Help! Gabapentin For Cystitis And Idiopathic Tremors / Seizures


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 30, 2019
Hi - I've checked the forums and found one other thread on gabapentin for cystitis, but there wasn't much of a discussion or too much information. Desperately looking for some answers or feedback on longterm gabapentin and whether it's been successful for anyone's cat with urinary problems, as well as some neuro issues my cat has been having:

My cat is absolutely confounding the vet. Since I got him (age 1) about a year ago, he has had on and off bladder issues with constant crystal production and episodes of retention that require pain medications to allow him to urinate, as well as a strange shaking tremor that only occurs when he's falling asleep (very different from sleep twitching / jerking - this is something the vet has observed and confirmed that it may possibly be a type of mild seizure activity that occurs when relaxed and when his brain is transitioning into a sleep state, when the seizure threshold is lowered; if I say his name and he lifts his head up and is more awake, the tremors stop, and then they begin again as he starts dozing off; once he's asleep, they are completely gone and he'll just have occasional normal dream twitches). He has been on Royal Canin SO food to manage his bladder flareups since the first episode, but despite being on the food for a year, he is still producing constant crystals and every two or three months has a scary urinary retention episode where he won't pee for 36 hours or more, at which point I rush him to the vet for a catheter and pain medication. (Obviously, since the first episode, I bring him in at the 24 hour mark!)

Since he's never had an actual block, the theory is that urinating becomes so painful for him during cystitis flareups (no clear cause for any of the episodes, unfortunately) that he just keeps holding it until it becomes an emergency.

He just had a retention episode again this weekend and required an ER visit, and both the ER and my regular vet have suggested that the best course of action might be longterm gabapentin since this happens with an upsetting frequency, as there aren't any NSAIDs that are labeled safe for longterm cat use. She thinks that the gabapentin might be a one-two punch to help manage his urinary pain to keep him peeing / prevent another episode like this, as well as possibly a moonshot to help with the funky tremor episodes he's got, since gabapentin helps manage neurological issues like seizures and neuro pain.

Other notes: the tremors don't seem to be related to urinary pain, as they only ever occur as he's falling asleep and not in an alert state; the vet confirmed that if they were largely pain related, we'd see them in an alert state as well. We thought they were potentially from a toxoplasmosis infection, but he just was officially tested for toxo to zero in on a cause, and that came back negative. So we're back to just idiopathic tremors, and the vet is hopeful that gabapentin might help regulate this and ultimately prevent a seizure if that was on the horizon.

Sorry for the long story! Mostly, I'm just really hoping that the gabapentin can relieve him of his urinary pain, and as it can also help with the tremors, the vet is pretty set on this being the best option for him. She sounded like there just unfortunately weren't many other pain options for his constant cystitis pain. So has anyone had success with gabapentin for longterm pain management in a young cat? It's so upsetting thinking of him constantly riding this stressful wave of cystitis episodes and emergency vet visits every couple months, and it would be helpful to hear any success stories or recommendations!


Staff Member
Jul 31, 2008
Not cystitis, but my girl gets gabapentin to help control pain and inflamation from stomatitis. It really has helped. She had basically stopped eating and grooming herself because of the mouth pain. She's been on the gabapentin for several months with no side effects I can see. She's eating both wet and dry food normally. Still not grooming well, but she lets me groom her now without crying.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
What I'm wondering is about those crystals that are not going away on the S/O diet. Perhaps they are not struvite crystals? If they are calcium oxalate crystals, that diet will not work, and may even hurt :frown:. Here is a good article about them that may help you out: Calcium Oxalate Stones (Feline) - Mar Vista Animal Medical Center
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 30, 2019
Thank you GoldyCat and mrsgreenjeans!

I'm so relieved to hear that there are no side affects. My vet said he'll likely have to be on this for most of his life, so it's quite helpful to hear that you've been successful for a long stretch :)

As for the calcium oxolate stones - wow, I've never read up on those before. Thank you for the info! I read through that page, and it seems like because my cat has never seemed to actually had a *stone* as far as we're aware and only crystals, that perhaps that points to him not having calcium oxalate stones, but this is such a helpful lead to discuss with my vet. Thank you so much!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 30, 2019
Just an update on this thread in case it helps anyone in the future. My cat had one more bladder episode, but he’s been good for a few weeks after a couple runs of an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory medication. As I mentioned, the vet put him on gabapentin to manage his cystitis and his full body tremors that were happening as he falls asleep.

The gabapentin didnt seem to do anything but knock him out - tremors continued the same as he fell asleep each time over the two weeks we used it, and as his bladder issues seem to be under control for the time being, I decided to save the gabapentin for instances when it seemed like he might be stressed by environmental situations to proactively get ahead of any stress-related flareups.

Strangely enough, after trying out gabapentin, I started him on L-lysine / DMG supplements (vetriscience immune treats) because he always has ongoing sneezing flare ups. Since starting that, his tremors have become almost completely unnoticeable. They’re still there to a very small degree, but the difference is astounding - he used to lie on top of me trembling so hard that his paws would jerk uncontrollably. I have absolutely no idea what specifically is the cause of the tremors, but if I stop giving him the daily supplement, the tremors progressively increase each day he’s off them until they’re as bad as they originally were, so it seems obviously like the supplements are the source of relief.

Just putting this on here in case it ever helps someone in the future because I’d searched every corner of the internet for this issue and there aren’t often follow ups on what ultimately helped in these weird situations. Thank you for the suggestions and insights!


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
How interesting. Thank you so much for the follow-up. Just wondering, did you try giving him the supplements one at a time to try to figure out which one might be working, or is it the combination only that works for him? Whatever it is, I'm so happy for BOTH of you :cheerleader:


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 9, 2013
I put my Maddie on L-lysine for her cystitis and she hasn't had a flair up since. Hoping it continues that way, she's barely two. Tried her on multiple rounds of antibiotics and pain meds and nothing worked until the lysine. You might also try a CBD supplement for the tremors.


TCS Member
Mar 2, 2020
Hey just wondering how your cat is doing with the tremors? I have a 10 month old kitten and she has the same tremors you were describing and seem to be getting worse.
it’s only when she’s falling asleep and then stops when she is asleep. Her whole body and legs contract. We have video I’m not sure if I can post it here.
We took her to the vet he said he doesn’t know and he’s not too concerned cause she doesn’t seem to be in pain.
I recommended cbd oil to my gf but she is very against it. Just wondering if your still giving your cat l lysine? have you spoke to your vet about giving him that for tremors ?
Thanks ahead of time and I hope your cat is doing well
Seems I can’t add videos here


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 4, 2023
I put my Maddie on L-lysine for her cystitis and she hasn't had a flair up since. Hoping it continues that way, she's barely two. Tried her on multiple rounds of antibiotics and pain meds and nothing worked until the lysine. You might also try a CBD supplement for the tremors.
I'm also dealing with reoccurring cystitis with my kitty. May I ask how much l-lysine you give Maddie?