Help. Cat is refusing food...


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 8, 2009
San Francisco, CA
Originally Posted by akashastrega

Ain't that the truth. I don't really have a relationship with my vet, I go to the SPCA vet, as they are low cost. I'll call in the morning and see what I can work out. In the meantime, can someone suggest a recipe for me to get this stubborn guy eating?

Have you tried steamed chicken? That way the chicken broth will not be washed away by boiling. Last time when I steam chicken for my kitties, I actually ate half of it, I think it is pretty tasty from a human point of view. Just do not steam too long until it is too dry.
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  • #22


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Young Cat
Mar 6, 2005
Originally Posted by koobe

Have you tried steamed chicken? That way the chicken broth will not be washed away by boiling. Last time when I steam chicken for my kitties, I actually ate half of it, I think it is pretty tasty from a human point of view. Just do not steam too long until it is too dry.
Gonna try that in the morning...also gonna call the vet and see if they can work something out with me.

He seems otherwise healthy, but this hunger strike thing is really bothering me.
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  • #23


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 6, 2005
Well Pavvi wanted my Chow Mein I was eating so I let him finish it. I think I need to make him his food, and forget about trying to get him to eat cat food right now...I know Chow Mein isn't good for him, but he ate something, and it had beef and veggies in it (and since I cooked it I know it was pretty much free of preservatives and msg and bad crap) I am probably a bad mommy, but I am happy he was willing to eat SOMETHING.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 5, 2006
Bellingham, WA USA
The important thing right now is that he is eating. Just don't try to force him to eat a food if he's turning his nose up at it. Cats are pickier than we are and will starve themselves rather than eating something they don't like. Keep your receipts and return the unopened cans.

With my cats my experience has been just keep trying different brands until you find something he likes. I usually just buy 2 cans at a time.

Just a thought, have you considered trying to give him some raw? There are some pet stores that sell it. Now, I don't know what the return policy is on that. But if you google "raw cat food/raw cat food companies" you should be able to find lots of information. There are also some that will sell you a sample size of the raw.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 8, 2009
San Francisco, CA
Originally Posted by Shanynne

Just a thought, have you considered trying to give him some raw? There are some pet stores that sell it. Now, I don't know what the return policy is on that. But if you google "raw cat food/raw cat food companies" you should be able to find lots of information. There are also some that will sell you a sample size of the raw.
That is worth trying. Panther does not like canned food that much. I started feeding some raw since a few days ago, and he is eating less and less canned.

Maybe cut Pawi 2-3 chunks of raw chicken breast to see if he eats it.
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  • #26


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 6, 2005
Originally Posted by koobe

That is worth trying. Panther does not like canned food that much. I started feeding some raw since a few days ago, and he is eating less and less canned.

Maybe cut Pawi 2-3 chunks of raw chicken breast to see if he eats it.
Heading to the store right now.
The vet won't work with me, and calling around got me nowhere as I would be a new patient. Grrrrrr.
To be honest, I don't think he is ill. He was born in my house, and I have had him for 3 years, I am pretty good about telling when he doesn't feel well. This really seems like he is just being a stubborn butthead.

Is raw chicken ok? I know in people it can make us sick from Salmonella.
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  • #28


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Young Cat
Mar 6, 2005
Okay, so Pavvi ate maybe an ounce or 2 of chicken breast, but its something. I'll offer him more in a couple hours...try to ease him into eating more.

I think he has won this battle. I'd rather feed him what I'm eating than have him on a hunger strike. Since I have bad food allergies, I tend to eat mostly organic foods, so I guess I need to figure out what a healthy recipe is for him. I eat a lot of chicken and salmon and veggies, and a little red meat. I also use brown rice and quinoa. If anyone has any recipe suggestions, I'm open to hear them. Thank you again for all the input.

I really don't know what else to do at this point. He is truly a stubborn boy!!
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  • #29


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Mar 6, 2005
Making some tiny advances...
Trader Joes sells kitty tuna, and he has been SLOWLY nibbling on it. He's had maybe an ounce today, but at least it is something in his tummy.

I have had cats all my life and have never met such a stubborn cat as my Pavvi!!
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  • #30


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 6, 2005
The hunger strike is back on.

I'm going to try ground turkey next.

Is it possible he has a cavity or something? He is acting as he always has. His potty is the same. He's just not eating.

I cannot afford a vet until the first, as I am disabled and on a fixed income. How can I check his mouth?

Thanks, and Happy Holidays


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 8, 2009
San Francisco, CA
Originally Posted by akashastrega

The hunger strike is back on.

I'm going to try ground turkey next.

Is it possible he has a cavity or something? He is acting as he always has. His potty is the same. He's just not eating.

I cannot afford a vet until the first, as I am disabled and on a fixed income. How can I check his mouth?

Thanks, and Happy Holidays
Akashastrega, I am sorry that Pawi is not eating again. Have you tried steamed chicken/turkey yet? Also have you tried raw? If not, I will give it a try. Good Luck.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 16, 2007
I'm sorry to hear things aren't going better - but I wonder if you're on to something about the tooth idea. I'd suggest, when you take him in for his appointment. I know my boy had his first cleaning at about 4 years - he had developed a fair amount of placque.

Here's a link for one site about how to examine a cat's teeth at home.
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  • #33


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Young Cat
Mar 6, 2005
Originally Posted by darlili

I'm sorry to hear things aren't going better - but I wonder if you're on to something about the tooth idea. I'd suggest, when you take him in for his appointment. I know my boy had his first cleaning at about 4 years - he had developed a fair amount of placque.

Here's a link for one site about how to examine a cat's teeth at home.
Thank you for the link. He didn't cooperate much, but it appears that one of his fangs is possibly chipped. I don't think that is the cause though, as he didn't get upset at all with me messing with it. I'm going to wait until he is in lap kitty mode and see if I can get him to cooperate a bit better.

I went to Whole Foods and got some liquid trace mineral supplements. I have been putting a few drops into water, then mixing with his wet food. He is eating his wet food now, but only a spoonful at a time...but he is eating something and getting water and nutrients. Now that stores are opened again (post Christmas), I'm going to buy some ground chicken or turkey and see if he will eat that. I found a recipe online that says to mix pumpkin with ground turkey...gradually increasing the meat. It claims the pumpkin can restart the appetite in cats and dogs.

I'll report back and let you know if that works.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Hi there, Your first post was on the 18th, it is now the 26th... I know things are bad financially, but this is IMHO way too long to go with food problems...
No matter what you do, you NEED to feed your cat, period. There is a very serious disease that he can get from not eating, called Fatty Liver Disease... Some cats can get this disease from eating 1/2 of the calories they are used to eat for a while, like a week or so... You are at Day 8.
So, please, I urge you to not let him go without eating - if it is people food, then be it. The important thing right now is that he eats - consistently. Try to make sure he eats at least 150 calories a day (this is not nearly what a grown cat should eat, but it seems to be the "safe" number of daily calories)

From reading your posts I noticed that your best shot might be raw. I noticed that all the attempts you did with raw chicken, he ate well... Then you decided to go back to cats food and he stopped eating.

Raw food is one of the best diets for cats, healthier diets, and also very easy on your budget... I know you want to feed him "cat food" and not "human food", but it is not because we eat chicken that it is inappropriate for cats...

You said you are following your vet's advice to feed a good quality kibble and stay away from human's food; be aware that vets are not always the best source for advice on feline nutrition. The great majority of them will tell you to feed kibbles instead of wet food, as that is better for the teeth, and will try to push Science Diet, which is a very poor choice of food...

So... Many times the "two leggers food" as you say, if prepared right for the feline - home made diets, or raw diets, can be much much better than commercial cat food...

I don't feed raw, but a number of members here do, and swear by it. There is an entire session on the nutrition forum dedicated to raw feeding, and I am sure there are quite a few members there more than capable to help you out...

So... I guess what I am trying to say is don't get stuck on "what is right" - just feed your kitty - that is what is absolutely crucial... He needs to eat.

And I do believe Raw can be a good solution for you. It seems your cat likes it, you can afford it, and it is a great diet.

Also, please take your kitty to the vet as soon as you can - this might be a sign of something more than him just being finicky at this point...
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  • #35


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Young Cat
Mar 6, 2005
I've made a point of getting food into him, even if it is chicken nuggets. I have read a few different things that said to try pumpkin--he doesn't like it, so I syringed it into his mouth. I have been adding cod liver oil to the pumpkin as well as liquid trace mineral supplements. He didn't like the raw chicken livers, in fact he sniffed and walked away. I offered them again later, and it was the same. I tried heating it just a bit, nothing. I also tried raw ground turkey, and slightly warmed ground turkey--same as the livers. But he likes chicken in McNuggets. If it is breaded and fried he'll eat it!!

I want him to get his calories and vit' you think kitten formula would be okay for him? KMR or whatever its called?

Like I said above, he will eat "junk food", like the chicken nuggets, which at this point I figure is better than nothing. I have given up on kibbles. I think my vet is probably wrong after reading up on kibble diets versus raw. Now I just want him to eat...and if for the time being that means chicken nuggets, then fine...

...but how do I get him eating GOOD food not just junk food?

I am so frustrated. I am looking into selling my soul and getting a cash advance to take him to the vet. I really need to buy time...keep him eating SOMETHING until the first of the month.

Another idea I am playing with is that he used to be top cat, and lately he has had some major disputes with his brother. Could this stress him out to the point of not eating?

Thanks again for all your help and advice, and thank you in advance for any input you can give.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 30, 2007
Seems to me that you have to re-educate and retrain his palate. Break the bad habits that he has gotten into. Why chicken nuggets? They aren't good for people, either. Why feed to a cat?

Pumpkin is for cats who have digestive issues... so unless he is constipated... there is no reason to give him that.

How long was your grandmother looking after him?

I know I read most of this thread once... so I am not sure if this has been suggested to you... to gradually transition him. Cats do not like change. Take what he likes and mix in a little of the cat food... see if he will eat the turkey slices with a little good cat food smeared on it or something like that... gradually, slowly, switch the proportions to more and more cat food and less junk. Be patient.

Sometimes when I want my boys to eat the good stuff, I have to put a dollop of the cheaper stuff on top... and they will eat their way down, so at least I know they are getting some of the good, grain free food.

Going raw is not something to be done lightly. You need to do your homework.. I think someone said read up on the sub forum here and see what people are doing. That is also a transitional process.

Have you tried "kitty crack" aka Fancy Feast? Really. Not Wellness. Not Nutro. Fancy Feast. One of my really fussy boys will eat that when other things fail. There are varieties that are grain free, btw. Many/most of the pate styles. They love the salmon feast one. Try chicken and/or turkey with his lunch meat... see what he goes. Meow Mix market select cups are also a big hit with fussy cats... but when you cost it out... they are $$$$.

Stress could play a role. You can try getting some Feliway online and spray it around or get the plug in diffuser.

Good luck. The scattershot approach is not as likely to be successful as careful, methodical and PATIENT. Post back and let us know how it's going.
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  • #37


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 6, 2005
Okay, so I just could not afford the Feliway, but my local store had another spray that had the cat pheromones in it (called Quiet Moments). I'm trying that out. I also bought some Friskies everyone at Petsmart swore that it had even more "crack" than the Fancy Feast. I then topped it with a high calorie vitamin gel (Nutri-Cal,looks like beef toothpaste). Pavvi licked and ate a few bites, then his brother started creeping so he ran. I think I'll have to lock up his brother when Pavvi eats. The vet tech at Banford suggested another gel supplement to give him, which has stuff in it to help him relax (Pet-Ease Paw Gel). I was able to squirt about an inch of it into his mouth.

I'm going to sit back and wait now, see if he gets interested. He initially seemed drawn to the Friskies until his brother crept in. so he may go back to it and try a bit more...this is me keeping my fingers crossed and saying some prayers.

Thanks for the tips about the Feliway. I hope this one works almost as well, as it was considerably less expensive. With coupons, I got out of Petsmart with all the stuff for about $20. I hope it will buy me time to make an appointment. Banfield said they could get him in on Thursday but would call me if there was a cancellation. The vet tech was kind enough to give me a $15 off coupon, which will bring the office visit cost to $30...gonna roll my loose change and see if I can't manage to scrape up enough to get him into the vet...and if I have my mom take him in for me, I can save a little more because they offer a Senior discount.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 30, 2007
Originally Posted by akashastrega

Okay, so I just could not afford the Feliway, but my local store had another spray that had the cat pheromones in it (called Quiet Moments). I'm trying that out. I also bought some Friskies everyone at Petsmart swore that it had even more "crack" than the Fancy Feast. I then topped it with a high calorie vitamin gel (Nutri-Cal,looks like beef toothpaste). Pavvi licked and ate a few bites, then his brother started creeping so he ran. I think I'll have to lock up his brother when Pavvi eats. The vet tech at Banford suggested another gel supplement to give him, which has stuff in it to help him relax (Pet-Ease Paw Gel). I was able to squirt about an inch of it into his mouth.

I'm going to sit back and wait now, see if he gets interested. He initially seemed drawn to the Friskies until his brother crept in. so he may go back to it and try a bit more...this is me keeping my fingers crossed and saying some prayers.

Thanks for the tips about the Feliway. I hope this one works almost as well, as it was considerably less expensive. With coupons, I got out of Petsmart with all the stuff for about $20. I hope it will buy me time to make an appointment. Banfield said they could get him in on Thursday but would call me if there was a cancellation. The vet tech was kind enough to give me a $15 off coupon, which will bring the office visit cost to $30...gonna roll my loose change and see if I can't manage to scrape up enough to get him into the vet...and if I have my mom take him in for me, I can save a little more because they offer a Senior discount.
I just think that some of the FF's are a bit better in content quality than Friskies... but whatever gets him to eat cat food is a good thing.