Hepatic Lipidosis - Feeding and Hydrating Questions

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TCS Member
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Oct 17, 2015
My cat ("Small Cat") has the dreaded Fatty Liver Disease and I think she's in the late stages of it in that she has jaundice.  I keep having questions pop into my head that I want to ask the vet but I have to wait until Monday to ask them so I'm getting a little antsy.  I started treating her for it as of Wednesday.

I am force feeding her via syringe 1/3 a can of the Hill's A/D wet food per feeding session and I dilute it to get a slurry consistency that way she can get a little moisture into her body.  She eats about 80% of it before she starts spitting the food out - her way of saying that she's done.  She holds the food down quite well and will only vomit occasionally.  The problem is that I don't think I'm feeding her enough.  Based on the Hill's website she should be getting 1.5 cans of food based on her weight and I'm lucky if I can get 2/3 of a can of into her a day based on the scarcity of free time that I have - work seems to be getting in the way.  I'm up at 4:45 to feed her and then I'm off to work and the next opportunity I get to feed her is at 4pm, if I'm lucky.  I'm in bed by 8:45pm.  Even on normal days I get worried about feeding her around 4 pm and then around 8 pm - those feeding sessions seem to be too close together so I only feed her once when I get home - I don't want her to vomit.  Other times I get home later than that - sometimes 6pm - so there's definitely not enough time to squeeze in two feeding sessions.

My first question is there is any benefit in waking up in the middle of the night to feed her so that I can be sure that she's getting enough food or is that a bad idea?

The other problem I have is that she is dehydrated.  Not dangerously dehydrated.  When her skin is pulled, it takes a second or two for it to return to its original state so I know she is a little dehydrated.  I have seen her drink water occasionally (I'm not a helicopter dad and I have two pugs who also share the water bowl so I don't know who drinks what) but I'm wondering: should I invest in an IV kit just to be extra sure that she's hydrated or is the fact that she is at least drinking without coaxing good enough?


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Many cats with HL get many small meals through the day.  if that is not possible, then IF you can swing it, I would definitely give her at least one in the middle of the night.  When my cat had HL, he was on a feeding tube, and we fed him every 4 hours, like clockwork, and we did this for four very long months.  He was our baby afterall, and we made a commitment to him when we adopted him.  Luckily I worked days and my husband worked nights, so we could handle the schedule, albeit  with disrupted sleep. 

I know many people give Sub-q fluids to their cats with HL, but not all.  We didn't, but then again, our experience was probably 20 years ago.  Things have changed since then. 

If you can, at least try to syringe in some extra water, or even pediate all throughout the times you ARE home with her.  Also, are you giving any supplements for her liver?  Denamarin, Sem-E, Ursodial, plain milk thistle, or Vit E? 

Just being Jaundice doesn't mean the end.  MOST cats with HL are yellow.  Sometimes thats the tip-off that alerts us humans to the problem in the first place.

Do you know what caused the Fatty Liver (HL)?  Are they treating that too?  Sometimes it's just some sort of infection that starts it, sometimes it's Pancreatitis, etc.  But whatever caused it needs to be treated to so it doesn't reoccur. 

With assist feeding, does she seem to be feeling a little better?  Even 2/3 of a can is much better than nothing.  Hopefully with a middle of the night feeding you can increase that to at least a full can (plus water).  And feeding every 4 - 6 hours should be fine (IMHO)  She'll let you know if it isn't.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 5, 2014
Hi Small cat.

I'm sorry you're baby is struggling.You are right as per calories.An average 10lb kitty eats approx 180-200 calories per day.To maintain that weight not overcome jaundice nor gain weight.A/D at 180 calories and you don't usually get every single drop into them so it would count as less.The only thing that can reverse HL is food.& alot of it.I have seen jaundice & it is not funny.Your answer to benefit of getting up the middle of the night to feed.Yes.i have had to syringe feed a kitty yrs ago & did have to set the alarm.Although remember you have to be all there as per witts as this is not something that can be rushed.As long as she is emaciated she will have major dehydration.But food is life.I honestly when at jaundice stage would be giving her two cans' of A/D if that is doable.Or at least go for that .You can join the assisted feeding group @ yahoo where they have all kinds of ideas of getting calories into your babe.And yes like Mrs.Green Jeans said a feeding tube is a lifesaver IMO.For some cats that will not tolerate a lot of syringing.I used the Iams Max cal vet canned food at 330 calories per can.A/D being 180.But it is like gravel & I had to run it through a wire mesh strainer twice to get out the small bones. Very tiny ones that would plug up your syringe.NOT GOOD.Just taking a scoop of it and putting it into the strainer & using the backside of a lge tbsp pressing it through the mesh into a bowl.Once a whole can was done I would put that amount through again.Rinsing out the small bones that are left in the strainer.Some people are known to pop it into a blender & whip the heck out of it.And not have to strain it.others if you are using a tapered syringe cut part of the tip off making the hole in the syringe larger.Any sticky syringes after washed need to be chucked.I bought them by the case & were cheap.Yrs ago Baxa made an excellent syringe.No black oring.It was nylon and they lasted for eons but the quality is not there anymore.A/D is very palatable & yes i have used it before but actually is not high in calories.Wellness core grain turkey at a pet store is over like 230 calories per can.MaxCal being one of the most used in Major recovery requirements & requiring less syringes.But truly there are no meds no supplements although i wish that will reverse the fat that has filled up or should I say plugged up your kitties liver.Just food and being jaundice alot now for her to survive.If a feeding tube is an option for you ,you will find it alot easier.An e tube installation is not a huge operation but can be a life saver.Here is the link to the assisted feeding group.They have all experienced inappetance,feeding tubes,jaundice & syringing all hours of the night & all that comes with it to basically save a life.. https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Feline-Assisted-Feeding/info Hugs honey & strength to forge forward with a very hard task & time consuming task.i know what it takes.I remember.I will always remember.C.
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  • #4


TCS Member
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Oct 17, 2015
I will give the SAMe and pedialyte a shot.  Does anyone know if cats like the taste of pedialyte?  Can I just leave it in a bowl for her when I go to work or will she likely turn her nose up at it?  I tried sodium free chicken broth before the force feeding started and she really liked that and spent 15 minutes just gulping it down but I don't think it's nearly as loaded with electrolytes as pedialyte.  That was until I started force feeding her and probably induced refeeding syndrome by trying to feed her too much at once, which my vet did not warn me about.  Now she won't even go for the chicken broth although she is just as lethargic now as when we started treatment.

I guess what's promising is that when she does vomit, I see a lot more fluid come out than I swear I put into her via syringe so I'm pretty sure she's drinking when I'm not around.  And yesterday last night when I was force feeding, she peed all over me and soaked the towel I had her wrapped up in.  Although it was gross, she peed so much that probably she's at least drinking.  Although skin turgor suggests dehydration, maybe it isn't as bad as I think. which was actually comforting in a weird way because there was so much of it that she had to have been drinking.

My busy schedule with work and my own health are really going to complicate this.  I suffer from bipolar disorder so not getting enough sleep - meds or not - is a recipe for disaster and, while I don't like to put a price tag on Small-Cat, I may not be able to afford the feeding tube.  If she is drinking, maybe I should stop watering her food down so that I can focus on get more calories in her.  I don't know.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
Kitties can and do survive this.  My kitty had it almost 5 years ago and he is still here and doing fine.  If there is any way that you can get a feeding tube put in I would, it makes the feedings much easier.  There isn't anything magical about them, getting enough calories in is the key to recovery.

My  kitty was to the point of being jaundiced I think that is part of it rather than being indicative of end stage fatty  liver.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 5, 2014
Hi SmallCat.

Unfortunately I cannot comment on the taste of pedialyte but I'm sure others will chime in for you how they administer it/taste.Maxwell was on nightly subq for 6 yrs also with vit B12 monthly in the subq.

If the food you are syringing is still syringeable without adding water then yes syringe it straight.She needs all the calories she can get.Some foods do need a little water as they are so thick so it helps with syringing but if this food you are using will draw up in a syringe or if not pop it into a blender and whip it up then just syringe straight.

How much do you think you are getting into her as per food?I mean I don't know what food you are using nor the calorie count of it.What is your goal?I know it seems so overwhelming and my posts I hope I didn't overwhelm you.

Food is truly life and there is not too much food.I have personally seen jaundice & have seen the light come back into their eyes & eat on their own for the rest of their lives.Even if you have been told this.Itwill go down if kitty is tolerating it well & the gut is working properly & get pooed out.Please keep an eye out on her BM's and her pees as these are all crucial observations of just how well it is moving through her.

The moisture from the canned which is probably around 70% or more is the hydration.Although subq is preferenced.Just do the best you can and remember no matter what anyone tells you you can never get too much into her.

That being said I never made it a stressful situation for any of my kitts.Maxwell I syringe fed in the bathroom.I had an old cutting board that covered the sink area.I would place a towel there.I closed the bathroom door behind me after having preloaded syringes ready soaking tip down in hotwater on teh counter.

.i would place him up on the towel & this will differ for you but i was told don't be bending over trying to syringe your kitty.Be at the height that is somewhat comfortable as this process of inducing food takes time.As you already know.

i bought a three pack of baby bibs from Walmart as it would get on his white chest.Velcro strap worked great.I would begin syringing always talking to him how a good boy he was and giving breaks in between.If he became ansey I would stop he'd jump down onto the toilet then the floorand walk around the bathroom a bit.

I'd sit down & he'd get his bearings.Then I would lift him up & begin again.Usually at a feeding I would get 3-25cc syringes into him.Too fast and he'll vomit.I didn't count them as 25cc as you never get every bit into them.I had soft cloths ready that I would keep his face clean.This continued for three months straight.

If i had a kitty that i had to wrap up like a burrito because they were not into syringing.I would go with an E tube.No doubt in my mind.Way less stress for the both of you.yes it costs money.I know.but with jaundice there is a time limit.The liver is telling you.The assisted feeding group i talked to you about all have dealt with jaundice,cancer you name & have gotten up in the middle of the night trying desperately to get those needed calories in their kitty they love so much.

They  are truly a wealth & help hundreds of kitties all over the world to survive & begin to eat again on their own.They are well aware of medications to help entice your kitty you can talk to with your vet as well as every anti nausea med there is.They have been around the block & then some.I don't recommend any group unless i have belonged to them for over 10 yrs and are reading daily, seeing their wisdom,learning & just being so happy these members joined.

And also have been part of the cheering squad when kitty does decide ok Dad I wanna eat on my own now.

Keep forging forward.You can do this!!Sending you strength to endure the endurable.To see the miracle in your hand change your baby.Food. Hugs C.
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 5, 2014
Hi. When cats are sick or humans for that matter they tell you never while you are sick eat any of your favorite foods.For after you heal they will no longer be your favorite.I believe your kitty with the chicken broth was not a situation of too much food but rather her being so sick while having it that after her just smelling it would make her gag.Learned food aversions.You can google it.Your vet should be well aware of them. This is why prescribed appetite stimulants should always be followed after an  anti nausea med.If not you can get "learned aversions of food."Nauseous kitties do not have to be vomitting.In fact a lot of them don't.Nausea should always be addressed first & if still a no go then either mirtzapine or cyproheptadine (appetite stimulants) are introduced.I only dealt with a board certified Doctor of Internal veterinary medicine. With an E tube you would be able to get more calories into her per feeding so your time frame and having lack of it would work a lot better for you & your baby.IMO. Hugs C.
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TCS Member
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Oct 17, 2015
I've been feeding Small Cat Since Wednesday of last week and it just occurred to me that she hasn't popped since before Wednesday (10/14).  I don't remember exactly the last time she pooped and the last time I scooped a poop up from the litter box it was the size of a peanut.  Could she have a blockage or could her body just be absorbing every morsel of food that I put into her?


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Her body would NOT be absorbing every morsel of food.  Many cats being assist fed and/or on feeding tubes end up being constipated, mainly because they are dehydrated.  This then adds to them not wanting to eat.  Not having had a bowel movement for almost a week is NOT good.  Is she vomiting more now than she was?  She might be really backed up if you have been consistently getting at least 2/3 of a 5.5 oz can into her.  It's possible she has a blockage, although if she does, I would suspect she would be vomiting a LOT a this point, since you are putting food into her. 

For constipation, you can try adding miralax into her feedings, probably 1/8th teaspoon, mixed n a little water, than added into one of the syringes of food in the am and the pm, but this might take a couple of days to work
  If you're working with a Vet, I'd give them a call and see what they say.  They might want to see her and palpitate her to see if she's "full up".  If so, they might want to give her an enema
, or at the very minimum, give her some Laxatone, which I believe works more quickly. 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 5, 2014
Hi Small cat.

That's' great news about the feeding.Not good news about the pooping.All depends on how long she went without food and was still pooping.Just how empty her colon was before you started feeding her.But Like Mrs.green jeans no not all the food you are giving her will be absorbed.Alot is waste.Miralax I don't know if you know of it is available over the counter.white powder.You can google it. You can get it at Walmart they have their brand.Costco has their brand ,Walgreen's.The ingredients of miralax which really is only a brand name is peg3350.So if you are at a store looking on the tub the ingredients should say peg 3350.Nothing else.It comes with added electrolytes as it is a human stool softener but is used highly in cats for constipation.No electrolytes for kitties or flavorings ever.Tasteless odorless.You can add it into one of your syringes.Usual starting dose is between 1/8-1/4 tsp twice per day.If she is backed up she will be vomiting or you may see her go to the toilet & gag.Hairball remedy like Mrs Gj says may help as well.Laxatone.At any pet store.You can also add like a 1" strip (It is gel) into the backside of a syringe of meat & stir with a turkey skewer,then put the plunger back in.The fats,proteins etc the body will be taking in but not all.Do you notice any pees in the box?Also pay attention to that as well as meat is at least 70% water or more.I have seen cats go over a week after an enema depending how just how much the vet gets out.So all depends on what was in her colon at the time.Dehydration kicks in & then you have rocks.The bowel, one of many jobs it to draw water out of the stool.The longer it is in there the drier it gets.Miralax helps retain water in the stool.But does not work on rocks.If you can you can also try adding some small amounts of water & meat into a slurry in between your main syringes of full meat.just be careful syringing as it is alot thinner.I know you were doing that in the beginning right then I said to go straight meat.You are not giving any subq fluid therapy at home so your kitty will be dehydrated.That is a given.Have you tried low salt broth or cat's milk at the petstore?Fluids being just as important.If you do notice her straining do not leave it.Miralax does take time to work.take your kitty to the vet.Please run by all supplements I have suggested by your vet AS I AM NOT A VET.Ok? Hepatic lipidosis which is what your baby has it is really hard to know exactly what is going on in the bowel when the liver is trying to recover.Your vet may be able to feel for stool.I have had many who said Maxwell had nothing only for him to come home & do a 10 incher.LOL.You're doing a great job!!!But yes poo has to come & pee.  I would take her in as soon as you can.Is it possible she went somewhere out side of the toilet that you may have missed? Do you know when her last one was?All these things as per Plumbing of the cat are crucial for survival.What goes in must come out.I don't know what you are feeding her either.Maxwell's Max Cal food I had to triple his miralax dosing to get a proper stool.I don't know why but that was just the way it was.possibly the fat content in the food i don't know.He had mega Colon though.Observation of everything is key.Your vet could also do a quick xray & it will show exactly how much she has in her colon & help you.I know it's a slippery slope when you are trying to save a life.But food is life & now plumbing is essential as well. .I'd take your kitty in if it were mine & make sure...He/she may put your kitty on some fluids possibly or give an enema to clean it out.But still give food.But i would not wait if it were me.I am so anal (pun intended) when it comes to litterboxes.When you get a diagnosis of Mega Colon you soon learn to pay attention of what when & how  etc of every poo your kitty does.It is crucial.Good Luck honey .hugs to babe.:) C.
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Oct 17, 2015
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I’ve added pedialyte to the hill’s a/d and dilute it to the consistency of soup to get more fluids into her.   I am also now adding 30mg of Milk Thistle to it.  I will start her on IV fluids hopefully today so that I can dilute her food less and focus on putting more food into her limited capacity stomach rather than filling her stomach with water since the dilution requires me to cut back on the amount of a/d I use – from 1/3 a can to 1/4 a can.

I’ll also ask the vet about constipation and symptoms and if he thinks that she should be examined or if he thinks an enema would be beneficial – I can administer it (at this point she’s so apathetic she’ll probably let me give her a bath although I’m not looking to test that).   If she isn’t constipated, is the Miralax benign or can I potentially cause harm by giving it to her if she isn’t constipated?  The litterbox is clean since I changed it Friday of last week.  She last peed in it on Thursday of last week and that’s the last time she used it for anything.


TCS Member
Jun 19, 2003
East Coast, USA
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<w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="31" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="Subtle Reference"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="32" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="Intense Reference"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="33" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="Book Title"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="37" Name="Bibliography"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="39" QFormat="true" Name="TOC Heading"/> </w:LatentStyles></xml><![endif]She is not vomiting at all and is actually at the point where she’s cooperating with me during feeding time.  I think, however, that she may have encephalopathy as she does seem to be lethargic, confused, she drools when I feed her and for a few minutes after feeding, and she walks funny but only after feeding.  But then again, it could also be the extreme malnourishment.

I’ve added pedialyte to the hill’s a/d and dilute it to the consistency of soup to get more fluids into her.  I am also now adding 30mg of Milk Thistle to it.  I will start her on IV fluids hopefully today so that I can dilute her food less and focus on putting more food into her limited capacity stomach rather than filling her stomach with water since the dilution requires me to cut back on the amount of a/d I use – from 1/3 a can to 1/4 a can.

I’ll also ask the vet about constipation and symptoms and if he thinks that she should be examined or if he thinks an enema would be beneficial – I can administer it (at this point she’s so apathetic she’ll probably let me give her a bath although I’m not looking to test that).  If she isn’t constipated, is the Miralax benign or can I potentially cause harm by giving it to her if she isn’t constipated?  The litterbox is clean since I changed it Friday of last week.  She last peed in it on Thursday of last week and that’s the last time she used it for anything.
Just my quick 2 cents:  If it was me i would have a feeding tube inserted.  Much easier to feed this way, easier on the person and on the cat and you can get all the food you need into that way.  I've done it and with a little instruction its a piece of cake.  Secondly, if she is dehydrated i'd definitely get a bag of fluids and give her fluids sub Q as needed, again with a little instruction. 
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  • #13


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 17, 2015
I'm definitely going to do the sub-q now that I know it's affordable.  Not sure why my vet didn't even suggest this at the onset of treatment and inform me of price.  Unfortunately I cannot afford the feeding tube but fortunately she is tolerating the syringe feeding.  As long as I get enough sleep, the inconvenience to me is immaterial.

Is it possible that her recovery will have ups and downs or is recovery generally an up-and-up process (if everything is done correctly)?  There are some days I feel like she's more lethargic than others which throws me off.


TCS Member
Jun 19, 2003
East Coast, USA
I'm definitely going to do the sub-q now that I know it's affordable.  Not sure why my vet didn't even suggest this at the onset of treatment and inform me of price.  Unfortunately I cannot afford the feeding tube but fortunately she is tolerating the syringe feeding.  As long as I get enough sleep, the inconvenience to me is immaterial.

Is it possible that her recovery will have ups and downs or is recovery generally an up-and-up process (if everything is done correctly)?  There are some days I feel like she's more lethargic than others which throws me off.
Ok sounds good.  You're doing great work.  Generally in my experience recovery is often a slow and lengthy process, but i am not familiar with ups and downs although that is certainly possible and seen by you.  With a chronic case under a vets care, it is common and expected that you can call your vet for advice and concerns, and they will call you back at no charge.  This is a normal part of vet's practices.  So I would ask your vet about the ups and downs as well.
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 5, 2014
Hi Small cat.

It is hard to know of the symptoms are  HE or not.Subq will help alot & yes is affordable.Some members on the MC site use what is called petema.Individual use enemas' .Available online & cheap.Your vet can steer you into that direction.Definitely try for more calories if you can as like I told you it takes alot.But of course you have to work up to it.Each day i would try to add another syringe full into the daily amount.I don`t know what size of syringes you are using.Your vet should be able to set you up with subq supplies but I know online it is alot cheaper.but it is the waiting for it.Maybe someone here will chime in on where to order it from which requires a script that will get it to you within a day.I am in Canada so that won't help you.It is really hard to know what is actually going on with her as her liver is in failure & trying to recoup.Only food & more of it will help her feel a lot better & help the reversal..I have seen personally what food & lots of it can do.The miracle .She may not have produced much stool if we are at 1/3 of a can.But should be seeing something by now.As for miralax or really peg 3350 it is metabolized through the liver .So i honestly can't say if it would help or hinder.As her liver function of filtering is impaired.It is harmless for cats that have constipation.Usually too high of a dose brings on diarrhea.Lactulose is what your vet will carry .It is a liquid sugary syrup you syringe to your baby.It can help in a pinch but most cats hate it and may cause her to associate syringing with it and not be as cooperative to be syringe fed which is a must.Also if you can every day still try to offer her something to eat on her own.Like syringing onto the tips of your fingers and seeing if she will lick it off.Which would be a huge improvement.I would go by what your vet says as per what to use for s stool softener.Don`t be surprised if he is unaware of miralax.Vets are still getting onboard learning it is far superior to lactulose for most kitties.And does not over time raise calcium levels which it can do for long time users.it also  seems to wear off & the dose keeps going up until you are mega dosing your kitty & still receiving rocks.I honestly can`t tell you if miralax or lactulose for that matter being metabolized through her liver if either one could set her back.I don`t know.I know syringing her food there has to be as little of stress possible & lactulose might send her the other way.Miralax you can add like 1/8 th tsp inside one syringe of meat in the morning & do the same at 1/8 into another syringe.If she doesn`t poo she is in even more trouble. So.....She will not notice it.Gerbers stage 2 babyfood turkey (no onions or garlic)holds over 100 calories per little jar.Lots of people will add that to AD even 1 to 3 ratio to try to get more calories into her.Your vet should walk you through the subq fluid therapy process but if not here is a link to seeing a kitty & how to do it.Keep up the great work!!!! Hugs C. HTH

Sophia gets her sub-Q


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
No pee for almost a week either??????  Does your Vet know this?  IMHO, this is an emergency!  Especially as you say she is even more lethargic.  I think you need to take her in to be seen, right away.  No pee or poop in all this time has me scared. 

You can have your Vet show you how to administer the Sub-Q/s while you're there, and if she's backed up, pick up some Lactulose (sorry, that's what I meant to say vs Laxatone), and ask about effects of Miralax on the liver.  I use Miralax for my kidney cat every single day to keep her regular, but she has kidney disease vs liver issues. 

HL is something that WILL have ups and downs, and there is no guarantee that she will recover.  I don't want to scare you, but want you to know just how serious this issue is.  How much food per day are you actually feeding her....2/3 can or thereabouts?  That's what you original post states, but just above, you mentioned 1/3, so now I'm confused.  Hoping it's closer to 2/3 or better yet an entire can.  She needs as much food as possible.

But, please contact your Vet about the no elimination.

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  • #17


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 17, 2015
She passed away yesterday at 7:15am.

She slipped into a semi-vegetative state the night before (bad timing as the vet is closed) and it really messed with me because she was still eating the food I was providing her via syringe but was completely unresponsive.  I wanted to keep hoping that maybe she would "wake up" or at least hold onto until the vet opeend.  Her eyes didn't move at all and didn't respond to external stimuli.  She eventually stopped swallowing but wouldn't spit the food out so I put my fingers in her mouth and emptied her mouth so she wouldn't choke or aspirate.  Normally that's an invitation to bite my fingers off but she did nothing except lick my fingers - all reflex.   I sat her up straight and she would just toppled over.  I checked her pulse and it was low - 88bpm.  I cleaned her up as best I could because her fur was matted with A/D and brushed her and brought her to her favorite sleeping spot (the computer chair) and her bladder released all over me and herself and she didn't respond.  I cleaned it up and I cleaned her up and sat with her and talked to her, petting her because I had the feeling she would be gone by morning.  By the morning she was breathing even more slowly and would occasionally moan as though in pain.  And then her breathing got slower and slower and she would occasionally cough but I knew that she would die before the vet opened, which she did.

She very likely had cancer.  The day before she died the vet (finally) got the blood results back.  I don't remember all the technical details, but whatever precursor they test for indicated a high likelihood of cancer and it was urgent that I get an ultrasound done because they wanted to see if she had an enlarged liver or a mass growing on it.  The blood work also revealed increased liver enzymes and her triglyceride was up.

I had her cremated and will scatter her ashes on Jordan Lake.

She filled a void in my heart at a very dark time in my life.  I was unfairly thrown out of my house by my mother many years ago and was pretty much disowned by my family and went to live with my fiancee and her family.  Of course being thrown out of the house meant never being able to see my cat again (technically he wasn't my cat though) and so there was the pain of being disowned and the pain of missing my friend.  And then we adopted Small Cat from an old man.  She was in a tiny cage, barely past kittenhood, and covered in ticks.  He found her eating out of a garbage.  I de-wormed her (that took several tries) and de-ticked her (so many ticks) and gave her a home.  Taking care of her helped me to forget how sad I was and over the the 6 years I had her she was my Small Cat: lovey, loyal, protective, comforting me during the down's of life but also a pain in the you-know-what at times, pushing the mail on the floor so that the pugs would eat it and waking me up in the middle of the night by either knocking something off the nightstand or choosing to cry for no apparent reason.  But that's just who she was and I loved her all just the same.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
I'm so sorry to hear this.

I lock this thread now. Whenever anyone loses a cat we lock the thread as a sign of respect. When you feel ready please start a thread for Small Cat in our Crossing The bridge forum as a tribute to her.


I'd like to offer our condolances on behalf of everyone at The Cat Site.

RIP Small Cat, you will be missed.
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