How can I do this?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 31, 2017

I need the best advice possible for my darling cat Phantom. He is a beautiful 14 year old solid gray kitty that my husband gave me.  Three weeks ago, I took him to the vet because I noticed his face was swollen on one side. I was going to take him to get his teeth cleaned later that week but took him in early when I saw his swollen face. I figured it was a bad tooth. The vet said that it was either that or cancer. I FREAKED OUT. Only 3 months ago, I lost my 17 year old to an intestinal tumor. The biopsy came back as squamous cell carcinoma. The vet said treatment isn't very effective and the closest place is 6 hours away. She gave him about a month. I don't want him to suffer needlessly. He isn't eating well and I don't want him to slowly starve. Should I put him to sleep before he is in too much pain? I have been giving him pain meds everyday, but his little face is still swollen and I know that without them, he wouldn't eat at all. Is it better to let him go now?


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
I'm so sorry.  This is the toughest decision any cat 'parent' has to make.  I've had to make that decision for four of my kitties, always hoping they'd go naturally but...sometimes you see they're in pain or not functioning and you just can't let them go on that way.  Here is a 'quality of life' test that might help you decide:

and a more philosophical thought by one of our member that has helped a lot of people:

There's no right answer.  You know your kitty the best, and he's been with you for a long time.  Again, I'm very sorry, there's no easy answer with these things.  

He's a beautiful boy.  
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 31, 2017
Thank you betsygee for your reply and those links for helping me decide. The philosophical post really was helpful. After reading it, I know now that even though he seems like he might be ok, he is in pain and I must not let that continue.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
You, as one that is the closest to him, and the one that loves him so much will know when the time comes. You might want to ask your vet about prednisone, a steroid that helps to reduce the size and thus severity of pain in tumors. I had a cat on in that had end stages of mouth cancer and he lived relatively happy for another year. Hide it in a favorite treat or paste it to a piece of bacon with a bit of pill pocket. If you decide to try it don't let them talk you into discontinuing it because it 'may cause kidney failure'. I told them he was dieing so it didn't really matter did it.

My heart goes out to you, I know how much this breaks your heart, but truly, be thankful you can do this for him, that he has someone who loves him so much they will not let him suffer needlessly and endlessly. Love him all you can right now, celebrate having him in your life, that he was there to share it for those 14 years. He knows he is loved, that is all he ever wanted and you gave that to him.  The bond you have formed will never leave you,he will be tied to your soul for evermore. Take care, I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers. Give that sweet boy a kiss from me...... 

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
I am sorry that you have to make this awful decision. Phantom is beautiful I would ask the vet about the prednisone (as suggested above) and painkillers to see if they could provide him with some additional pain free time with you.  
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 31, 2017
Right now he is on onisor. The Dr. said that it is supposed to have anti-cancer properties. This morning he ate fairly well, so I am very happy. But still I can't help but wonder how much the pain meds help him. His eye is watery on the swollen side, and he can't even open his mouth all the way when he yawns.He still shows me so much love but I feel like he is probably sad because he hurts


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 30, 2017
WA - Washington
It's a strange and fantastical world we encounter when we open our hearts to the love of a cat. They are great creatures who fill our lives with love and our laps with warmth. Decisions such as these are so hard and can shred the heart to pieces so easily. We just recently had to PTS one of our little fur balls (only 8 yrs old) due to complications from an inoperable tumor. Not an easy choice, however my wife and I knew from the beginning that this was a choice we would eventually make for anyone of our furry companions so whenever we take in another new family member we focus on establishing a high quality lifestyle for each of them so they can experience everything possible during their time with us. This is the one thing that makes the final decision easier to bear. Knowing they had a quality life takes a little edge off the final decision as hard as that decision may be. We are their advocates in this life and unfortunately we have to make the decision for them. The best thing you can do now is continue to love him, hold him and cherish him as long as you can. Unfortunately the decision you have to make is yours alone. You will know in time when to make that decision as you intimately know your child.

For my little ones I have always decided to always do what is humane. If I've have explored every option and found no answer then I make the choice to help them along before they begin to suffer. Even to this day I question whether I made the right choice, but that's just part of the process.

Our hearts go out to you and Phantom as we know these things are extremely hard. Best wishes to both of you.
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 31, 2017
Honestly I am at a loss for words. I am so grateful to everyone. Phantom is so precious to me, it hurts so much to think of him not being with me anymore. I have cried for hours and hours over the last few days. I will miss him so much.

Loving Mickey

Mickey , my heart and soul Angel kitty
Top Cat
Jun 13, 2014
My heart truly goes out to you.
I know how unbearable the pain can be when we think of losing our beloved kitty. I wish I had some magic words to help comfort you. I really wish I had some magic to make your precious kitty well again.
Phantom is truly a beauty! So sweet looking!
As others have said, only you can make the decision if and when to let him go.
He is your baby and you know him best.
When my precious Mickey was so ill, I kept him on medication, and in the end he passed naturally. Everyone has different opinions and views on these things.
All I can say is just love him, spoil him, comfort him, enjoy the time you have left together.
You will make the right decisions for both you and Phantom. Just listen to your heart.
I will keep both you and Phantom in my thoughts and prayers!


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
So sorry this is happening to you, I wish you the best, it is a very tough decision to make, but he will also help you make it, so sad. Years ago we had a little Calico, "Serenity", and she was good for many years until she was diagnosed with a brain tumor; we were devastated and thought "that's it, she'll die", but with Prednisone and a product called "Transfer Factors Plus" which a vet recommended to us to help boost her immune system she lived 1.5 years after and was healthy, and we were very grateful for that, perhaps it could help your cat too, don't know but I am putting it out there. It is colostrum, "Mother's milk" with other things in it and we bought it online, it isn't cheap but it works, and I also take it if I don't feel well. But whatever happens, I wish you the best, it is not an easy position to be in, and pray that things go smoothly for you and your kitty.

God Bless.....


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 1, 2017
Hello. I am so very sorry about your beloved Phantom, who by the way is truly a beauty. His/Her coat is a beautiful color. As others have said, you will know when the time is right. Do not let your baby suffer any longer than he/she can take it. My baby boy Cloudy has recently just passed 4 days ago. It is day 4 and it hasn't gotten any better.. He had congestive heart failure failure. It is better to end their suffering a week to early, than an hour too late. I am so sorry this is happening to you, and wish you the best. I hope your fur ball has an amazing quality of life in her/his final weeks.. Love your kitty with all you have, I have faith that you will make the right decision. Good luck to you and your precious kitty. You both are in my prayers. Here is a pic of my precious baby boy Cloudy, who I miss so much my heart continuously aches.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 18, 2016
​Oh hun your cat is beautiful. Making a decison to put a cat to sleep is the hardest decision you have to make. My cat was 20 had to have her put her to sleep I was devasted and heart broke this was before xmas and still upset. Whats this treatment he can have that is 6 hours away is it worth giving that a go? If your cat is really suffering not eating drinking u know your own cat with me I wanted my cat to pass away peacefully in her sleep.
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 31, 2017
Thank you all for your kind wishes and your support. Making a decision was so difficult but I managed to pull myself together enough to do what was best for him. Phantom ate a good breakfast yesterday, but then hardly touched anything else after that, not even just gravy or juice from his food. I read everybody's posts to me and him over and over and knew it was time. My husband and I took him to the vet and stayed as calm as possible for him, and when it was over, I fell apart. I will miss him so much! He had such a sweet little "meow" that was so cute. His fur was the softest of any other cats I had ever known! It was thick and really just so soft, I will miss petting him so much. And his fur was so beautiful and shiny! It looked silver where the light hit it. He loved to drink water from the faucet. And he had a quiet purr. The kind you can't hear at all, but I knew he was purring when I touched his neck. 


Rest now my beautiful Phantom cat, I love you.
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 31, 2017
Again, thank you all for your support. 
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zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
I am so sorry, I hope you realize that your final act was one of love. Run free sweet Phantom, your will always hold a special place in the hearts of your family


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
I am so very sorry.  
  Phantom was lucky to have a human who put his best interests above their own.  He was a well-loved kitty.  


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 1, 2017
So sorry for the loss of your beautiful Phantom. May he rest peacefully.. He knows you love him unconditionally. You made the right decision. My heart goes out to you.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 24, 2017
So sorry this is happening to you, I wish you the best, it is a very tough decision to make, but he will also help you make it, so sad. Years ago we had a little Calico, "Serenity", and she was good for many years until she was diagnosed with a brain tumor; we were devastated and thought "that's it, she'll die", but with Prednisone and a product called "Transfer Factors Plus" which a vet recommended to us to help boost her immune system she lived 1.5 years after and was healthy, and we were very grateful for that, perhaps it could help your cat too, don't know but I am putting it out there. It is colostrum, "Mother's milk" with other things in it and we bought it online, it isn't cheap but it works, and I also take it if I don't feel well. But whatever happens, I wish you the best, it is not an easy position to be in, and pray that things go smoothly for you and your kitty.

God Bless.....:alright:
Hi, I'm hoping you see this. My kitty was recently treated for a possible brain tumor or stroke.. we aren't positive which one.. the mri to tell for sure was $2,000, on top of the $3,000 I've spent the recently (she developed hepatic lipidosis in January after dental disease and extraction, and required a feeding tube, which she still has, but her bloodwork is back to normal, although she isn't eating on her own, could be due to possible brain tumor or stroke) what we're your kitty's symptoms when she had the brain tumor? Right now, my kitty has a tough time walking, and has some minor twitching of her arm, but her mental state and attitude is still excellenthe so I'm having a tough time deciding the correct course of action. She's on prednisolone now to manage in the event it is a tumor.