Himalayan Salt Lamps and cats


TCS Member
Jan 6, 2017
United States
This is an interesting topic to me, as we are a multi-cat household with several salt lamps throughout the house. I think it largely comes down to knowing your cats' respective personalities. Stewie loves the salt lamp and sits next to it all the time, looking like a reflective old man consulting the ancient spirits for guidance or something (I mean, he really strikes an impressive pose next to that lamp, what with the lighting and all). But he never licks it or has had any other issues with it. I can trust him, but Sorrel on the other hand is notorious for eating and licking inappropriate objects if only to harass me. She will chew on any loose thread she encounters, which has led to my daily "thread hunts", where I go through the house finding and removing anything resembling thread, string, or floss. We are very fortunate that she has never experienced a blockage, though she vomited a rubber band once. Likewise, she isn't allowed near the salt lamp without adult supervision.
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TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 30, 2008
I am not a vet, nor do I play one on the internet, but I find this hype about Himalayan Salt lamps to be just that, hype.

Yes, salt poisoning is very serious and not something to be taken seriously,so is water toxicity. However, both are highly unlikely without another serious underlying issue.

While I feel absolutely horrible about what happened to Bailey (above) the idea that it is the salt lamp and the vet had no idea is incredulous. If it was an over consumption of salt the vet should have been able to see that on a routine blood test.

My own cat becomes anemic each year and every time she does she starts licking cement. The first time it happened I didn't notice it right away to the point she even consumed bits of cement that broke off. It was not the cement that was the problem, but her anemia that caused the consumption. 

I have a salt lamp and none of my cats have shown the least amount of interest in it. And while the anecdotal evidence of one person with seven cats doesn't amount to a whole lot, the fact that there aren't more posts on this thread and the fact that there are a lot of salt lamps out there in the word, anecdotally I would say this is not that big of an issue that cat owners need to start throwing away their salt lamps. I would imagine if a cat started licking a salt lamp there would be an underlying health issue that caused the cat to do so, so the cat should be brought to the vet for a full work up.. just as if your cat started licking cement, eating dirt or licking the mirror. Frankly, any new behavior without an obvious justification should prompt you to take your kitty to the vet since they are such creatures of routine.
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momos mom

TCS Member
Mar 24, 2017
So I just bought a Salt lamp and used it two nights straight on my nightstand. My cat Mo sleeps with me and has been next to it the last two nights. He has been fine and purrs loudly hence the name Motor and now he has been extremely ill, lethargic,and throwing up bright yellow bile. He's not acting right and this just happened after two days with the lamp.Hes in the closet now sleeping.. He has never had any health problems and is around 10 years old. I certainly hope he gets better, I can't help but think it has to be that. I haven't seen him licking it but a little coincidental I'd say[emoji]128549[/emoji]


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 11, 2017
Colfax, CA
Wow, I was just thinking about getting a salt lamp last night. I have a salt candle holder I used years ago and I did notice a difference in my mood when using it. I'm so glad I read this. I do believe that cats are attracted to negative ions. I have an air cleaner thar puts out negative ions. Not only do I notice a difference of well being, but I find my cat sleeping next to it, and I've read this happens with other cats as well. I have a question though..does anyone know if Pink Hymalain salt is toxic to cats if they just lick a tiny amount off of a plate? I use it in my food and sometimes I let my kitty lick the plate after I'm done (I make sure there's no garlic, onion, or chocolate). It wouldn't be alot of salt that she may have licked, but a few weeks ago, she started losing her appetite and I've had to bring her back from fatty liver disease by force feeding g. She has the cat flu virus inside her, so I attributed her lack of appetite to not smelling her food very well. I will not be letting her lick my plates anymore!

I am so sorry about the loss of Bailey. What an adorable and well loved baby (I love her picture wrapped up in her soft little blanky[emoji]128151[/emoji]


TCS Member
Jan 6, 2017
United States
We have had a salt lamp in our living room for ages and our cats have never touched it. Tonight I witnessed her (for the first time ever that I know of) licking the salt rock lamp; she got two or three licks in before I was able to shoo her away. I don't think it's enough to make her ill, but it shocked me and has me concerned all the same. I will be watching her for signs of salt poisoning--lethargy, "drunken" walking, dehydration, diarrhea, etc...but is there anything else I should look for?

She has never shown any interest in salt before and I think this may just be a one-off thing. Has anyone else had experience with a "salt-licker"?
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Feb 28, 2012
Hi the21stpilot the21stpilot ...sorry , it took a while to see this.
I just made sure I put mine out of the way quite quickly. A few licks won't hurt, but if they keep doing it, it's not a good thing at all. :frown:


TCS Member
Aug 31, 2017
Quick question for all you Himalayan Salt Lamp AND Cat lovers. I have a kitty cat that has mild asthma, and I am trying to find ways to relieve her symptoms (it is so mild, that the vets don't really recommend medication).

I read that Himalayan Salt Lamps help with asthma and coughing symptoms (at least in humans), but I am also reading that cats can lick them and become sick. However, I don't have many places to put it out of reach. Here are my questions:

1. How effective have y'all found the lamps in reducing asthma/air quality/coughing problems? Would this also translate to cats as well?
2. Would the quality of the lamp and its effects diminish if I put some sort of screen around it to protect the cats? I'm seeing this lamp on Amazon (click the link) and It already looks pretty protected by the metal grating. If I put another piece of metal or something on top, will I still be able to reap the rewards, so to speak?

Looking forward to hearing more!