How can I do this?


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
Hi, I'm hoping you see this. My kitty was recently treated for a possible brain tumor or stroke.. we aren't positive which one.. the mri to tell for sure was $2,000, on top of the $3,000 I've spent the recently (she developed hepatic lipidosis in January after dental disease and extraction, and required a feeding tube, which she still has, but her bloodwork is back to normal, although she isn't eating on her own, could be due to possible brain tumor or stroke) what we're your kitty's symptoms when she had the brain tumor? Right now, my kitty has a tough time walking, and has some minor twitching of her arm, but her mental state and attitude is still excellenthe so I'm having a tough time deciding the correct course of action. She's on prednisolone now to manage in the event it is a tumor.
Hi I see it! Serenity's major and really only symptom of having a brain tumor was that she would get up, walk in circles a few times before she could walk straight, she couldn't just up and go straight she did a few circles first. But other than that she showed no other symptoms, and yes we spent around $2,000 for the MRI. But with the Transfer I mentioned and Prednisone she lived another 1.5 years and was in good health until the end when she started to lose weight and then passed here at home. 

I wish you all the best with your kitty,  God Bless....