
TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 29, 2016
I have fed a female feral cat for over a year at my work that is located on an Island surrounded by water. I trapped her but she was let out of the trap due to a wrong day of capture, So since the poor cat was too smart, it took 6 months to catch her. I prayed and asked God to please let me saver her and he answered my prayers the day after Christmas, She went straight to the vet. and I read everything on how to introduce her to a life of a house cat, I have five others that are very sweet. I have her secluded in a room where I put down a litter box and she has many toys and beds and blankets, She has a nice view from a large window by her bed, I forgot to mention that she just had kittens and I did not trap her until the kittens were old enough to be placed in homes. And it has all gone wrong since I brought her home, She is petrified and shaking. She was even growling yesterday. Today is day two and she is not any better, She is eating and unfortunately peed the bed, I pray she does not pee on the hardwood floor, I did not want to put her in a cage since I feel bad enough taking her from and island to a small room. It get below zero in WV very soon and she was almost hit by a car several times so there was no choice but to bring her home. Everything I have been reading says to leave her alone and only go in twice a day to feed her and not to make eye contact and this could take over a year for her to get over her extreme fear of being confined. I am hoping someone has hopeful news for her, Also I am thinking of calling her Hope. Unless someone has a better suggestion, Any and all tips will be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!! She is so sad and my heart breaks for her!!!


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
It seems your other post got more answers.  I would suggest that you get a good enzyme cleaner and soak the bed with it.  (Nature's Miracle is available at PetSmart and PetCo).  Anywhere she pees, other than the litter box, should be soaked as well.  She's getting used to the new place, so give her time.  If she hasn't used the litter box, put some dirt or dried leaves on top of the litter.  This is what she's been used to using, so she may not realize what litter is for.

There is also a litter (Dr Elsey's Cat Attract) that has a smell that tells them "This is where to go!"  If you use it, you can begin mixing it with regular litter after she figures out how to use the box.

Good luck!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 29, 2016
Thank you so much! Yes, you are the only one who cared enough to help me and I am very grateful! I will buy that litter today, When I went in this morning with her yummy food that I have been feeding her on the Island for over a year, I noticed that where she peed the bed yesterday, she pooped it today. I took it and pushed it into the litter box as this is what was suggested from another caring person. I was lucky enough both times to take the fluffy throw that she is using as her littler box and wash it right away and put it back on the bed, I do have the bed protected before I put on her sheets and that throw. I'm so worried that she may ruin the hardwood floor. I was told by my vet that she did not need to be caged when I brought her home because she used the litter box in her cage at the vets. Boy was he wrong, I wish I knew about this litter you suggested before I brought her home, THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!!

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Many times when you post, check the time zone, if you are in a different time zone it may take time for someone to come on and answer. Don't give up! I post at 5 AM CST, so most people are still in bed! 
 Your little Hope is doing fine, she is terrified out of her mind with all the changes. It will take weeks, if not months to get her to calm down, That is perfectly normal. It is right not to stare into her eyes, that shows aggression. But it was wrong to suggest to leave her alone so much. She needs a place to hide, a box with a blanket would do. As often as you can go in, sit quietly and read or surf the internet, anything to get her used to you. Talk quietly to her, no sudden movements, that is why kids scare cats, too loud and too quick. I would lay plastic over the bed, she may not like how it feels and quit urinating there. She is worried about her kittens too, and that will take a couple of weeks to subside. She also smells your other cats and is worried, but that is another time for them to be introduced, first she has to get used to you. Just keep loving her, she'll come around. It has taken me weeks to calm down cats, but eventually they DO come around. There are calming treats on Amazon, I just give one, not the whole dose for vet trips and they work very well, you might ask your vet. Time is what you need, you will be blessed for saving her from a hard, cruel life. She just doesn't know yet how lucky she is, but she will. Nothing is special until you have to work for it!
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TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Working with feral cats takes lots and lots of time and patience.  It may take any where from many months to a year for her to acclimate.  Yet she is so much better off inside safe and warm.  Here are some tips and a great article that might help you out.

Here is a great article on socializing cats and also some tips.


1.  The first tip is to have a room that is dedicated to the cat.  If possible this should be a room where the cat will be confined for a period of time.  You can use a spare bedroom or even a small bathroom.  If using a bedroom or other room of your home, be sure that the room is cat proofed.  Remove mattress and box springs or place them directly on the floor.  Hiding under a bed is the first place the cat will run and it is almost impossible to get them out.  Also block behind dressers or book cases.  Cats can fit into very small spaces.  You do want to have an appropriate hiding spot for the cat.  This can be an old box turned on its side or a hiding box found on a cat tree.  Also make sure all windows are tightly closed and blinds are up with the cords hidden.  Do not be surprised if the cat throws himself against the window in an attempt to escape.

2.  If you do not have an empty room available or the cat is very wild,  you can use a large dog crate or fasten two smaller crates together.  Just be sure there is enough room for a small litter pan and food.  If you need to use a crate, I would suggest keeping the crate covered with a sheet or towel  when the cat is alone.  This will help to calm the cat.  Eventually you will need a cat proofed space where you can move the cat.

3.  You will want to start with 2 litter boxes.  Many feral cats are not used to urinating and defecating in the same location. When choosing a  litter, you can use fresh clean potting soil mixed with non clumping litter or you can try Dr. Elsey’s Litter Attract.  I have found the Litter Attract to work very well.  If the cat has an accident on the floor, sop up the urine with a paper towel and bury it into the litter box.  Do the same with any stool.  Make sure you clean the area very well with a good enzymatic cleaner to remove all traces of odor.  Place the litter boxes away from the food and water.

4.  Feliway plugins are a great way to help a nervous cat adjust.  Most cats find the product soothing.  You can find Feliway at most pet stores as well as on Amazon.

5.  Another product I found helpful was Composure treats or Composure Liquid Max.  The first few nights inside are very stressful.  The cat will often yowl and cry all night.  The Composure is very useful in calming the cat at night.  I first tried the treats, but after a week or so, the cat no longer liked the treat.  I then switched to the liquid as it was very easy to mix into wet food.  Composure is available at the best price on Amazon.

6.  No direct eye contact.  Feral cats find this very threatening.  Keep your gaze over the top of their head or look down.

7.  Talk softly.  You want them to get used to your voice.  Carry on a conversation or even read aloud from a book or magazine.

8.  Sit on the ground so you are not looming over the cat.  You also want to keep your movements slow.

9.  Food rewards are the way to a ferals heart.  Find a special yummy treat such as plain cooked chicken or turkey, salmon, tuna or sardines.  I would start by giving them a very small plate with some of the special treat.  I would then have small pieces beside me and begin to toss the treat towards the cat.  Each toss I would get the treat a little closer to me.  I would do this activity each day.  After a few weeks, the cats are often getting quite close as long as you keep your movements slow and gaze down.

A very special food reward I stumbled across is Gerber Stage 2 baby food.  Cats love the chicken or turkey.  The jar is very small with a blue label.  The ingredients are chicken or turkey and water, no added spices.  I started with a bit on a plate and as time went by, I  offered it on a spoon.  When working with young ferals or kittens, they can often be coaxed to lick this off your fingers.  Just remember this is a treat reward and not a meal replacement.

10.  Remember that when working with ferals it is often 1 step forward and 2 steps back.  Just take it slow and steady.  Also celebrate the small advancements.

11.  Jackson Galaxy of Animal Planets, “My Cat From Hell” series is the cat guru.  He has a line of flower essences that are specially designed for cat behaviors.  He even has one for feral cats.  I have used this essence with great success on all of my feral cats.  
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 29, 2016


TCS Member
Dec 31, 2016
This is such an inspiring story. Thank you for all your posts. And Hope is a beautiful name for your new cat. It fits her and the situation perfectly. I wish u and your cat the best of luck in your new relationship
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 29, 2016
Thank you so much! I love her more than I can say. The hardest part is she does not know this yet. She is still so scared. Today is only her fourth day home. She is improving slightly. The biggest and best news for me is that she is using the litter box. I ordered her Dr. Elsey cat attract litter but it won't be here until tomorrow. That was one of the things I was told would help by some of these wonderful people on this site, The thing that did work was being told to take her stool and put in in the litter box. BINGO! It worked. I actually cried when I saw she used the litter box.  Also the best news for both of us is that she has also graduated from hiding in her bed with her eyes completely covered by her paws to peeking out at me.Everyone thing that I have read said that she must know you are bringing her food but when that was impossible when she covered her poor little beautifu emerald green eyes with her paws for dear life.  I just got back from the store and bought her more toys. She loves the long crinkle one that I bought her. She sleeps with it in her bed and it breaks my heart because I know she misses her babies so I got her another baby. It killed me not to take a baby for her but I  already have 5 cats and she makes 6. Every single one of my friends and family were upset that I brought her home. I said someone has to save her and I'm going to do it. They said you can't save the world and I said I know but I'm saving her, Everyone of them has been concerned about her and asks for daily updates, And as for her kittens, two were caught and are in good homes. We did not see any others. In fact, I never did see any kittens. Thanks again for your extremely kind words. I appreciate you!