Help! 1st timer


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 25, 2022
Let me start this post by saying this litter of kittens was unintentional and I am getting my cat spayed as soon as I can get her in once she's done nursing. That being said, my cat delivered her first (and only) litter last night from 2300 to 0230. The scenario was not what I imagined... She was sleeping in bed with me and her water broke and she delivered the first two in my bed. She did not clean the kittens, bite the cords, or eat the placentas. She seemed very unsure/scared and just wanted me to pet/love on her. I had made several nesting boxes for her downstairs (which is where her litter box, food and water are) which she had not shown any interest in. I knew the kittens wouldn't stay warm enough in my bed so I made a bed of old towels next to my bed and picked the kittens with the cloth I had used to dry them and placed them on the towel. I also picked up my cat and put her there. She proceeded to grab one of the kittens and drag it down the stairs to one of the nesting boxes. I brought the other kitten down to the box. She then birthed another kitten in that box. I went upstairs at that point thinking I was stressing her out and maybe she would clean the kittens if I wasn't distracting her. I heard crying about twenty minutes later and she had climbed out of the box and delivered another kitten on the floor and she was about 1 ft away giving herself a bath. I dried this kitten and placed all of the kittens on a heating pad in the room where I keep all of her things and an additional nesting box. At this point i figured she was rejecting the kittens. I cut through the cords (after grinding them between two fingers and then with blunt scissors) and disposed of the placentas. My cat came in that room eventually and picked up the kittens and put them in the clean nesting box and started nursing. I went back to my room. A little before 0600 I came in to check on her and she had birthed another kitten in that box who was wet, cold, and lethargic at this point. She had picked up the rest and moved them to a different room and was nursing. I dried the new kitten and cut the cord and placed him/her with mom. The kit warmed and eventually started eating. Now, throughout yesterday she keeps trying to move the kittens all over the place but she'll only move one or two at a time. If I try and place the ones that are out in the open on a heating pad or in a box she picks them up and moves them wherever. I will say that she did nurse them for very long periods of time. I have the downstairs at about 80 degrees and the kittens seems to be staying warm regardless of where she decides to hide them. Eventually I put her and the kittens in the room where her litter box, food, and water are and closed the door because I'm concerned that she isn't getting enough privacy and this is disturbing her bonding. The heating pad is in there and a clean nesting box. Basically I just feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. Any and all (positive/educational) comments would be greatly appreciated. Also, I'm reading threads where people weighed the kittens but other threads say don't touch them for two weeks. My cat and I have a very strong bond and I don't think she likes being away from me but I also don't want her toting these little ones all over the house and having them get hypothermic or hungry. AAAAh help!!!! I am a labor and delivery RN and think I may be helicopter assisting my poor kitty.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
I think you are doing fine - it’s mama cat that doesn’t quite know what she is doing. Its unfortunately happens with some moms. She is stressed from the birth and just not sure what to do with the kittens. You did the right thing confining her to a single room, where hopefully she feels safe enough to not keep moving the babies. And it’s good despite her nerves she is feeding them. I would weigh them though to make sure she continues and that they are gaining.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
She should settle down within 48 hours or so. Her hormones are in high gear and are driving her behavior. This is not unusual in first timers. I agree she needs to be in one room only at present.

Do make sure the heating pad is set on low and is under a blanket or towel so the kittens do not get overly warm, and make sure there is room for them to move off if they do feel too warm.

Buy a can of powdered PetAg or Royal Canin kitten formula and give mom a dish or two a day for the extra calcium she needs for nursing 5 kittens.

You can weigh the kittens in a day or two when mom has settled down, and try to do it in front of mom so she sees that you are not harming her kittens. Do watch for a runt with five, and go ahead and set the spay appointment for mom for 8 weeks from now.

I do believe your labor and delivery training came in handy during the deliveries!

Do keep us posted! T Thriftm
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  • #4


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 25, 2022
Ok things are looking up this morning! My daughter let Millie (my cat) out of the bathroom this morning for a break and she stayed by the door but looked very pleased to have a break. The kittens were sleeping in the nesting box and there was urine on the towel so I know she’s stimulating them after they eat, yay!!!! She followed me in the bathroom ate a big breakfast and I took the opportunity to give her her loves and weigh the kittens at the same time. When she was done eating she crawled in the box and nursed them. I’m so happy, what a stressful 36 hours but things are definitely getting better. And I will buy formula today. Thank you both!
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  • #5


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 25, 2022
Also, they weigh between 107-128 g, which is 3.7-4.5 ounces.
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  • #6


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 25, 2022
One more thing, sorry should I have the light on or off in the room? It seems kind of bright so I turned the light off and put a night light


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 23, 2017
metro Detroit
Millie seems to have settled down a bit and is doing much better. Weights seem good. Do weigh them daily to see how the little guys are doing.

Cats can see better than we can in the dark, and the little ones can't see now, anyway. I suppose keeping a dim light on is preferable.

Mom can definitely benefit from some KMR too. She needs extra calcium for the kits and to replenish what she's lost making their little bones.

Please post some pix of the family if you can.
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  • #8


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 25, 2022
Millie is loving the KMR! Pic below is from yesterday in one of her random spots she picked to nurse. I just peeked in on them and she had taken the kitten I presume to be the runt (the last born) and placed it in the middle of the bathroom while she nursed the others in the box. She has no problems nursing this kitten other times or if I place the kitten by her.

