How Can I Get My Cat To Leave My Roommates Things Alone?


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 14, 2018
My roommate is not an animal person and she constantly reminds me of it, calling my cat stupid and mean and just being generally horrible. She gives him little to no attention. He is not allowed in her room. But that seems to be the place he most wants to be. He sleeps in my room at night but during the day he is constantly meowing at her bedroom door even when no one is in there. He just wants to sit in the corner of her room and I know he won't bother anything but she refuses to let him in. Also after she's been on the couch he hurries to steal her seat. He leaves my seat alone. I don't find any harm in him doing these things, but she yells at him and throws shoes at him and so I need to prevent him from doing it. Why is my cat so obsessed with my roommates stuff and how can I get him to leave it alone??


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
Remind her its one thing to not be a pet person. She does not necessarily need to like the cat, or interact with the cat. It is fine that she locks him out of her room. However she should not abuse the cat, and yelling at your cat, and throwing shoes at him is abusive to the animal, and disrespectful to you, her roommate. you don't need to like someone, or an animal to show kindness. A little kindness does not cost anything.

I dont know of any way you can stop his behavior. Just be sure to supply him with lots of his own areas to sit in and play in. Do you have a cat tree? my guys love their cat tree, they can sit up high and watch everyone. Make the places he is allowed to be more inviting than where he should not be. Also remind her that even negative feedback can be reinforcing. so when she yells, or throws things it is in a way reinforcing his behavior. If she will ignore him totally it may make it less interesting to him to bug her?

Best of luck, and let us know how it goes. I can imagine that the situation causes quite a bit of stress with everyone.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
A locked door is just an invitation to a cat's curiosity!

First, do as duckpond duckpond has suggested and have a talk with your roommate. I'd also, if that goes well, suggest asking her if she would allow your cat in the room for short periods with you in attendance to make sure her things aren't damaged. Spending a little time in the room ever so often will go a long way to relieving the "lure of the forbidden."

If worst comes to worst, is it possible to find another, more compatible roommate, or is the a dorm type situation over which you have no control?


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Remind her its one thing to not be a pet person. She does not necessarily need to like the cat, or interact with the cat. It is fine that she locks him out of her room. However she should not abuse the cat, and yelling at your cat, and throwing shoes at him is abusive to the animal, and disrespectful to you, her roommate. you don't need to like someone, or an animal to show kindness. A little kindness does not cost anything.
:yeah: Your roommate needs to treat your cat with respect even if she doesn't like him. Throwing objects at your cat and yelling at him is abusive and you need to tell her to stop.

What exactly is your living situation? Are you in college and living in a dorm or off campus housing? Are you on your own in the "adult working world" and share an apartment with a roommate? If the latter or just an off-campus apartment that the college has no control over, can you find a new apartment and move out? Find a pet friendly roommate if needed to share the cost of rent.