Help with my sick cat


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 30, 2013
somebody help me, i pick a kitten from the road, she was in very bad condition, but she was very energetic, i dont know how her age but it seems like 1month or less. her belly was so huge but legs are very thin and almost bald over her body, she eat like monster, after few days she begun to have a chronic diarrhea(everything she eat will out soon undigested), we went to vet, she got worms, bad bowel conditions, and lack of nutrition.

i already thought she would die, but she still eat and play although her energy was so weak, thanks to her spirit i dont give up on her. now i already take care  of her about 2months,i'm still worry about her behavior, she can stop eating if we dont stop it. she cant take any other food but chicken and fishes,once she did she will diarrhea again, is it normal she eat 3pouch of wet food @85grams/each a day?i've tried to give her a small amount when i fed her 1pouch divided 3times eating. so 1day she will eating 9times -.- if i feed her 1pouch a time she will throw up

she will act like crazy when she smell food, cake or anything that is food,although she just finished her dish. how can i control her? is this some kind of disease? one thing she will pee a lots. she still have a very huge belly and she will eat until she kind of choke and puke a bit then she stop. she already worm free, and vet xray her said she have a jumbo belly that cause by she was abandoned and she eat anything she could reach, while her stomach can't produced enzyme to digested (kind of that i dont really understand it)

i lived in bali, the vets here they just keep talking take this medicine take that medicine and i already do gave her but i dont think it help her. please somebody who experienced tell me what to do.
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TCS Member
Jan 14, 2013
She does sound food-obsessed which is not uncommon in cats who have experienced starvation. You will have to be diligent in making sure she can't eat non-food items or even foods that are bad for her.

You are doing the right thing by feeding her small meals more often. Especially since she's so young, she needs a lot of food to grow, but she hasn't learned moderation yet in her eating habits. Hopefully as she learns that she will be getting food regularly, her eating will slow down.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Getting her on a good probiotic will help her digest her food. Do you have a health food store available to you?

Congratulations on the rescue!
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TCS Member
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Apr 30, 2013
thanks all, she better now, i just give her pure fishes and vitamins. im still worry about her huge belly, but i want to wait she's bigger to re - Xray again.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
fish and vitamins is not a balanced diet. A kitten needs many nutrients to grow and be healthy. Can you get a hold of some commercial pet food. Any canned cat food will be better for her than just fish and vitamins.

The enlarged stomach is probably worms, if she is acting healthy in all other ways. She needs to take a kitten safe dewormer. I don't know what you have available there.

white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
Hi naomishine - welcome to TCS!

naomishine , you MUST STOP giving her is NOT a natural part of cats' diets (no fish in the desert!) and their bodies' can NOT deal with it.

Here is the danger:
Steatitis, also referred to as yellow fat disease, is a disorder characterized by marked inflammation of adipose (fat) tissue and the deposition of wax pigment in between layers of adipose tissue.

It is caused by an overabundance of unsaturated fatty acids in the food and a deficiency of vitamin E and most commonly affects cats and mink. The disease affects both males and females – young, plump or well fed individuals – and is most prevalent in individuals that have had fish or fish by-products as all or part of their diet.
That part: "marked inflammation of adipose (fat) tissue" - that might be why her belly is so big - might be. There's only one way to find out - your Vet would have to do that. It's a biopsy of the fat directly under her skin.

This term, "adipose tissue" is described here:

IF that's the problem, the treatment is simple: 1. stop all fish feeding and  2. administer Vitamin E in the form of α-tocopherol, at least 30 mg daily

But, once again, for a diagnosis, your Vet would have to do that.

Here is what one Vet has to say about fish:

Other Health Concerns from Feeding Fish

As many of you know, I talk a lot here about the need to rotate proteins in your pet's diet. That's because any food that is over-consumed can create an allergy over time.

And fish, as it turns out, is one of the most highly allergenic foods for felines. Allergies cause systemic inflammation. Cats that eat allergenic foods over and over can end up with lung inflammation that can also lead to asthma. And of course asthma is one of the more commonly diagnosed inflammatory conditions in cats.

There also appears to be a link between mercury and asthma, and ethoxyquin and asthma, so it's easy to start to see the bigger picture with regard to diet-related inflammatory conditions.

Fish fed in high amounts can also lead to thiamine deficiency, which can cause loss of appetite, seizures, and even death.

Long-term ingestion of fish in cat food can also deplete vitamin E resources. Vitamin E deficiency can also cause a really painful condition called steatitis, which is yellow fat disease. If left untreated, steatitis can also be life-threatening.

Seafood is a very rich source of iodine, but cats aren't designed to process a lot of iodine. Many animal nutritionists, including me, believe there's a link between cats consuming too many iodine-rich foods and hyperthyroidism.

There's also been a link established between pop-top cans or canned cat food and hyperthyroidism.

Pet food companies are now introducing 'low-iodine' formulas for hyperthyroid cats. How about we just avoid feeding cats fish-based food instead? Avoiding foods high in iodine seems like a good way to prevent hyperthyroidism in kitties.

Last but not least, the magnesium content in fish has been linked to urinary tract diseases in cats. A diet overloaded with the mineral magnesium can predispose your kitty to magnesium ammonium phosphate crystals, also known as MAP crystals or struvite crystals. Crystals are a big problem for many, many cats.
naomishine , exactly what are these "vitamins" you're giving?

One more said
her stomach can't produced enzyme to digested (kind of that i dont really understand it)
Then, otto told you:
Getting her on a good probiotic will help her digest her food
See, her stomach does not produce enzymes......her stomach is supposed to have bacteria in's gut bacteria that digest the food. IF the bacteria content in her stomach is low, poor digestion results. You can boost the gut bacteria by first giving her some probiotics and then, once there are lots of gut bacteria, you give her some food for the bacteria - yep - you need to feed the bacteria, too! Bacteria need a little plant material to stay healthy themselves...plant material like grass, peas, green beans - here's some info about things you can use to feed the gut bacteria:

So, I suggested to start first with some's one example (you can look around to find something like this) Then, you can start adding some kind of fiber (peas/etc) to her food. That should stop the digestion/diarrhea problem.

Yes, you have to feed the cat....but, you have to feed the gut bacteria too!

OK - what are those "vitamins"?


TCS Member
Apr 2, 2010
Annapolis, MD
I understand you live in Bali, and I guess it is expensive to import a lot of non-native foods, such as cat food.  But as Otto and White Shadow pointed out, a fish diet is not nutritionally complete for a cat; indeed, it can cause, among other problems, urinary tract infection.

She may be eating so much food to try to get enough nutrition (vitamins, minerals, including taurine), not realizing that fish won't satisfy her hunger because fish does contain the nutrients a cat needs.

I assume you have access to raw meat/poultry, such as duck, chicken and pigs.  A proper portion of meat + liver + kidney would be far better--and more accessible--than high quality cat food.


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
fish and vitamins is not a balanced diet. A kitten needs many nutrients to grow and be healthy. Can you get a hold of some commercial pet food. Any canned cat food will be better for her than just fish and vitamins.

The enlarged stomach is probably worms, if she is acting healthy in all other ways. She needs to take a kitten safe dewormer. I don't know what you have available there.
Naomishine was feeding her cat commercial food, and the result was diarrhea. The kitty has been to the vet, who says the kitty does not have worms at this point; and a homeprepared diet stopped the diarrhea.

Granted, fish is not an appropriate or complete diet. But that the diarrhea resolved on the fish is a big red flag to me that says there's an issue with commercial food that naomishine's kitty can't handle.

I second that probiotics should be given: you want to find an acidophilus and/or bifidus supplement. If these aren't available, is kefir available there? Or do they sell unbleached tripe? Both of these will have probiotics she needs.

There are several ways to home prepare foods that are complete and balanced. If you want to learn how to prepare her food that will meet her nutritional needs, this thread has links and information that is helpful if you want to cook her food:

And if you want to feed her a raw food diet (which is what wild cats eat), you can learn about that here: and start a thread asking for help in the raw forum, here:

But fish and vitamins alone is not a balanced diet for a cat.


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
I understand you live in Bali, and I guess it is expensive to import a lot of non-native foods, such as cat food.  But as Otto and White Shadow pointed out, a fish diet is not nutritionally complete for a cat; indeed, it can cause, among other problems, urinary tract infection.
She may be eating so much food to try to get enough nutrition (vitamins, minerals, including taurine), not realizing that fish won't satisfy her hunger because fish does contain the nutrients a cat needs.
I assume you have access to raw meat/poultry, such as duck, chicken and pigs.  A proper portion of meat + liver + kidney would be far better--and more accessible--than high quality cat food.
:yeah: :nod:

Naomishine, as I said, we can help you provide the proper nutrition for your kitty. Just start a thread in the raw forum or the nutrition forum. :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2013
This kind of sounds like exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI). Maybe you can call your vet and write down what he says exactly about her not producing an enzyme and specifically which one.
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TCS Member
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Apr 30, 2013

that's her photos,from i pick her until now. her name is Naomi. i really appreciate you all for your advices. i give her fishes just because it is the only food that help her from diarrhea or constipation. because she is bigger now, i tried to put some chicken on it. sometime i feed her some wet food from pet shop brand (WisXXX)

she have a fever right now already 4days i'm just so worry.

the vitamin that doctor gave me contains: vit.A 125.000IU, vit D3 50.000, Vit e.50mg, vit.b1,b6,vitk,vit c, etc

doctor gave me enzyme and i'd asked they just said enzyme
they seem to be underestimate me. like i wont understand even if they told me. all i know is an enzyme that help her digest food.