!help! New Cat - Extremely Stressed


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 24, 2017
Within the last couple of days, we adopted a one and a half year old male cat from a coworker (they adopted him from the local shelter). We have tried everything we know - and many additional things we have read about - to try reduce this poor guys' stress but nothing seems to help.

His stuff is in our bedroom - litterbox and his 'comfort-box' is in our walk-in closet which is connected to our bathroom but it is also open to our bedroom; so a smaller area that is open to a bigger area. Since we have gotten him, he hides under our bed or - if he leaves the bedroom - in a kitchen cabinet. He eats, drinks, and uses the litterbox; though we did have to put the food/water under the bed with him.

He is acting extremely stressed. If you look in his direction, he hisses. If you get within a few feet of him (to feed him, to try and entice him with a toy, to show him a treat) he attacks - hissing and spitting with claws. We'll talk to in calm voices. When he attacks we don't yell or anything, we just make sure that his food/water didn't tip over and leave him be. We're trying to give him plenty of space but also trying to balance it out with just enough attention to say "hey, we're here, we won't hurt you, we're not trying to scare you, and we want to take care of you." Even the 'destressing' herbal remedies (drops in his water, treats, the spray).

We've thought about taking the bed off of the metal frame and locking him in our room which would kind of force him to interact with us (he would still have the walk-in closet and his 'safebox' to escape to), but I don't want to stress him out worse and completely ruin any chance at building a relationship with him, either.

He has a huge cat tree, two scratching posts, a huge box of toys, and several other things that came with him from his previous home. We have those things in the bedroom, in the closet, and in the living room so he would have his sent in several areas.

We know this is not his normal behavior since we'd seen his behavior in his previous home and while he was a little shy, he was in no way aggressive so we're certain this is stress induced behavior from being in a new and unfamiliar home. I am very concerned about any the effect the high stress level will have on this poor guy.

Any suggestions to try to help him out? I know it's going to take lots of time and patience - that we have - but, again, I'm concerned about long-term effects this could have on him.

Please help! Thanks!
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Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
It is actually very normal behavior for a scared cat in a new environment. You need to give him time, which might be days or weeks or even longer for him to feel safe. In the meantime, do not force interactions or get close to him. He will come out and come to you when he is ready to and any attempt to hurry that will only make him retreat and make his settling in period longer. You can talk to him softly from wherever you are and try offering treats but don’t expect he will come out to get them while you are present.
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Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I so agree. A couple of days is nothing when dealing with a shy, stressed cat. Patience is the best weapon you have in your arsenal. How long will it take? Well...until. Each cat is different. One additional thing that you can do is to sit in the room with him, pretty much ignoring him, but speaking aloud. Reading is a good way to do this. Just use a quiet, calm voice. That will allow him to get used to the sight, scent, and sound of you in a non-threatening manner.
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TCS Member
Sep 6, 2018
It took a couple of mine two months or more to start feeling less stressed. Don't approach him, put his bowl down and leave. He will eventually come to you - changing environments scares them.
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