Help! Is my Newborn kitten healthy?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 21, 2022
Hey everyone, recently our female cat had her four little kittens and they turned 10 days today, we’ve been very new to keeping kittens that’s why I want to make sure if behavior of one of the smallest and skinniest kittens is okay and if vet intervention is not necessary.

Our smallest kitten opened his eyes as the first one and he’s always been the most active yet for the last two days I’m seeing him crawling around the bed area and meowing soundlessly (sometimes with a tiny sound) while looking around the bed and trying to peak out of it, he keeps on doing it even though the rest of the siblings sleep or rest more peacefully than baby boy.
His momma is always around me when I come to check up on them and maybe it’s him calling for the mommy but I’m worried whether it’s another issue? He’s been the smallest and skinniest of all of our kittens and I’m already considering taking him to the vet to see if he’s okay, as a first time kitten owner I’m very worried for all of the babies.
Every time the mommy feeds all of her babies I’ve made sure the little one is being fed as well although it’s always been a bit of a difficulty since he is the smallest of the bunch but we’ve made sure he’s getting his fair share of

I hope you guys can help me figure out if the kittens behavior is usual, he’s always been more active yet it’s hard to see him not walk around the bed and make small noises as well as wiggle around.

thanks guys!


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
It MAY be some problem... but what I hope is, he is the brightest, and the quickest mentally developing.
He was first to open the eyes, and now he is the first to examine the world, to become an individual...

So the question re weight gain is important to get answered. Him being smallest is one, but as long as he does add everyday a decent amount, should hint if he is OK... Kittens whom dont thrive, usually dont add.

Kittens are somewhat individuals, there may be different gene combos too, especielly if parents arent purebred.

One nice example: A breeder of exotics ("shorthaired persians"). but they had an earlier mixed in of longhair persians... So in the litters wree both the shorthairs and the longhairs in the same litter... And not easy to see which is which, as long as they were kittens.
HER trick was to look, which kittens become ready to examine the world first, to try to get outside the nest.
The shorthairs were almost always the first to do it... Longhairs were somewhat later to mature.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
:yeah: I agree with all above comments. Check the weights daily. It’s the only way to know. Runts gain less than non-runts, but as long as they gain daily they usually turn out fine. Sometimes they need extra supplementing by a human.

My runt (now 8 years old) grew to be the biggest cat of all — close to 20 pounds. As a kitten, he was into everything, and to this day is my “trouble maker” cat! He’s always up to something!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 21, 2022
It MAY be some problem... but what I hope is, he is the brightest, and the quickest mentally developing.
He was first to open the eyes, and now he is the first to examine the world, to become an individual...

So the question re weight gain is important to get answered. Him being smallest is one, but as long as he does add everyday a decent amount, should hint if he is OK... Kittens whom dont thrive, usually dont add.

Kittens are somewhat individuals, there may be different gene combos too, especielly if parents arent purebred.

One nice example: A breeder of exotics ("shorthaired persians"). but they had an earlier mixed in of longhair persians... So in the litters wree both the shorthairs and the longhairs in the same litter... And not easy to see which is which, as long as they were kittens.
HER trick was to look, which kittens become ready to examine the world first, to try to get outside the nest.
The shorthairs were almost always the first to do it... Longhairs were somewhat later to mature.
Hi everyone, thank you so much for all of your replies it means so much to me!
Adonis (our little one) is the most active 3 week old I’ve ever seen and among all of his chunky and much bigger (even female siblings) he’s always finding a way to crawl out of their bed and come on their blanket in a protected area always walking around even coming up to us each time we enter the room and I’m not sure but is it possible his excessive walking is the reason of his small size and skinny weight? My partner and I have been feeding him with kitten formula (it’s what a vet advised and we see him being fed by his mommy although he’s the only kitten that is SO TERRIBLY SKINNY until I can feel his ribs each time I’m touching him.. by his behavior he’s absolutely movable, alert and vocal as well as so smart for that age but I’m just worried and terrified of a moment that we might lose him, I really hope that after feeding him and having him being nurtured by his mom we can save him.. thank you everyone for all of your messages ❤
Ps, Adonis is a domestic kitten and I’ve heard most of breeded cats are usually struggling with health issues and sudden kitten deaths which I can see, right now all of his siblings are perfectly big, chunky and healthy.
Greetings for everyone from us ❤
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 21, 2022
Some of today’s pictures of Adonis with reference to his tiny size and sometimes grey-ish glossy thingy around the corners of his eye, every day I’m trying to wash his eyes with warm water to prevent him from having infections.

Ps in case of anyone noticing, Adonis same like 2 of his siblings all have a slightly curved tail, it’s something I’ve always seen in every domestic/street cat in here in Asia I’m not really sure what’s the cause of it especially since the mommy doesn’t have such issue with her regular long tail.



Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Do you weigh him daily? He should gain at least 6-10 grams daily. How much and how often do you supplement him?

He looks very sweet and busy!


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
re cleaning off his eyes; some use weak tea water for this. Another alternative is a weak salt solution. Not too salty because its unpleasant. But body fluids are containing salt, so it shouldnt hurt.
Such saline solution stops bacteria grows. Its nowadays often used in hospitals, instead of stronger medicines.
Same with cleaning off scratches and such.... Just pour on friskly.