HELP!! Allergy problem


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 8, 2006
Hollywood, FL
that true cat allergies have to do with the cat's saliva, not the hair. If he is truelly allergic to your cat, then you can rub the cat down with distilled water (or those allergy wipes you can get at Petco) wherever the cat grooms.

If its the hair/dander, then maybe you can try to decrease the shedding by switching foods (Nutra makes an Indoor cat formula that is supposed to help with shedding), grooming more often, and vacuuming alot.

Good luck!


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
Kinsey, I fully understand what you are going through. My husband and I had one inside cat. Hubby was fine. We adopted another stray and put him inside. Then hubby developed serious allergies to the cats. He loves them as much as I do, but he could not deal with the allergies. He was so sick. We already had a chain link fenced in yard. We bought a cat fence in system to go around the top of the fence. It keeps our cats inside the fenced area and other cats can't get in. I know you said you are on a tight budget so that probably isn't an option for you. My husband took allergy medicine for two years or more and never improved until we put the cats outside. But medicine might work for your b/f. Have you checked with the local health department to see if there is anything available in your community for low income and folks without insurance. If you could find something like that, it might be worth a try before you give away the cat. You certainly have something tough to deal with. If your relationship continues and you and b/f marry, then this problem is not going away. I consider myself blessed because we were able to find a way to still have our cats that we love so much. Hugs to you and b/f. I hope you find a solution.
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kinsey's pet

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 13, 2006
Conway, Arkansas
Thank you so much for understanding. I am just trying so hard to deal with this and nothing is going right. I mean I havent had to think about it too much lately because we have both been busy and he hasnt been over much and we he does come over he just deals with it. I am starting to hate my apartment. I have also realized that my daybed is really hard for us both to sleep in. I need a full size bed and i cant afford a mattress!!! Ughh I hate my apartment.

foofy cat lady

TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 26, 2003
Pen Argyl, PA
I'm facing the same situation.. I've got a kitty that's never going to leave my side, and a very, VERY allergic boyfriend. He stays with me usually two nights a week, 'cause he lives two hours away, What's worked so far is having Diesel in a particular room when he's over.. And when we go into Diesel's room, he changes into specific cat-loving pants that he designated solely for that. There's also a lot of hand-washing and showering, and Diesel's not allowed in the bedroom. It's worked so far.

sadie's mom

TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 10, 2006
I don't understand why he just doesn't take an allergy pill!? I'm deathly allergic to my baby, but I take an allergy pill everyday. If he has money to put in your gas tank, tell him to spend it on allergy pills instead.

Also, you could ensure your place is thoroughly cleaned before he comes over, and use Febreeze Allergen Reducer (reduces up to 75% of allergens from cats, dogs, and dust mites that can become airborne from fabrics).


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
I haven't posted before because I realize that you live in a rental, so most of my suggestions won't be of much help right now, but perhaps for future reference?
I've always been allergic to cats, but it was only a year or so ago that the allergy really developed into asthma. My doctor has told me that I could have prevented that had I gotten allergy shots years before. It would be wise if your boyfriend looked into it, and it may turn out that the tests show he's allergic to some things other than cats. My sister and one of her sons are really allergic to pet hair, but with regular shots they manage just fine with their current 2 dogs and 3 cats.
The only way I can have a cat or two is to ban most textiles from the house, meaning no carpets, heavy curtains, or upholstered furniture. I wash what we have (light sheer curtains and an area rug) frequently, vaccum constantly, using the attachments on our leather and wood furniture, and change the sheets at least once a week. We also had an air filtration system installed in the house, which runs 24/7. It's meant for restaurants, large open-plan offices, etc., and it has really helped. Do you have a powerful vacuum cleaner, like a Dyson or Dirt Devil, and do you vacuum daily?
Do the cats sleep/sit on your furniture, other than the bed? Jamie uses the bed(s) all the time, but has his own "furniture", meaning a ceiling high cat tree, two window perches, and a few cat beds or cushions put on top of cabinets and appliances. He much prefers them, as did his predecessors.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 13, 2006
I use to be severly allergic to cats. I was so allergic to them, that my eyes would turn all red, itchy and even swell. Runny, plugged up nose. Hives, and the worse that ever happen is my throat started to close.

Thank God now I am not that allergic to cats now.

When I was that bad, I learned that petting was okay, as long as they didn't get on you, and you washed you hands first and than washed your face. I had to do this when I didn't have cats.

Now that I have cats, I have a air purifer, that helps A TON!!! OTC allerige nasal spray, and OTC allerige meds, Advantage (I thinks it's called, it starts with a A.) helps a ton too!!! Wash your sheets and bedding before he covers over, and make the cat stay away from it. Even wash the pillows too. Vacauum everything to get the cat hair off. Groom the cat daily, I have a long hair cat too and during allergie seasons, my god I can't breath.

But those are just a few things to try. I hope something helps. I don't know if he's in college, but some college offer health insurance to their students. Also check for local county health insurance, sometimes you can get those things for free.
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  • #28

kinsey's pet

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jun 13, 2006
Conway, Arkansas
Well the only pills that work are the ones that make him drowsy and then he just falls asleep. So overthecounter allergy pills are not helping much. I think I am just not going to let kinsey in the bedroom anymore. It's going to be hard but if he starts getting all sneezy and itchy he will have a "safe place" that he can go. lol. So far he has just been toughing it out and taking benedryll which makes him a zombie. He has been doing okay. The situation is getting better. Thank you guys!