Help On Introducing A Kitten :(


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 17, 2017
we got a new kitten 2 weeks ago (2 months and a half) & we’ve been trying to introduce her to our cat (1 year and a half) since.

we started slow, separating them, letting the new kitten get used to the new environment which happened quickly, then started using baby gate to let them see each other, eat in front of each other, get the kitty out of the room & let the cat smell the room etc. all that for a week. during that time we would put the kitty in a big cage and let our cat in the room, get close to her, try & sniff her and even get them to play which they did a little.

our resident cat is not very social, she gets scared around new people/cats and would go and hide. the new kitty I’d say she’s very bold, as when she first saw our cat she started hissing & growling to her & I believe thats what made things worse for our cat. for the first week they would hiss and growl to each other, with small attempts from our cat to hit the kitty. for the following week we would let the kitty out in the living room with our cat. after couple days our cat wouldn’t mind the kitty being there, no running away, attempts to smell her, although she stills panic when the kitty is not in her field of vision (hissing and growling still there tho). we try to let them play together. we thought its going good, which was until yesterday when we got a new toy that our cat liked so much and we got them playing together, our cat didn’t mind her at all, she would play in front of her , pass by her until one time they got close to each other and the kitty was playing, our cat leaned towards her and smacked her. she sprayed on the new stuff we got for them after that. sigh I thought all what we have been doing went down the hill :( , today also she tried to hit her and immediately sprayed. it feels like she will never accept her, like she tolerates her & when she get the chance she will hit her :(

I dont know what to do now

should I continue putting them together in the living room? I separated them when our cat smacked the kitty, also is it okay to give our cat treats when they are together and hissing to each other? as I’m afraid she will associate that as good :(

oh and also my cat uses the kitty litterbox when she sees it.


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Congrats on the new kitten. Sorry her introduction to your older cat isn't going well. Cat introductions do take a while, and hissing is normal. Unfortunately the spraying isn't something you want to become a habit.

For starters, ensure you clean up the urine with an enzyme cleaner. That is the only type of cleaner that will totally remove the urine scent. And if she can still smell it, she may continue peeing in that spot.
How To Remove Cat Urine

Secondly, you probably need to separate them again, and slowly try doing a re-introduction. Here's an article on that:
How To Fix An Unsuccessful Cat Introduction

Here's a few more articles, these ones on litter box avoidance issues:
Inappropriate Peeing, Spraying, Toy Obsession And Leg And Hand Nipping
Spraying: When Your Cat Uses Urine To Mark Territory

How To Solve Litterbox Problems In Cats: The Ultimate Guide
Litterbox Problems? Here's Why You Should Call Your Vet

Plus one more on The Multi-cat Household

Good luck. Keep us posted.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
You made a very common mistake for those not accustomed to introducing two strange thought you went slowly. This is the thing...two weeks are NOTHING in cat introductions. Most take several weeks, some take months, and once in a while, the cats hit it off in hours, but that's rare, indeed! But this is fixable, with the help of the articles that rubysmama rubysmama gave you, and the realization that this cannot be rushed at all, and will have to procede at the pace of the most reluctant cat.

Now, even with a successful introduction, your resident, older cat may swat the kitten on occasion. This is pretty normal, and is a matter of teaching her manners. Her mama did the same thing to her, and for the same reason. So long as there is no fur in the air and no blood on the floor, so long as no one is trembling under the bed or sofa in fear, all is well.

The spraying on the toys and things you got them was marking territory, "THIS IS MINE!," pure, plain and simple, so I'm going to add one more article for you:

Do Cats Get Jealous? (and What To Do About It When They Do)
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 17, 2017
Congrats on the new kitten. Sorry her introduction to your older cat isn't going well. Cat introductions do take a while, and hissing is normal. Unfortunately the spraying isn't something you want to become a habit.

For starters, ensure you clean up the urine with an enzyme cleaner. That is the only type of cleaner that will totally remove the urine scent. And if she can still smell it, she may continue peeing in that spot.
How To Remove Cat Urine

Secondly, you probably need to separate them again, and slowly try doing a re-introduction. Here's an article on that:
How To Fix An Unsuccessful Cat Introduction

Here's a few more articles, these ones on litter box avoidance issues:
Inappropriate Peeing, Spraying, Toy Obsession And Leg And Hand Nipping
Spraying: When Your Cat Uses Urine To Mark Territory

How To Solve Litterbox Problems In Cats: The Ultimate Guide
Litterbox Problems? Here's Why You Should Call Your Vet

Plus one more on The Multi-cat Household

Good luck. Keep us posted.
thank you so much!
I'll try re introducing them again..thanks for the links T^T
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 17, 2017
You made a very common mistake for those not accustomed to introducing two strange thought you went slowly. This is the thing...two weeks are NOTHING in cat introductions. Most take several weeks, some take months, and once in a while, the cats hit it off in hours, but that's rare, indeed! But this is fixable, with the help of the articles that rubysmama rubysmama gave you, and the realization that this cannot be rushed at all, and will have to procede at the pace of the most reluctant cat.

Now, even with a successful introduction, your resident, older cat may swat the kitten on occasion. This is pretty normal, and is a matter of teaching her manners. Her mama did the same thing to her, and for the same reason. So long as there is no fur in the air and no blood on the floor, so long as no one is trembling under the bed or sofa in fear, all is well.

The spraying on the toys and things you got them was marking territory, "THIS IS MINE!," pure, plain and simple, so I'm going to add one more article for you:

Do Cats Get Jealous? (and What To Do About It When They Do)
:( I'll try re introducing them again, going really slow this time
thank you so much for your helpful reply :)


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 28, 2018
Hi there, Hadd! I will also be working on some reintroductions, over the coming months. We should be comrades in arms! How has today been?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 17, 2017
Hi there, Hadd! I will also be working on some reintroductions, over the coming months. We should be comrades in arms! How has today been?
Hi! yes I'd love too! T^T
I'm separating them in the mean time. yesterday my cat sprayed again at the site of the kitty
I'll be following this article How To Fix An Unsuccessful Cat Introduction I'm not sure for how much I should keep them separate as I'm afraid I'll be rushing things again

how old are your cats?


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Just wait until your resident cat relaxes and STOPS SPRAYING. That's the surest sign that she is still unsure, and making certain that her territory remains hers!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 28, 2018
hadd hadd . My cats are about 6 and 11 years old, I think? I need to check their papers. That would be good information to know off the top of my head. :) I just barely glanced over the article that you linked to. It looks like a very well written article! I love that the author integrates a broader understanding of cat behavior in the outdoors and indoors so that readers gain an understanding of where the behaviors are coming from/in a way that builds knowledge and context.

In regards to rushing things, something that I really appreciated when reading Patricia McConnell's books was how she would indicate in her training plans specifically what behavior we are watching for to know that a particular step is “complete” before moving on to the next step. My current trainer is pretty great about doing this, too. Although, someitmes I think that I understand what I am watching for and then find out that I'm not quite right!

The relationship building that I'm working on right now that seems most similar to the relationship between your two cats is the relationship between TuxeDog and TortieCat. They are currently separated. TortieCat is at MrLoverMan's former residence. TuxeDog is here at our current residence.

I'll explain more in coming days! I'm trying to limit my daily forum time to 30 minutes for replies and 30 minutes for training log updates. I find forums so incredibly helpful. And, I have a tendency to dive down rabbit holes and can easily find that two hours has slipped away before I even realize it.

Spraying is so frustrating! I'm always worried about whether I've actually gotten all the smell up or whether my guests are smelling remaining urine that I've become conditioned to. :( How has today gone?