How did you get your pet? (revisited)


TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Nov 20, 2012
 I got Bella as we were driving by a house that was giving kittens away. Bella was the last one to go. I didn't want a cat then but my son convinced me cause I would have had to pay a deposit fee at my apartment. At first we hid her and then I paid 10.00 a month til it was paid off ( 150.00) . And  the rest is history. I have Bipolar and I read that cats help people with depression so I'm very happy we got her. She has made my life complete and will be a part of this family forever.

We got Thunder from our daughter. She had a cat named Baby who gave birth to Minnie. And she had Thunder and she was the last one left too. My husband got attached to Thunder ( aka Key-Key) .  Bella and Thunder have brought alot of laughter to my life. They are my girls. When we go to bed, I walk up the stairs and say,''come on girls it's bedtime'' and they come running and lay on the bed. I will always  make sure they are fed and litter box clean. And of course,give them lots of hugs and kisses,love.   



TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
I will just talk about the two I have now.

Muffin, a grey and white male sweetheart. In 1999 my husband went fishing in January. When he came home, he pulled the truck and boat around back of the house and swung open the truck door. Then he sat there so long I had to go see. Muffin was in his lap. When he arrived at the boat ramp that day, he kept hearing a cat and then this little fluff ball came under a fence and ran right up to him purring. He petted him awhile and then went fishing. But it was so cold and snow was in the forecast. Hubby couldn't keep his mind on fishing, only on the little kitty and what would happen to him alone in January in the snow. Hubby's words to me were "I couldn't leave him there by himself with snow coming" At the time, we had two other cats, Max and Speedboat. So Muffin became a very important and loved part of our menagerie and family.

Mattie- We built a new house on my grandparents land and Mattie is a stray who came up on our front porch. I named her for my grandmother. Max had died and I had prayed and told the Lord, I would never try to find a cat to replace him and if I was supposed to have another cat, it would just show up on my porch. Well she did, one year after Max's death. We could tell she had belonged to someone although she was very skittish and we had to handle her with gloves at first. But she would climb up on my husband's chest, put one paw on each side of his neck and look at him like he was God. I tried to get the local animal welfare to take her because we still had Speedboat and Muffin. Muffin had just had some large vet bills and I couldn't afford the bills for another cat at the time. But my friend at the animal welfare told me they would pay the shots, exam, and spay bills if I could give her a home. I am a softie and said yes. Turns out. I asked my vet to shave her belly first to try and see if she had a spay scar. She tried so hard to be friendly and love us, I thought she had been someone's pet. Well, she had already been spayed. Now she is my lap cat and she is a little sweetheart.

Love my cats.:nod:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Holy Hanna this is an old thread!

Abby: I adopted her sight unseen from my friend's daughter's former roommate. I was looking for a companion for my now RB kitty Chynna. I had started 12 hour shifts and I didn't want Chynna to be left alone and I thought she would enjoy a companion.  She didn't.

When Chynna went to the RB, Abby was alone with me and she was becoming very needy.  So about 6 months or so later, I decided to look into another cat/kitten.  I figured that she tried so hard to be friends with Chynna, but Chynna wouldn't have it.  So I figured if I got a second kitty, Abby would enjoy the company.  Wrongo!  Turns out she liked being an only kitty and enjoyed my full and undivided attention.

Spencer and Katie:  The twins I adopted from my vet's office, as companions for Abby.

Turns out they all enjoy being "only" kitties and prefer cuddling with me than with each other.  Abby wants nothing to do with them. She doesn't stalk or beat them up like Chynna did to her. But she makes sure they know that they are getting too close to her for her comfort. 

Abby is definitely the Alpha kitty.  Though Katie doesn't seem to care.  When she wants to cuddle she will just push her way in regardless of what Abby thinks.


TCS Member
Jan 26, 2013
Charlie: I was 11 when I came home from school and my mum told me to look behind the sofa, I saw a cute little black and white kitten curled up in a ball. My mum told me she went past a house with a kittens for sale sign and decided to go in to have a look before she thought it was time for me to take on the responsibility, she described the inside as a bit dingey with big dogs barking in the back when Charlie came straight up to her.

Rockstar: We didn't know Charlie was pregnant, we kept her as a house cat and hadn't showed any signs of sexual maturity until one day I looked under my mum's bed and Charlie was lying next to around 7 kittens! There was one very small kitten, a lot smaller than the rest and picked her up then I noticed on her right paw she only had two toes. Immediately I took a shine to her and just had to keep her.

Alfie: Well Rockstar had a deformed uterus according to the vet so she only had one taken out and they couldn't find the other one, when she was around 2 years old we noticed she'd gotten very plump and realised she was pregnant! By this time Charlie had gone missing a few months before so we were all a bit iffy, but when we saw Alfie was a ginger tom, we felt it was a sign because Rockstar and Charlie were both black and white. So we kept him with his mum!

Castiel: About a year after I moved out with my boyfriend and left my cats at home I was craving some feline company so we decided to start our family with our first cat, we looked for days and found a picture of a very varied litter of kittens not far outside of the city centre, so in the evening we hopped on the train to meet the kittens and hopefully pick one. When we got there 3 little boy kittens were sat in a basket, one grey tabby, one ginger tabby and a little black and white one; the grey one looked uninterested and the ginger one avoided us so when I picked up Castiel and he snuggled into me straight away I knew he was the one! We took him home that night and he's slept in between me and my fiance every night since haha.

Nora: Because we live in a flat, Castiel didn't get to go out, despite us getting every mentally and physically stimulating toy and climbing frame we could find, we were worried he wanted company (I think it was mainly down to my fiance wanting a Bengal haha) so I agreed we'd look for a Bengal, but I wasn't fussed if we found one or not because Cas was enough really. Then we saw Nora, a long haired half Bengal just a 20 minute train ride away. As soon as I saw her little face I fell in love... And so did Cas! They're a perfect match, thank goodness!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 3, 2011
In paradise, under a cat pile
I have ten animal souls living with me at the moment.

I have quite a few who are at rainbow bridge, waiting for me.

One of my friends said when she gets on the other side, she will locate a group of animals and she knows I will be in the middle of them. Then we can have our reuniting.

I like taking in animals that nobody wants and take care of them. All animals deserve love.

I have only one that I picked out of a pet shop. My last one. I plan. I worry about when I do die the ones that are left behind. I have no cat people around here that would take them in. I don't want them to end up in cat jail.

Meuzette my oldest was found in a parking lot at work. Dirty and with an unhealthy coat. I didn't know she was a black and white long hair cat when I picked her up. I had her sixteen years now. Who knows how old she really is.

Willie, my plain brown tabby is from my neice, She took his from my sisters farm when she got married. Someone broke his hind leg and we both wanted to take care of him. She was pregent and had to give him up. At the time he made seven cats for me. I tried so hard to keep my numble down. there are so many out there to help..who can say no to that little face...

Speedy is from my sisiters farm too. last of his litter. my sister had to find a home for him before winter hit, so he would survive.

Ray was a bad cat my sister said. her husband kept catching her on the kitchen counter eating baby food and he beat her up and threw her out each time. she wasn't welcome in again and winter was setting in. I took her. The first thing I did was show her she could sit on any of my suffaces she wanted. And I gave her a plate of babyfood just for her. She was shocked and thankful

Next was kittens my sister begged me to take in. As many as I could so they will live. I was about to move in with a man. We were having trouble already with my seven. who he didn't want to live with.. I took in three more. We were done. No more marriage for me. Mittens, Caz and Lucky Charms came instead.

Five years later I went down to the humane soceity and abopted Peanut Butter who is two now. He was 3 months and I almost lost him with a cat cold he recieved from kittycat jail.

I went to find a kitten a year ago. found Cowboy, a gray and black tabby. His papers say he is a tiger.. pet stores

Through all of that, I lived with many other cats and two dogs. a horse. Rabbits and guinea pigs. But these are the ones who are with me today. Rennie my golden collie is here from the humane soceity. guarding and taking care of us.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Hannah was adopted from the city pound when she was about 7 mos old.  She was supposed to be a companion for our older kitty.  That didn't really work out, but the 2 did manage to peacefully co-exist until our older kitty passed away in 2010. 

Tumbles was found during a storm by a fellow TCS-er and rescued.  She was going to take him to her local shelter if a home couldn't be found for him.  I convinced my husband that we "needed" a playmate for Hannah, so we adopted Tumbles (formerly known as Percy).  There is no great love lost between Hannah and Tumbles.  I think she'd be happy if he went back to where he came from, but he's here to stay and he's dearly in love with his daddy.  I think the feeling is mutual.

Daisy Mae was adopted a year ago from a local rescue group.  Our hope was that she & Tumbles would hit it off which would keep Tumbles from terrorizing Hannah.  It's been mostly successful.  Daisy has really come a long way in the past year as well.  Daisy & Tumbles love to play together and they sleep near each other frequently.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Holy Hanna this is an old thread!
Indeed! Where are all these threads coming from?

Whisper and Bootser: Are sisters and will be 19 this July. We catnapped them from the neighbors.

BooBoo and Ms. Pepe: Are brother and sister and Whisper is their mom; Bootser is their aunt. They will turn 17 on February 13th and were born in a clothes basket in our bedroom

Amber Louise: Found as a stray kitten by a friend in town and given to us, Miss Amber will turn 11 (I think) in November.

Mollipop: Took BooBoo to the vet for a check-up and (short story) our Miss Pop was a baby kitten who came home with us. She will be 3 years old on February 8th. (My avatar is Mollipop)

Tabby: Found by our next-door neighbors, it was either Tabby come to live with us or the neighbor's DH was going to take the kitten "for a ride into the woods". She had one of the worst cases of ear mites our vet had ever seen, which turned into a horrid ear infection, but we kept after the ears and she's fine now. She still tilts her head for balance, but that just makes her even cuter. Tabby will be 2 sometime in June and, if any cat is truly a joy to be around, it's our Miss Tabby. Her best friend, after Muffin, is Pinkie, a pink mousie that she is forever beating around the house.

Muffin: My mother's cat, who turned into ours. When my mother was admitted to the nursing home last September, nobody wanted Muffin. We tried to find a home for her, but no luck. Our home turned into her her home and she became our eighth baby. Muffin and Tabby have become pretty much inseparable. She just turned 2 years old back in November and she's already had four homes. Her forever home is with us.
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simons mom

TCS Member
Jul 26, 2013
Over the years my grandparents have had many stray cats (and a few of them were their own cats) have shown up at their doorstep and they buy cat food and feed them all.I think they have had a total of 50 or so cats . A few of them have had kittens in the past.One of them was Simon's mom who me and my mom took to our house and later we found out she was pregnant and she gave birth to four kittens (one of them being Simon) in my mom's closet.We gave the other three away and kept the only white cat who i named Simon.He is now 11 years old and happy as can be . 


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
I just wave my magic wand and an adorable kitty will appear on your doorstep!
Where was the magic kitty fairy after the second of my 2 tabby girls took their paws across to the other side of the rainbow?  I LOVE this idea. 

I think you might have been there when I got my girls 25 years ago, from a friend's parents - their cats had had 4 kittens and couldn't find any homes for them - just as I moved in to my first (owned) home desperate for a cat.  I was going to take 1 kitten but once I met them I just had to have both of the sisters.... 
 at first sight.  I lost one at 17 1/2 and the other at 21 1/2 -  just before Christmas 3 years ago. I knew my fur-pensioner wasn't well and I'd been asking around for quite a while to see if anyone knew of available kittens and nothing was happening. My local cat/dog rescue didn't like homing cats where they would be kept indoors unless old and previously indoor only, or where people are at work most days so that didn't look good either. I also took to looking at different pedigree breeds to see which ones might be better if living indoors and with time on their own.  When Pal did move on I was beside myself looking for a new furry housemate and the only sources seemed to be internet adverts wanting £100 + for kittens with no reliable history (and most sounding decidedly dishonest and wouldn't want to encourage people earning money out of vulnerable creatures in this way).  I plumped for pedigree and made contact with breeders for Russian Blue cats across the country. Thankfully I found my current furbaby. He had a gorgeous mum and dad, and people I immediately felt at home with and who were loving of all their feline companions. I then spent as much time as I could visiting my prospective furbaby and his mum before bringing him home when he was 15 weeks old. Although feeling a little guilty that I didn't give a home to one of the (far too) many little rescue cats in this world I think that Mouse and I were meant to be together. 

A very old thread but a lovely one!


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Mo(w)gli (just over a year old) is from our local shelter. I went there to play with the kitties a little over a week after losing Jamie (who was from a cat rescue organization), and he convinced me that he had to come home with me, ready or not. He was 9 months old, had been adopted from the shelter as a kitten, but returned after a couple of months because he didn't get along with the family's other cat.
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