HELP! Cat lost x 3 days, came home, hissing and growling at my other cats - normal?


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Nov 11, 2008
Calgary, Alberta, CANADA
I've never lost a cat before so no idea if this is expected behavior so would appreciate some feedback, please.

I have 6 strictly indoor cats.   Unfortunately this past Friday morning one of them figured out how to slide open the sliding screen (patio) door and got out.  He's about 6 yrs old, neutered, in great health.  I adopted him from the Humane Society 4.5 years ago (he'd been a stray prior to that).  He's always gotten along very well with my other cats, loves to groom them, they love him so no issues there.

About an hour ago when I was outside once again calling for him (I've been beside myself worrying about him), from out of nowhere he appeared and came straight to me.   YAY!  I quickly brought him into the house and instantly he started growling and hissing at my other cats, real nasty....a real low angry growl.   They of course were acting a little stand-offish, wanting to sniff him.   I checked him over good, he's not injured at all.    I fed him and he ate like a piggy, and is nice to me but spent some time hiding under my bed (not like him) and ready to rumble with my other cats.   I made the mistake of thinking I could quickly give his claws a clip in the event that he takes a swat at any of my other cats but he was really choked at me, growling like I'd never heard him before so I've just let him be.   I don't hear any hissing or growling now, haven't for about 20 minutes.

I don't see much point secluding him in a room by himself as, to me, that's not going to help with him re-acclimating to the other cats.

Why is he so snarly?   Is he just sort of 'making strange' with the other cats?   Is he angry because he enjoyed it outside and is angry that the fun outside is over?

Would appreciate any insights into this strange (to me) behavior.

Thank you :-)
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Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I wouldn't have been surprised if your other cats had growled at him, because he must have smelled completely different, but am kind of surprised that he growled at you and them.  I'm thinking he did NOT have a good time out there and something has made him very scared and suspicious and that's also why he immediately went into hiding. 

It's my feeling that anytime a cat has been away for 3 days, I would take him in for a checkup, just to make sure there is nothing wrong.  You know things could happen that you can't necessarily see, like puncture wounds, etc.  Does he appear to be dehydrated, lost weight, anything like that?  Is he currently on his rabies shots? 

I'm glad you got him back, and hopefully be tomorrow he'll have settled down and be back to himself.


FERAl born “Pepper”
Top Cat
Jun 17, 2006
CA - Desert
First I can't speak to this subject from a "professional" point of view - only from an observation from the different personalities (13) that we have living inside with us.  So until more experienced members come along, maybe I can help a little.

First let me share that most of the cats we have inside are either former feral-born or strays.  The key word is patience - that means allowing them to progress with their social behavior at THEIR own pace. :)

I think he may be acting out of some trauma and fear.  If this is so, perhaps some secluded place will be just what he needs to take the time to recover from his outside ordeal.

I'd just let him stay in a room by himself to allow some time to pass until he is ready to trust his surroundings and friends again

Perhaps just providing a hiding place, a litter box, water, and food is all he needs for right now(?).

He's letting you hold him - that's a biggie, if you can pet and comfort him, great - otherwise I'd just let him be and probably before you know it he'll be out with the others.

Also, I was just thinking,  - it might be good to "quarantine" him anyway just to make sure he didn't bring something unwanted back to the rest of your babies. You might call your vet and see if they have any ideas about possible health issues?

Okay, this is all I can think of right now - perhaps someone with more behavioral experience will be able to offer some suggestions.  
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TCS Member
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Super Cat
Nov 11, 2008
Calgary, Alberta, CANADA
I suspect that he spent the past 3 days inadvertently trapped inside someone's garage or shed.  He's a very curious sort.   It's was a long weekend here and because summer is so short here, a lot of ppl take the Friday off work before the long weekend (monday) and I'm wondering if he was locked inside somewhere and then when that person returned back home this evening and opened the door, he was able to escape and thus found his way home.   He was very happy to see when I came across him in my yard....he almost ran to me, meowing.   I was starting to suspect this on Sunday as I'd done everything humanly possible to find him and I was sure he'd come home...or that if someone found him they'd take him a vet clinic as he's tattooed and microchipped, and then someone would notify me he'd been found.

He's never been a cat who did well being kept in a room.   He'll scratch and scratch at the door and meow his head off...even if it's a large I think he was trapped somewhere these past 3 days and as such he's still sorta freaked out and needs to feel safe here in my home such, I won't be secluding him.

At present the other cats are keeping their distance.   He gladly lets me pet him and scratch under his chin and seems to really enjoy it.   When he was hiding under my bed earlier i laid down on the floor along side the bed and called him, he came out immediately and was giving me head butts and purring up a storm.   He loved me scratching the side of his head and under his chin that he was rolling around and purring and lying on his side, loving it! 

I'll keep a close eye on him through the night, even if it means I don't sleep...just to ensure he's okay and no fights though despite all of his growling he's not even attempted to swat at the other cats and I think they're kind of stunned that their buddy is being so snarly.


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
Maybe he got in a fight with another cat while he was outside and he's scared now.  My three cats had never had scuffles with neighborhood cats before but one jerk cat from the neighborhood came in our cat door and got in a real tussle with Rico.  For 3-4 days, Rico treated our other cats (who he's usually very affectionate with) like they were enemies--it's like he couldn't tell them apart from the stranger cat who attacked him.

But after a few days, he was back to normal.  Maybe your cat needs a few days to get over whatever trauma he might have gone through and realize he's back among friends.  :-)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 30, 2012
I'm so glad he came home
. Sometimes familiar scents can make cats feel more comfortable. You could try rubbing the same towel over each cat so they smell like each other again. It might help them feel like things are back to normal. I think everything will be back to normal soon, but a vet check would rule out any health issues and give you peace of mind.