Hopefully saved one of God's little creatures today!


Sylvester's daddy
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Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
We feed the birds and squirrels and chipmunks and whatever else eats outside in our backyard, and several times over the years we have had to catch and rescue injured animals and get them to a wildlife conservancy in hopes to save them. The other day I saw a pigeon, yes we somehow get a lot of them too, that couldn't fly but could walk and fast lol, I tried to approach it the other day but it walked away from me, tried to lift off and fly but only made it a few inches, and I had to stop pursuing it because it was in the front yard and we live on a busy street and I didn't want it to run into traffic and get smashed so I let it alone and figured I would see it again and try again. This morning I was washing up and Deb told me our neighbors called and said there was an injured pigeon on their back porch, so I figured it was this one. I called the woman that has helped us out over the years to see if she would be around to meet me to take this if I caught it, otherwise the closest place to take it is 25 miles away; I got lucky because she was in the area and said if I catch it call her so that was a help. Well, I called the neighbor and asked if it was still there, they said yes, I told them this lady (Barbara is her name) said to try to block it in with a towel or a tarp, but when I went over in a few minutes with a small cat carrier it was out on the driveway. It was dragging itself around using it's wings and they said that it's legs were just dangling, so I thought we could easily get it, thought that something else happened to this bird as it's legs were fine the other day, and also thought they usually can't repair broken legs on birds so I got sad, but I thought I would try it anyway. When I reached down to get it it flew up on their roof which surprised us all but mostly me as this bird didn't fly the other day, and I quickly thought "this is a different bird" as it did look smaller. I got my ladder out and tried to get up on their roof (yeah, I know, me AND the bird would need medical help!) but it flew away, far away, so I just said "we tried...let me know if it comes back" and thought I might see it eating bird seed in our backyard.

I did.

Awhile later we were just about ready to eat lunch when I was in the bathroom and looked out and there it was, laying eating seeds by itself. So I told Deb about it and said "I have to try NOW, lunch can wait" and she understood. Well, it tried to hide itself in a woodpile and I eventually was able to gently pull it towards me with a broom handle, very carefully got it in my gloved hands and put it in the cat carrier and put it in the garage and covered it with a towel, called Barbara who was amazingly in Limeport which is right over the mountain from me, she came up and got it and put it in a carrier in her station wagon that looks like a mini ambulance for animals! We gave her a nice donation, Deb gave her a card with a Dunkin' Donuts gift card in since she always is a help to us, and I told her to call me and let me know either way how it turns out, I said to her I know they can't always help broken legs but I told the bird "whatever happens will be a better life for you than this here", and she said that they will do all that they can to help it. And as I was out there talking to her and making sure she could transfer this bird without it flying away, I looked up and saw Sylvester in the bow window, just standing like a statue watching this procedure, and I told her to look up and she smiled and said "he is gorgeous", and I thought later that he was maybe thinking "that's my daddy, he saved and helped me and he is trying to save this bird....", don't know if that is what he was thinking but I got that vibe that he might've kind of known what was going on? But she took the bird away and we said a prayer that whatever is best please let happen.

Barbara called me awhile ago and said she had some "hopeful" news, they already checked this bird out and it's legs were FINE, blood flow and nerves were fine, but it's pelvis was swollen, and they said sometimes they are ready to fly into a window or something else and realize it and try to stop and bring their legs up to try to brace themselves and this can injure he pelvis, so they have it on anti inflammatories and are keeping it calm in a cage but it is eating and they feel within a few days it can be released, time will tell! I asked if they want me to come get it and they said they would release it up in Cherrydale, PA. as there are a lot of fields with grain which she says they eat and old abandoned barns that they live in and it would be better than in the city so I said I understand and that would be fine, told her to let me know how it goes but as she said "you might have performed a New Year's Day miracle" so we shall see, but hopefully this keeps going like it does and it will be fine!!! :) :clapcat:

"Even as you have done to the least of these you have also done unto me........"🐦


Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
Thank you for having such a big heart. I hope this pigeon makes a full recovery. Your post brings back memories of when I was a teenager and came across a Mourning Dove with a broken wing. I picked up and put it in a cage and brought it to my neighbor who has lots of experience helping animals. He set the dove's wing, but couldn't hold onto it because his house was full with animals, so I brought the dove hone and took care of it. Something went wrong and the poor thing died. I felt so bad that it didn't pull through. What a shame.

Thanks for sharing this experience.❤


Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
Aw, what a heart warming story! God bless you for helping this bird. Please keep us updated on how he is doing! 🙏❤🐦

Whenallhellbreakslose Whenallhellbreakslose almost the exact same thing happened to me a few years ago :)
I always feel so bad for the ones you can't save. I kept asking myself what could I have done differently? Thank you for having a ❤ when it comes to all creatures.

BTW, I posted some funny cat & dog video on my Favorite Cat Video thread. I wanted to start the New Year with some laughs. 🤗
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Sylvester's daddy
Thread starter
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I called and asked about this pigeon yesterday, and they said she is now able to stand on her own and also is starting to walk again so that is a great sign! They said that she is very underweight so they are going to bulk her up and when she is ready they will give her to someone who has pigeons in their barn, and they are fed and have water so that sounds like a good place to live! I am so glad that she is being taken care of, it saddens me to think what an awful life she would've had if we hadn't rescued her, but she will be just fine! :biggrin::clapcat: Sylvester is happy too!!