Help. Cat is refusing food...


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 6, 2005
I am posting here because I believe this to be a behavior issue and not a nutritional one.
My grandmother watched my cat for me when I was out of town and would give him scraps.

I believe my cat has developed a taste for people food and is now refusing to eat cat food. He is hungry, but when I put canned or kibbles in front of him he turns up his nose at it, yet when myself or family is eating, he begs for food. Since this "habit" started, he has lost a little weight. I want to get him back to his food before he loses too much more weight. He is otherwise healthy, his bathroom habits are the same, and there is no signs of worms. I truly believe he thinks "why eat cat food when I want people food, feed me people food or I will go on a hunger strike".

What can I do to get him eating his food again?

Thank you in advance.

PS- in an unrelated bad habit area...he also has taken a fancy to sitting on my shoulders. I take him off and he climbs back on.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Whatever it is, he NEEDS to eat... even if it is table scraps, he can not just quit eating, so you need to make sure to feed him... One of the worst things for a cat is to stop eating...
Try mixing a little of what he was eating at your grandmas into his regular cat food as a topping, and then you can start removing it little by little when his appetite picks up.
But again get him eating, that is what matters.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 6, 2005
Originally Posted by carolinalima

Whatever it is, he NEEDS to eat... even if it is table scraps, he can not just quit eating, so you need to make sure to feed him... One of the worst things for a cat is to stop eating...
Try mixing a little of what he was eating at your grandmas into his regular cat food as a topping, and then you can start removing it little by little when his appetite picks up.
But again get him eating, that is what matters.
I have tried that, he eats the people food and leaves behind the cat food...literally picks out the people food from the mix. She was giving him sandwich meats and such, and I don't mind him eating it if he is eating, but I don't know how healthy that is in the long run...and I also don't know what to do to convince him to eat his kibbles AND the scraps rather than pick apart the bowl for just the scraps I mixed in to convince him to eat. So I stopped mixing in scraps and just covered it with gravy or broth...he began turning his nose up at the food completely. He wants sandwich meat, not a broth/gravy substitute.

Again, your insight is most appreciated. Thank you for your response.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 16, 2007
I'd give the vet a call regarding the situation and see how long, and what kind, of people food you can use while you work at a longer term situation. What kind of cat food are you feeding - any chance of picking up a couple of different cans to see if something else might be attractive? But, IMO, give the vet a yell - I'm sure they've heard this issue more than once.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
^My vet is overly paranoid about that, in fact. I had a kitten that had oxalate burns on his mouth, esophagus, and stomach so I fed him boil chicken for a day. My vet was worried that's all he'd eat after that (not to worry. Male kittens tend to want to eat everything in sight - the problem to begin with.

What about using a little bit of tuna water on the food? I don't know of many cats that don't like tuna water. Just make sure it's the spring water, preferably the light stuff since he's already have plenty of sodium in his diet with all of the lunch meat.

What cat foods are you using - dry and canned? Everyone calls it "kitty crack" but most cats are willing to eat fancy feast. There are also some higher end canned foods, specifically chicken ones, that smell pretty close to human food to me.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 27, 2009
The seat of a John Deere tractor
Have you tried boiled or baked chicken parts? Not breasts or legs, but the 'bad' parts like hearts, gizzards, backs and necks? Stuff that normally is tossed or sold cheaply for stocks. Perfectly good eating for people but most people turn their noses up at it, and lovely stuff for cats. Almost any kind of meat that is cheap and slated for stew/soup would also work. Feed the juices as well - good stuff there too. Also try tinned food but get him off that salty stuff, too much of it isnt even good for people.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 6, 2005
I have tried IAMS and Science Diet, he normally eats kibbles I get from Whole Foods...and in the past LOVED it, but since getting a taste of 2 legger food, he is now refusing everything 4 legger. I have tried canned tuna as well as canned trout (both in water), and nothing. He wants bird. He seems to LOVE turkey sandwich I will try going to the butcher and getting bird "parts", and see if maybe I can get him to eat that. I just fear that he will get hooked on the bird and still refuse kitty I will also try the Fancy Feast idea, if it is "Kitty Crack" then maybe I'll need to use that to switch him back over.

Any other ideas would be appreciated...oh, and does anyone know why he has become my parrot (see my very first post)???

Again thank you all for your great suggestions and timely responses.

Happy Holidays.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 8, 2009
San Francisco, CA
I am a new cat owner, so I am in the process of trying new things. My Panther has shown great interest in human food. From noodle soup to pork broth, to my cup of water. He is not a big fan of canned food, he will maybe eat 0.8 oz of it each meal. He will also lick off all the juice and left a ball of hard meat in the bowl.

Here are the things I have tried:

1) I tested them with raw food. I found that both of my kitties love raw food. So I am slowly switching them to raw. Now I occasionally have some chicken chunks mixed in his canned food. He ate more of the canned food because it sticks to the chunks pretty well. In case raw is one of your choices, you may try it.

2) I have been buy good quality canned food, which are usually in mud pie texture or minced. Panther does not like it. I found that he actually finished AvoDerm tuna and crab in gravy one time. So I figured he will take gravy and meat chunks. As much as I do not like him to have gravy, I went to buy some Fancy Feast, Nutro Max Cat yesterday. I just let them try Nutro Max Cat Gourmet Classics Chicken and Brown Rice Entree. Panther ate it all, and it looks like and smells like human food. Maybe this one will work.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 6, 2005
Originally Posted by koobe

I am a new cat owner, so I am in the process of trying new things. My Panther has shown great interest in human food. From noodle soup to pork broth, to my cup of water. He is not a big fan of canned food, he will maybe eat 0.8 oz of it each meal. He will also lick off all the juice and left a ball of hard meat in the bowl.

Here are the things I have tried:

1) I tested them with raw food. I found that both of my kitties love raw food. So I am slowly switching them to raw. Now I occasionally have some chicken chunks mixed in his canned food. He ate more of the canned food because it sticks to the chunks pretty well. In case raw is one of your choices, you may try it.

2) I have been buy good quality canned food, which are usually in mud pie texture or minced. Panther does not like it. I found that he actually finished AvoDerm tuna and crab in gravy one time. So I figured he will take gravy and meat chunks. As much as I do not like him to have gravy, I went to buy some Fancy Feast, Nutro Max Cat yesterday. I just let them try Nutro Max Cat Gourmet Classics Chicken and Brown Rice Entree. Panther ate it all, and it looks like and smells like human food. Maybe this one will work.
I will add the Nutro Max to my list of things to try. I don't think I can afford to do a raw diet for him.

I broke my own rule today...he hasn't eaten in a couple days, and even though he was offered cat food, he bah humbugged I broke down and gave him "organic" turkey sandwich slices (got it from Whole Foods, is low in sodium and the birds are fed an organic diet)...he scarfed it up. I don't want to perpetuate his people food only policy, but I don't want him going on a hunger strike either.

When the fog lets up later today, I'll head to the store and try some of the canned food suggestions you guys have posted.

At least he ate, but I feel I am back at square one. I hope he finds a can he likes...then maybe I can slowly mix in kibble. The raw diet sounds really good and healthy, but I am disabled so my income is fixed...UNLESS someone has a cheap but healthy recipe.

Again, I thank you all for your input.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 8, 2009
San Francisco, CA
Originally Posted by akashastrega

I will add the Nutro Max to my list of things to try. I don't think I can afford to do a raw diet for him.

I broke my own rule today...he hasn't eaten in a couple days, and even though he was offered cat food, he bah humbugged I broke down and gave him "organic" turkey sandwich slices (got it from Whole Foods, is low in sodium and the birds are fed an organic diet)...he scarfed it up. I don't want to perpetuate his people food only policy, but I don't want him going on a hunger strike either.

When the fog lets up later today, I'll head to the store and try some of the canned food suggestions you guys have posted.

At least he ate, but I feel I am back at square one. I hope he finds a can he likes...then maybe I can slowly mix in kibble. The raw diet sounds really good and healthy, but I am disabled so my income is fixed...UNLESS someone has a cheap but healthy recipe.

Again, I thank you all for your input.
Well, if human food is the ONLY thing your cat eats, then that's it for now. At least he is getting something in his stomach.

I am really new to the raw food diet. I have learnt a lot from the forum. But as far as I know, if you are making your own raw food, it is going to be cheaper than buying canned food.
I do not even shop at Whole Foods, I think things there are extremely expensive and I cannot afford organic at all.

I just bought my stuff for raw diet in Chinese supermarkets. I bought a pack of about 50 to 60 chicken hearts for $2.5. The livers are cheap too. There are also chicken cages for sale (5 small ones for $2.5). Those are human grade foods. I will eat those myself if they are cooked. But if you insist on an organic raw diet, that is another story.

Good Luck, keep us updated!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 6, 2005
Originally Posted by koobe

Well, if human food is the ONLY thing your cat eats, then that's it for now. At least he is getting something in his stomach.

I am really new to the raw food diet. I have learnt a lot from the forum. But as far as I know, if you are making your own raw food, it is going to be cheaper than buying canned food.
I do not even shop at Whole Foods, I think things there are extremely expensive and I cannot afford organic at all.

I just bought my stuff for raw diet in Chinese supermarkets. I bought a pack of about 50 to 60 chicken hearts for $2.5. The livers are cheap too. There are also chicken cages for sale (5 small ones for $2.5). Those are human grade foods. I will eat those myself if they are cooked. But if you insist on an organic raw diet, that is another story.

Good Luck, keep us updated!
Actually I need to eat an organic diet as I have very BAD food allergies, so the Turkey slices I gave him was for me to make sandwiches with.

I have a few Asian markets here in town, so I will check those out. That is a great idea, and may be something that can fit into my budget...I had checked out the local butcher shops, and they were pricey, I hadn't thought of checking the Asian markets.

I just want him to have a long and happy/healthy life...if I need to make him food every day I vet says that I should feed him good quality kibbles, which is why I have been trying so hard to get him to eat that rather than people food.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 8, 2009
San Francisco, CA
Originally Posted by akashastrega

Actually I need to eat an organic diet as I have very BAD food allergies, so the Turkey slices I gave him was for me to make sandwiches with.

I have a few Asian markets here in town, so I will check those out. That is a great idea, and may be something that can fit into my budget...I had checked out the local butcher shops, and they were pricey, I hadn't thought of checking the Asian markets.

I just want him to have a long and happy/healthy life...if I need to make him food every day I vet says that I should feed him good quality kibbles, which is why I have been trying so hard to get him to eat that rather than people food.
Sorry to hear about your food allergy. I would eat organic if I can afford it too
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 6, 2005
So I just spent a ton of money on premium wet food...and so far my cat is turning his nose up at it. The local pet store here suggested 2 different brands which they said was pretty much human grade is in gravy, not pate style...they swore it was better than kitty is Nutro Natural Choice, the other is Wellness Healthy Indulgence.

He will eat the turkey breast slices that I bought for making I bought turkey wet food...

Grrrrrr...I don't know what to do. I'm going nuts trying to get my pain in the butt cat to eat...I will next try to get chicken scraps and make him something. Hopefully THAT will work. I cannot afford to buy turkey slices to feed my picky cat.

Back to square one.

Please any other insight...hints, tricks, tips...will be most appreciated. I'm willing top try anything, just short of duct taping him to his food dish until he eats.

EDIT...speaking of Kitty Crack...can I get him stoned on Catnip to get him to eat...does it work that way, like Marijuana works on people??


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 16, 2007
Honestly, at least as a short term experiment, I'd get myself to a supermarket and pick up some Friskies. My ER vet once gave me a can since it really does seem to be kitty crack for a lot of cats and can get cats eating again. It's AAFCO certified, so it does meet nutritional needs. I'm not saying stay on it forever, but it does at least have all the elements a cat needs.

If he doesn't already get catnip every now and again, I'd try it - it does tend to relax kitties; but don't forget, about 1/3 don't respond to catnip.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 8, 2009
San Francisco, CA
Have you tried chicken? Instead of boiling the chicken, I used to cut it up into small chunks and steam it. That way, the chicken broth is still there to be mixed with the chicken chunks.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
I've seen someone else mention their picky kitty liking Blue Buffalo canned. I have fed a few cans of this in the past (before I knew Tomas had chicken issues) and I remember it smelling very good.
Like the canned chicken breast you can get (human food).

My biggest suggestion is if he is going to be picky, don't buy a lot of any canned food. Just get one can of each at a time - and stick with the 3oz. If he won't eat what you have, and it's not opened, see if the pet store will take it back.

Fancy Feast also has the melody flavors. It cost more and they have "garden greens" added, but a couple of them smell like human food. I think there's a turkey one.

And no, you definitely cannot keep feeding him human foods. Even if you were willing to cook for him it is not something to jump into. Very short term is fine, long term will cause nutritional deficiencies. Since this has been going on for a little while you may even want to ask your vet if your cat could already be at risk for them.
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  • #17


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 6, 2005
Friskies is a no-go also...he WANTS people food. This is getting ridiculous, and I cannot afford to take him to the vet for at least another 10 days.

HELP...what next??

Do I force feed him with a squeegee thingy?? Or do I just cater to his people food demands?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 2, 2007
Some people feed a homemade diet, with formulations given to them by vets (many holistic), so they can get real fresh food that you can control the quality and ingredients. After all, people food can mean many different things, we all eat proteins, veg, etc. You might want to consider this. It might not hurt to run bloodwork, and at the vet least give your vet a call in this manner too.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 16, 2007
Do you have a pretty good relationship with your vet - like you're a regular client? If so, I'd call, explain the situation, including not being able to come in for a visit til January, and ask the vet for suggestions. I'm leery of force-feeding without vet advice. Boy, your guy has a will of iron, doesn't he?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 6, 2005
Originally Posted by darlili

Do you have a pretty good relationship with your vet - like you're a regular client? If so, I'd call, explain the situation, including not being able to come in for a visit til January, and ask the vet for suggestions. I'm leery of force-feeding without vet advice. Boy, your guy has a will of iron, doesn't he?
Ain't that the truth. I don't really have a relationship with my vet, I go to the SPCA vet, as they are low cost. I'll call in the morning and see what I can work out. In the meantime, can someone suggest a recipe for me to get this stubborn guy eating?
