I just hate to see them look like this, especially Cassie who looks like she got punched in the eye by a heavy-weight champ.

I am trying to knock it out quickly for another reason too. My nieces are coming by next month to spend a few days with me to celebrate the cats' birthdays (yes, I throw birthday parties for the cats, lol).. they're young (2, 4 and 6) and the last thing I want is for THEM to get RW! I'd never hear the end of it from my sister, lol. PLUS, I ordered them a brand new tall cat tree, and I am eager to set it up for them! lol. I'll have to be patient and wait for the RW to go away. I've been cleaning the apartment with lysol and bleach every other day or so, in each corner and such. I've been vacuuming twice a day, and I have my HEPA air purifier set to full blast to suck in the spores.

I am out of CS, the one I ordered on thursday shipped today. Estimated arrival is the 13th-15th (though Amazon said 3-5 days.. I hope it comes quickly! For now I am using just Lamisil and bathing with Keto-Chlor shampoo (though I can't use the shampoo on her face) I mix the CS with Lamisil, because I don't want the 500ppm CS to drip into her eye. The Lamisil helps hold it in place, and it's easier for me to rub into the skin.

I am almost wondering if I should just stop for a day or so, just stop fussing with her so much? Just give her face a good cleaning and leave her alone?
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  • #97


NOT Malfoy!
Thread starter
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
My vet called to see how the cats are doing. I told her Cassie is getting worse, and she's willing to prescribe Fluconazole.

I am going to pick it up tomorrow, but not give it to her just yet. I want to wait a few more days to see if she improves.. if not, I'll start giving it to her. I'll find out more of the dosage and how to give it to her tomorrow 


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Are you sitll diluting the CS by mixing it with Lamisil? If yes, it will not work as well, just as an FYI - it works well at 500ppm directly on the skin, used 5-6x a day, just like it worked well for his ears :nod:
I really wouldn't use bleach on their skins.... but then that's me :dk: If it burns my skin, I can not even imagine what is does to theirs.... :(
Aside from that, you can do oral meds.... You need to talk to your vet..... That might be your best bet - I was against it, as it can affect the liver.
Know that, worst comes to worst, ringworm does run its course. It is a nuisance, but it is not the end of the world. It is not harmful for them in any way, shape or form.... they are not sick. So take a deep breath, and know that things are going to be alright :alright:
It can take time..... But it will be alright :hugs:
I do agree with Carolina.... the bleach dip I was told to use was twenty five years ago and it was a 32:1 mixture. I know I mentioned this to try earlier - but you must always run ANYTHING past your vet before you try a remedy to cure the RW. Of course, times and remedies change over the years and new improved methods are available. I know at the shelter they use the Lime Sulfur dips. I would go with what ever your own vet is recommending to use :nod:

It is true that the RW will run it's course in a matter of three month's. BUT if a cat has a deficient immune system - then they will need help killing the fungus. Let's just hope that they WILL get over this quickly now and the bathes along with the Diflucan will do the trick. :cross: More vibes for your sweet kitties and more hugs for you :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes: :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Thanks Carolina :) I know I am probably over-reacting! I know they're not in pain or anything (though Cassie is rubbing a bit more than usual), and I know they're not sick and it's not life-threatening.. I just hate to see them look like this, especially Cassie who looks like she got punched in the eye by a heavy-weight champ.
This is probably the Lamisil more than the ringworm - lamisil is strong and it irritates their skin - it was very strong for Lucky, reason why I stopped using it :nod:

I mix the CS with Lamisil, because I don't want the 500ppm CS to drip into her eye. The Lamisil helps hold it in place, and it's easier for me to rub into the skin.
There is no reason for you to do this, and I wouldn't put lamisil anywhere close to her eyes - I don't even know if that is safe to begin with. All you have to do is dilute the CS. Go to CVS, or Walmart, anywhre, get a bottle of distilled water for a couple of bucks. for each dropper of CS, put 9 of distilled water. Now you have CS at 50ppm. Easy enough. Now you can put that into a cotton ball and wipe her eye with that safely and you will not be irritating her skin.... IMHO much more effective, and much safer.....