HELP - Beloved Feral Won't Go Back Into Her Little House - What Do I Do?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 14, 2015
[SORRY SO LONG, BUT NEED TO GIVE HISTORY] Hi, everyone! I'm so heartbroken and stressed. My beloved feral that I've been caring for, after fixing her as a kitten as part of a litter that was born next door to us over ten years ago, seems to have abandoned her little house that I got her for this winter. It's the one house that I was successful at getting her to use (I've tried homemade shelters, and other commercial cat houses over the years). I put it up this summer to get her acclimated to it, in her little "side yard" on one side of our house where I've fed her (and other random strays) over the years. She started using it in October (we live in Phoenix), and pretty much religiously since then, all through our winter. Lately a big tomcat that has been roaming our area for about a year or so has started coming by again (mating season, he's not fixed, and I've not been successful at trapping him yet). He has marked in the side yard before, and has started doing it again. About a month ago. he went into her house briefly. I noticed she went up to it after he was gone and then walked away, so I went out when the coast was clear and checked - he marked a little bit on her bedding inside. I took out the bedding, cleaned it (a couple of times, lol), and then put everything back. She was back in the house after a few hours that time. This past Monday, we had new washer/dryer delivered and our old appliances were purchased later that evening by a couple. The delivery and removal had to be done by everyone going through that side yard into our backyard to access our laundry room. She was not in the side yard, but could have been close by. When our old appliances were picked up by the couple purchasing Monday evening, they really created a racket and there was a lot of back and forth. Then, the tomcat appeared and got into her house again. I went out as soon as he left and sure enough he had marked. I was really upset. I removed the bedding, and washed everything. But I forgot to add an enzymatic cleaner, and a friend point that out to me. She would not go back into the house and seemed very skittish (more than normal). Over the next few days, I was a stress case, cleaning things, trying new bedding, spraying the area with Pooph as I could smell his markings. I think I may have made matters worse by all the activity in and around her house, trying to rectify the marking situation. It's now Friday, and she's gone around the house, under it (it's raised slightly on legs), sat on its front porch, played around it, and aside from one very short trip through it that first day after the commotion (Tuesday afternoon), has not been back inside it. I have security cam on that area, so I can see all of her comings and goings. It's been relatively nice now, but she's back to sleeping in my car, and hiding between our wall and the neighbors' fence near her yard (things she did before she was comfortable in her house). I'm so very heartbroken and we're going to have some rain and a bit colder weather in a few days. Is there ANYTHING I can do, or do I just need to give her time? My husband says it's a good sign that she is still coming around, and went under the house, but I'm just not sure.



Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
It's now Friday, and she's gone around the house, under it (it's raised slightly on legs), sat on its front porch, played around it, and aside from one very short trip through it that first day after the commotion (Tuesday afternoon), has not been back inside it.
I think your husband is right. I believe that with time, less activity, and the weather, she'll decide things are ok :vibes: :hearthrob::crossfingers::hearthrob:
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 14, 2015
I think your husband is right. I believe that with time, less activity, and the weather, she'll decide things are ok :vibes: :hearthrob::crossfingers::hearthrob:
Thank you! :redheartpump:I have had a feeling the last couple of days, that he's right too (I hate that, LOL!). My friend with a lot of cat expertise was pretty sure it was lingering scent from the tomcat that was keeping her away, and so I was frantic about trying to eliminate that, and I think I exacerbated the situation. I totally spiralled, and just kept trying to "fix" things, and I should know better than that. Question - my friend recommended I use Pooph on everything that the tomcat had marked, but then commented maybe the Pooph was leaving a scent. I thought that Pooph is odorless. If the tomcat does come again, what would be my best practice for cleaning bedding, etc.? :confused:
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Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I was going to ask what you thought about Pooph, we were thinking of getting some but never did ...

Do you have some Nature's Miracle, or something like that? I'm not certain what's best for actually using in the washmachine, but if she's familiar with her bedding having been washed before, I'd say just do that - the comfort of familiarity is what you're aiming for.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 14, 2015
This is the first time I've used Pooph, and I'm actually a little concerned that might be part of the problem...the first time I washed her bedding (about a month ago, when we had the first marking incident) I washed her bedding (might have been hot water - can't remember), and then my friend mentioned the enzyme issue, so I sprayed with Resolve enzymatic cleaner, which is all I had on hand, and rewashed (I think). But did not use Pooph. Put the bedding back in, and she eventually went inside. I was able to scoop some of her fur off her outdoor cot and put it inside on her bedding, which I think may have helped. This time, washed bedding, used Pooph on it, and was not really able to scoop any fur off her cot - it's been chilly and rainy here in the preceding weeks, and there wasn't any to be had. So have been wondering if part of the problem isn't so much that she still smells HIM, but that she doesn't smell HERSELF in the house/bedding. :( - as you can see, I have spent a crazy amount of time thinking about this situation. 🤦‍♀️


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
You may be right. Do you have a food or water bowl she uses that you could turn upside down and rub on the bedding, or even simply place inside the house so that she smells something of hers?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 14, 2015
I have several food bowls that are used and rewashed every day (but they are not used solely by her - the neighbor's cat comes for every feeding, and occasionally the problematic tomcat) - would one of those still work? I found some of her "old" fur from the house on the ground, probably from when I originally moved the bedding, but I'm not sure it wasn't marked on - should I still try putting it back in her house? Also, when I removed her bedding, she had two small catnip toys I had given her awhile back tucked into her bedding - I did put those back on either side of the entrance. I can go out and find the bit of fur that fell out of her bedding if you think that would be okay? I hadn't put it back because I was worried it might have his scent on it....


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
The catnip toys will hopefully help. If you think the hair you found was marked, then don't use it. Can you tell from any smell on it? I would also continue to search for and collect her hair so that you can eventually get some to put in her 'house, just in case it helps any. Also, continue to check to see if the cat has marked again. And next time, don't use the Pooph.

You might also consider adding another little place for this tom cat to use, just in case he would claim it as his own and leave hers alone. It might even help you to trap him in the long run.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 14, 2015
I'm keeping a close eye on her cot to see when she lays on it so I might be able to pull some fur from it! LOL, I did actually try smelling the fur, but at the time the area still smelled a bit like cat urine, so I just wasn't sure. And yes! I have ordered another, albeit different house than hers - one of the Ecoflex ones from Amazon. It should be here tomorrow and my husband I were going to put it up. I had put a small, fabric/collapsible one (similar to the K&H houses) up during the winter just for this reason, but no one showed any interest in it, except to mark it. We plan to toss out that one, and put the Ecoflex one in its place.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 14, 2015
I had planned on trying to trap the tomcat again this weekend, but now, I'm not certain that setting up a trap in front of her yard is a great idea when I'm trying to make her feel more relaxed about things...thoughts?? :confused:
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 14, 2015
Like a TOTAL nut, I went out and found the pieces of fur that fell out of her bedding and now that there really isn't any ambient "urine" smell, I smelled the fur and it did not smell like cat urine at all. I can only imagine what that would have looked like if someone was walking by our house, LOL! So I took some scissors and cut the balled-up pieces of fur and scattered them around the interior of her house and bedding. I made sure she wasn't nearby - I checked between our backyard wall and the neighbor's fence and she wasn't behind there any longer and she was not in the neighbor's yard adjoining our driveway/her area. I'm crossing my fingers that maybe having her scent on things again might help turn things around for her. Other than that, I'm not venturing into her area or (messing with her house) except for feedings. The first couple of days she acted more leery than usual but the last couple, she's been more like herself, waiting in front of our house in the morning, and playing in her yard a bit.

She is very feral. After more than ten years, she will only sometimes let me get closer than a few feet from her, and I have never touched her. She used to have a sister that hung out with her, for many years, that was part of the litter I fixed. That kitty disappeared about four years ago, and she's been pretty much on her own. For the longest time, she had someplace over in a neighbor's yard that she would disappear to, but the last couple of years, something must have happened to it, because she started sleeping under my car hood when it got cold. So I started trying to find shelters for her to use, unsuccessfully, until we found this house during the past summer, and put it up, along with her cot and added a chair for her to look out from behind the little fence. The attached photo is from a couple of days ago. The little bolster bed under the chair is new - her old one got rained on and I think marked on. She had stopped using it, so replaced it with a new one and she hasn't yet taken to it, nor has she jumped up on her chair after I replaced that pad for the same reason. So, she really does take her time about new things.


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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 14, 2015
HAPPY UPDATE!!!!! YOU GUYS ARE MY LUCKY CHARMS, I SWEAR!!! She just went back into her house!! She was sunning herself in her chair, something she hasn't done in ages, and when my husband came home and pulled up into the driveway, she jumped down off the chair, something she does a lot. But I figured she was probably just going back behind the wall, like she's been doing. My husband came in and said "You must be ecstatic." And I was like "What??? That she was back in her chair, yes that's awesome." and he said "NO - she's in her house!" He saw her head towards it, so he crept up to the gate, looked in and saw her looking back out at him from her house!!! I checked the video from the cam, and sure enough, she went in and he said she stayed in, because she was snugged in there looking back at him. I'm am absolutely over the moon!!!

Screenshot 2024-02-23 142218.png :jump:


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I had planned on trying to trap the tomcat again this weekend, but now, I'm not certain that setting up a trap in front of her yard is a great idea when I'm trying to make her feel more relaxed about things..
I'm assuming you have a way to keep an eye on the trap constantly, not only to see about him but also in case you catch someone you don't want? Or are you thinking about holding off, or placing the trap somewhere else along where he might walk maybe, if that's an option at all?