Here Is My Story, How About Yours?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 25, 2017
We've always been dog rescuers until October of 2014 when an adult cat was dumped at hubby's job. We fed him for awhile and he lived at the shop then it grew cold...So in January of 2015 Bruce came home with us to live. He was strictly indoor. He liked the dogs and they liked him...and I started liking cats.

Three months later a very friendly stray started visiting our bird feeder. I started feeding her and she took up permanent residence on our back porch. Well once again it grew cold, so Pepperoni came inside to live too. Meanwhile neighborhood ferals have sensed that I have become a "cat lady" and they are coming to eat and then they leave.

We had Pepperoni for about 14 months and then the neighborhood cat killer did her in on Super bowl Sunday this year :'( I have no hard evidence.

Well about 10 days after Pepperoni was gone a small brown tabby started eating here. Probably 6-8 months old and terrified. If she saw any glimpse of me she was gone. I worried that the cat killer would get her, so I bought a trap.

I trapped Lily intending to TNR her and hoped to actually find her a home, rather than releasing her. Well she was not only completely wild but also pregnant. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry is out there trying to find homes for kittens, shelters are full, plus she'd be euthanized before she ever gave birth. To spay her would mean aborting the kittens. So we kept her....and it has changed our whole life.

We live in a very tiny house. I'm a disabled nurse, so I have a fixed income. Lots of rebudgeting and struggling has gone into my first intended TNR:

When I trapped her she was wild, like I mentioned above. We gave her the small 2nd bedroom and she hid for the first week. With much love and time she grew to love and trust us. She loves the dogs and they love her. BUT she has never ever accepted Bruce, our first rescue kitty. Bruce is a big older boy, about 25#. Lily is a younger small female, weighing ,9#. Both have been spayed/neutered.

Well I kept thinking after the kittens were born then she'd accept him. Nope. Then maybe after the kittens grow a bit. Nope. So we live with baby gates and cardboard dividing our house. When Lily and the kittens get whole house time then Bruce is in the linen closet (he loves it in there), when it's Bruce's time then mama and kittens are separated into the 2 bedrooms only with cardboard and baby gates. Cardboard and baby gates don't sound too bad, right? I assure you that after 6 months of this it is truly a nightmare. :(

So why do we have to separate them? Because tiny Lily actually tries to kill Bruce. It never ever calmed down. We've tried every YouTube advice etc to try to get them adjusted. The problem is Lily, not Bruce. So that's a huge daily stressor because the kittens will be 16 weeks tomorrow and there are 4. It's getting harder and harder to keep the 5 of them separated by cardboard and baby gates.

This Mon the 4 kittens go for their spay and neuter. I've tried to find them loving homes but nobody is interested. We're swimming in kittens in this area.

So here I sit, not enough space, never enough money, and nobody will ever eat dinner here again. I trapped one cat to try to "do some good" & "get involved", and now I have 5 more furry residents. I'm still feeding the neighborhood feral cats and plan to trap, fix, and return them once (if ever) I financially recover from the first TNR.

Will Lily and Bruce ever get along? I sure hope so. :(


Shane Kent

Crazy Cat Gentleman
Top Cat
May 9, 2016
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
God bless you for rescuing, TNRing and doing all you can to prevent the cats from getting euthanized. Where I live there are people that will help you if you get overwhelmed. They specialize in helping cats and people that help cats. I will be building them some winter shelters over the next couple of weeks so they can give them to people that are looking after stray and feral cats.

Like your husband, I had a pregnant cat dumped at my work. When I was building up to trapping them I did a lot of research. That is when I discovered this site and I also discovered the cat rescue people local to me. I would have contacted the people local to me had I got in over my head. I was fortunate that the guys I work for helped out and I did not need help from the local cat rescue people.

This following is the site for the people that are local to me. Maybe there are some people local to you.

You can search the Internet for people local to you or ask people on here if they know of people that will assist you where you live.

What you are doing is great and every cat lover out there admires people like you. You shouldn't let it overwhelm you if you can get help. I hope there are people local to you that can help with the trapping and the money to TNR them.

"Will Lily and Bruce ever get along? I sure hope so."

There is a good article on this site for introducing cats. You can click on the title it will take you to the article.
How To Successfully Introduce Cats: The Ultimate Guide
Introducing Cats To Cats

Those articles won't fully apply to you but I have seen people on here post questions about reintroducing cats. I have never done it so I can't offer you any input on that. I think you should post the question into the Cat Behavior forum "Need help reintroducing cats". You could search the forums for "reintroducing cats" and read through other people's experience as possibly there was someone with a situation similar to yours.

P.S. I would comment about your neighborhood cat killer but that comment would get deleted because it wouldn't be full of kind words.
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Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Things might get better between Lily and Bruce after she has been spayed. I really wouldn't be surprised if the momma kitty hormones and now the mating hormones are to blame for her aggression. Its always hard to find homes for kittens. I have two foster fails myself so I know all to well how that can go. You can try looking outside your area though, if you are willing to take a road trip. Sometimes there is one area exploding at the seams with kittens while 100 miles away they are desperate for kittens.

My story is I have always had cats. The first one just walked into our home when I was a baby, the second we went looking for, the third fell into our lives, Of the current group we have two that stumbled into our lives and we intended to rehome; that never happened. The third in our current group I went looking for and ended up finding a newly orphaned little boy who needed a home.
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  • #4


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 25, 2017
Things might get better between Lily and Bruce after she has been spayed. I really wouldn't be surprised if the momma kitty hormones and now the mating hormones are to blame for her aggression. Its always hard to find homes for kittens. I have two foster fails myself so I know all to well how that can go. You can try looking outside your area though, if you are willing to take a road trip. Sometimes there is one area exploding at the seams with kittens while 100 miles away they are desperate for kittens.

My story is I have always had cats. The first one just walked into our home when I was a baby, the second we went looking for, the third fell into our lives, Of the current group we have two that stumbled into our lives and we intended to rehome; that never happened. The third in our current group I went looking for and ended up finding a newly orphaned little boy who needed a home.
Hi there. Isn't it funny how they just seem to find us? :)
Lily was spayed 4 weeks ago. I too thought it would help. I saw that another member offered a thread suggestion for introducing cats, so I'll check it out.

Yes I have tried the long distance relocation for the kittens and I will continue to. Right now I am working on making an adoption video. Maybe it'll touch some hearts and open some doors.

Thanks so much for taking your time to respond. <3
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  • #5


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 25, 2017
God bless you for rescuing, TNRing and doing all you can to prevent the cats from getting euthanized. Where I live there are people that will help you if you get overwhelmed. They specialize in helping cats and people that help cats. I will be building them some winter shelters over the next couple of weeks so they can give them to people that are looking after stray and feral cats.

Like your husband, I had a pregnant cat dumped at my work. When I was building up to trapping them I did a lot of research. That is when I discovered this site and I also discovered the cat rescue people local to me. I would have contacted the people local to me had I got in over my head. I was fortunate that the guys I work for helped out and I did not need help from the local cat rescue people.

This following is the site for the people that are local to me. Maybe there are some people local to you.

You can search the Internet for people local to you or ask people on here if they know of people that will assist you where you live.

What you are doing is great and every cat lover out there admires people like you. You shouldn't let it overwhelm you if you can get help. I hope there are people local to you that can help with the trapping and the money to TNR them.

"Will Lily and Bruce ever get along? I sure hope so."

There is a good article on this site for introducing cats. You can click on the title it will take you to the article.
How To Successfully Introduce Cats: The Ultimate Guide
Introducing Cats To Cats

Those articles won't fully apply to you but I have seen people on here post questions about reintroducing cats. I have never done it so I can't offer you any input on that. I think you should post the question into the Cat Behavior forum "Need help reintroducing cats". You could search the forums for "reintroducing cats" and read through other people's experience as possibly there was someone with a situation similar to yours.

P.S. I would comment about your neighborhood cat killer but that comment would get deleted because it wouldn't be full of kind words.
Aww thanks so much for the suggested information. I'll certainly check those out.

I did try local rescue groups, even before they were born. I just fixed and rehomed a stray male 2 weeks ago, Elvis, I can't believe I forgot to mention him above. It just seems that nobody is interested in kittens. The local groups here are up to their necks in expenses and kittens. Our local humane society is not currently taking kittens. It's just a mess here.

We too are thinking of providing more shelters this winter. There's a definite "colony" sized group eating here and I'm not sure where they seek shelter. I have woods behind my house and my plan is to try to put shelters there. Hopefully they'll use it.

Truly I deserve no praise...It is ALL God. When I was 38 He gave me a new heart and instantly I saw animals completely different than I had. It is completely because of Him that I try to help.

Hoping that Lily and Bruce make nice soon. It has definitely become a labor of love. I'll have to keep you all updated. <3


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 13, 2017
One suggestion for kitten homes might be a local nursing home, assisted living home, or adult day care. My mom's nursing home has a young cat now that was donated as a kitten. Many of the resident's families will donate food and supplies for it as well. She's kept only in their activity room and the residents love her. They'll sit for hours giggling at her chasing a laser pointer. Same with adult day cares. They usually have something going on 7 days a week, so the cat will be tended to.

I'm not sure about where you live, but as far as state regulations go in my area, so long as the cat isn't around the food prep or medicine area, it doesn't violate any regulations. The home just has to post that it's there for anyone allergic so that person doesn't go in that room.

Might be worth a try. I plan on trying that route as well once my little boarder has her kittens.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 25, 2017
The kittens were all spay/neuter yesterday. I need your opinions on something...

When I took them in I gave very very explicit instructions on what I wanted done. I was VERY adamant that I did NOT want them microchipped. The employee tried persuading me to get it, even telling me that I was still paying for it in the surgery package. I held firm and said NO.

Well I went to pick them up and ALL 4 were microchipped completely against my instructions. They blew me off and dismissed me like "oh well sorry lady".

I'm so angry. I go to extremely great lengths to make sure those kittens have the best chance at health and happiness. Through my own extensive research I chose not to get them microchipped. Now that dang thing is in their body and I do NOT want it there.

One boy is extremely ill...puking several times today. Did he catch something there? Is it that chip?

What would you do if you felt strongly about something and they did it anyway?
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
What would you do if you felt strongly about something and they did it anyway?
I'm very sorry that this happened; the question is subjective, and the answer is reliant upon circumstance. Personally, I'd have called Lippes, Mathias, Wexler and Friedman, and said to the veterinary surgeon while I was on hold, "what shall I tell my legal counsel, the former Attorney General, regarding how you plan to safeguard the kittens' health when you remedy your abject failure at following directions?"
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 25, 2017
Well I must be on the right track. I just called a family friend attorney. He said to demand a refund. If no refund comes then he'll step in. I'm beyond angry about this. I know most ppl will just say "it's only a harmless little chip", but I'm not most people.

I'm nervous about even having to contact them, I loathe these types of things. People are so incompetent these days and it seems I have to be the big meanie more often than I'd like to.
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 25, 2017
And now the question of do I put them through removal? Won't it need to be soon before tissue growth all around it? I certainly should NOT be paying for that.

It's not even supposed to be there and I'm not even supposed to be dealing with this. People are so disappointing.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 13, 2017
I would definitely take it the legal route. It doesn't sound like a mistake. It sounds like someone decided they knew better than you so were going to do it their way, not yours. They need to learn that they can't do that.

I was wondering the same thing about having them removed....will it be harder on the kittens now than just leaving them in? Or is it the similar to having staples removed after open heart surgery. I didn't even feel mine being removed because of all of the other trauma going on in that area.

That's just awful that they did that. I'm so sorry you and those babies had to go through that.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
How is the sick kitten doing now? It may be from the anesthesia, though he should not have been under long. However, some cats are sensitive to anesthesia.

Did they receive vaccinations? If so, it is more likely a reaction to the vaccine, which is more common.

Hopefully he is eating wet food again now. If not, try to syringe 1-2mLs of unflavored pedialyte every 1-2 hours to guard against dehydration.

If he is violently ill, see a different vet asap.

Do ask for a refund by certified letter.

Like you, I chose not to microchip my cats, but it was an extra charge to get it, which I did not pay.

Please update regarding the kitten's health.
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  • #13


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 25, 2017
I would definitely take it the legal route. It doesn't sound like a mistake. It sounds like someone decided they knew better than you so were going to do it their way, not yours. They need to learn that they can't do that.

I was wondering the same thing about having them removed....will it be harder on the kittens now than just leaving them in? Or is it the similar to having staples removed after open heart surgery. I didn't even feel mine being removed because of all of the other trauma going on in that area.

That's just awful that they did that. I'm so sorry you and those babies had to go through that.
Oh my, just found out that they are not intended to be removed. Difficult if at all. People in the local cat community have now branded me as crazy. They see nothing wrong with microchips. :(
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  • #14


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 25, 2017
How is the sick kitten doing now? It may be from the anesthesia, though he should not have been under long. However, some cats are sensitive to anesthesia.

Did they receive vaccinations? If so, it is more likely a reaction to the vaccine, which is more common.

Hopefully he is eating wet food again now. If not, try to syringe 1-2mLs of unflavored pedialyte every 1-2 hours to guard against dehydration.

If he is violently ill, see a different vet asap.

Do ask for a refund by certified letter.

Like you, I chose not to microchip my cats, but it was an extra charge to get it, which I did not pay.

Please update regarding the kitten's health.
No vaccines. Thanks for the advice. Next feeding is in 1 hour and I hope and pray he keeps it down.

Yes microchipping price was included. I had to pay for it even though they wouldn't be receiving it. The lady signing us in yesterday even said "you're paying for it, you sure you don't want it"...I repeated my NO to her too. :(

I'll update on my sweet little guy later or tomorrow.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I haven't microchipped my cats yet. I'm waiting to research more about it and see if it's really safe. Yeah, it probably would be hard to remove them now that they are in. But you are not crazy.

Shane Kent

Crazy Cat Gentleman
Top Cat
May 9, 2016
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
My apartment cats were no vacs no I'd chip. Zoe came from the Humane Society id chipped. I got all the rest chipped because buckled collars are bad and the breakaway collars are useless. My cat(s) get out and lost I want them back asap. I realize there is a risk but my vet told me the risk of losing them is greater and I have to agree.

You are not crazy it depends on the need of the individual pet owner. I am a bit on the paranoid of losing my cat.
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  • #17


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 25, 2017
How is the sick kitten doing now? It may be from the anesthesia, though he should not have been under long. However, some cats are sensitive to anesthesia.

Did they receive vaccinations? If so, it is more likely a reaction to the vaccine, which is more common.

Hopefully he is eating wet food again now. If not, try to syringe 1-2mLs of unflavored pedialyte every 1-2 hours to guard against dehydration.

If he is violently ill, see a different vet asap.

Do ask for a refund by certified letter.

Like you, I chose not to microchip my cats, but it was an extra charge to get it, which I did not pay.

Please update regarding the kitten's health.
No syringe needed...drinking water on his own. I'm waiting to see if he keeps it down. Waiting another hour for food.



TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2015
Well, we should start a No Microchip Club here... my Milly is not chipped either. I think these kinds of things should be individual decisions by the pet owner.

Back to Lily and Bruce... maybe Lily is just extra protective because of the kittens in the house. Poor Bruce!

Sending good vibes to all of your kitties! :vibes:
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  • #20


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 25, 2017
Well, we should start a No Microchip Club here... my Milly is not chipped either. I think these kinds of things should be individual decisions by the pet owner.

Back to Lily and Bruce... maybe Lily is just extra protective because of the kittens in the house. Poor Bruce!

Sending good vibes to all of your kitties! :vibes:
Well Lily and Bruce saw each other from a new perspective, her outside of the glass door and him inside and for the very first time in 6 months Lily didn't freak out. She eyed him up and sniffed at the 1/4" opening and then she did her claws on the outside rug and laid down and rolled around just like she does when she's happy. Sooooo the plan is to introduce them out on the porch. I have to buy a harness for humongous Bruce and Lily can use his old one. Planning to let them ease into getting close to each other. The harness and leash because of past attempts to 86 Bruce. :(

Oh those dreaded microchips. You know what is upsetting? The amount of people that act like I'm nuts for thinking the chips are a bad idea. Im talking about local cat folks...not this group. This world is so upside down...just seriously, common sense should tell you that a permanent frequency device implanted in the body is NOT a good idea. But to each his own, and therein lies the choice of the owner and not the vet.

A no chip club sounds great! A good place to exchange links etc.