Help! Hairballs issues


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 1, 2021
My 2 year old Persian had been gone through hell in past 3 months.

In August 21' he had obstruction....a huge hairball that clogged his stomach. He had to have a surgery. They did not have top open the stomach, but they "milked the hair out". Since that day I give him hairball paste regularly.
This weekend it started again...he started vomiting with this horrible yellow substance. I rushed him to the vet. We did x-rays and here we go again....two hairballs in his intestines. Vet did anema on him and it came out within next 30minutes, but he started eating only one day later and he is not a happy camper. Today he popped a little bit because he had only little food for past 2 days put it passed! I also feel that he does not not eat as he used to and he looses weight.

I brush him regularly. This is my 4th Persian cat in my life and I never had these issues. They would usually spit hairballs out but it never got to the point.
The vet is concerned with his intestines and that he gets constipated so easily at such a young age.

Any suggestions? Any advices? At this point I have numerous pastes, treats, foods at home to prevent the hairballs but maybe some went through what I am going through now and could suggest something else.Thank you !


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Your cat likely has some sort of an intestinal motility issue - for whatever reason. I would suggest you ask your vet to do a consult with an internal medicine specialist to start off with.