

TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 15, 2015
Miami, FL
Hello everyone!

How are we all doing today? My name is Leslie and it is a great pleasure in meeting you all!

I've been coming to this site for quite sometime, looking up information and reading some of the suggestions you all have given to others in situations similar to my own with my lovable pains in the butts.

At long last, I deiced to make my own account so I can gain more knowledge from this wonderful community!

Now time to introduce the troops!


Here we have my big boy, he's about a 1 and a half old turning 2 this November.

I got him when he was roughly 4 months old, getting a call one night from my little brother about this little kitten that wouldn't stop following him around. At the time, he was working for a friend of our family's car washing business that in turn catered to a medical office known as Leon cleaning their transport buses. The parking lot is filled with stray cats that are fed by the security guards every night but those cats you can't touch with a 10 foot pole. Even the babies hiss at you and run away. I have always believed that Cy was dumped off there with the notion that he can fend for himself being among other cats. He was desperate for human interaction which is why all it took for him to follow behind my brother, meowing at the top of his lungs was just one quick little pet. Poor little guy was all skin and bones when I got him, weighing 3 pounds. Whelp, next morning he was off to the vet! Got checked out, dewormed and despite living on the streets for who knows how long, he had a clean bill of health. 

Now, he's one happy laid back cat. He likes to lounge around, mostly on me while quietly demanding pets and if you rub his ears just right he'll even start drooling lol Cy's a quiet guy, barely meowing even when he's hungry. He just sits and waits patiently while staring at me to feed him [ If I'm in the kitchen...if not, well his way of getting my attention is knocking things off the shelves and spilling over full glasses of water ]. As you can see from the picture below, that was taken in the bathroom...I can't go alone any more, he needs to be there and when I turn on the shower, he meows at me and has this look of awe on his face every time...but actually getting wet? That's a no no LOL

He's not very brave, a little skittish around new folks and terrified of loud noises...but he's the best boy and I absolutely love him to bits and he's every inch a mama's boy [ boyfriend is somewhere on his list, he's the back up for cuddles if I'm not around xD ] He'll go through his manic moments, staring at me wide eyed, pupils dilated and suddenly dashing off with his ears back and tail curled only to get tackled by Jamilla and that goes on for a few rounds before he's come back to earth and goes to laze about once more.



Here she is, in all of her spoiled princess bratly glory. Jam's a siamese mix and about 10 months old, she'll be 1 in November as well [ I don't know their actual birthdays but I'm going by the gotcha month...and I so happened to get both of them in Nov. just almost a year apart from each other ]. Now how I got her was a funny story...See I was going to our family's vet that we've known for years [ This lady is amazing! She's so sweet and kind, her prices are fair and she really loves animals ] to get Cy neutered, it was early in the morning and I was the first person there to be seen by her...As soon as I walked into her office, I heard this loud insistent meowing coming from the back where the cages are. Curious, I ventured back there once I was called in with Cy and saw this adorable, small nearly all white 3 month old kitten. Apparently someone had just left the kitten in front of the vet's door step the previous night. As I stuck my fingers in the cage to try and pet her, she mewoed even louder and louder...Even the vet asked if I wanted to hold her and when I did, she clung to my shirt like there was no tomorrow...

Soooo needless to say, I left the house with one cat and came back with two LOL 

Jam is extremely talkative, I talk to her and she always answers back [ very vocal when it comes to meal time ]. She's always murring or meowing and making lots of other cute little cat noises. She is very much in your face, she will let her presences be known and WILL just walk right up to you and plop it down for pets. She's quite rowdy and rough when it comes to playtime, her and Cy spend a lot of time running back and forth, play fighting in the bathroom tub or grooming one another [ 9 times out of 10 its Cy who's doing the grooming, she returns it sometimes the diva ]. She's a wire chewer and I've lost a few headphones, PS contorllers and a few phone chargers...we're still working on that but she has gotten better. Jam's pretty affectionate with me but her target source of love is my boyfriend...I mean she will go up to him and sit on his stomach and chest, kneading and purring [ And LOUD as hell too xD It sounded like a little car engine ]. Jam's a picky brat but non the less, she is a very loving and playful cat with a very big purrsonality.

Miss Einstine 

Annnd say hello to the newest family member, Miss E! Totally unexpected addition that happened a few weeks ago. When me and my boyfriend where coming back from food shopping, turning into the townhomes we live in...I spotted a tiny kitten bouncing along in the grass. I stopped the car, staring out the window were I saw another two kittens...a black one with white socks and a ginger tabby. We parked and grabbed a can of cat food we had just bout for our other ones and set it out...This little kitten was the first to rush over and eat, being so hungry she even tried to fight off her siblings to keep them from eating...I was just heart broken and seeing no mama cat in sight [ the neighbors I talked too said that they use to see her when the babies were little but that they haven't seen her in a long while ]....So we went home, put the food away and I grabbed another can of food plus our cat carriers to head back. I wanted to catch them and get them adopted out to good, loving homes. I tried many times to try and get them with each attempt unsuccessful but in the end I was only able to get one, being Miss E. She was the smallest of the three, she was sooo skinny...all I could feel were bones under her skin and wiry furr and the only reason we were able to catch her was due to her hunger out weighting her fear of us. I took her to the vet the following day to get checked out. I was given deworming medicine, to give to her every other day and it was a total of five treatments. At first, I had her in the bathroom in the carrier...she was just too terrified to come out even when I placed food and water, so I deiced to keep her in the room with me during her period of quarantine [ Cy and Jam did NOT like that...they had no access to the room, meowing at the door all the time lol ].

Its been interesting ride to say the least...She's about 9 weeks old now and I've never have  taken care of a kitten this young before, I've been doing a lot of reading and getting a lot of good information from this site on just what to do and what to expect.

Miss E [ Who was name by my boyfriend, since she's always observing and fascinated by our daily routine ] is now a healthy, EXTREMELY overly hyperactive kitten that wants food, attention and playtime 24/7. Cyrus and Jamilla have started accept the fact that she's staying...Jam now having a playmate to match her energy levels, they run back and forth all the time...Miss E loves to hide and surprises her around the corner and off they go again. Jam plays a little to rough with her but from what I read, as long as I don't hear screaming to let them work it out...I do closely monitor them just to make sure nothing happens. Cy's not all that interested in playing with her, he smells her and tolerates her so long as she keeps her distance, if she gets to close  she gets a hiss and a paw bop to the head but lucky for him Miss E is a fast learner, she keeps a respectable distance from him...getting up close every now and then when he's not paying attention to get a good sniff of his tail [ While trying to swat at it before he catches on ]. 

Miss E is only cuddly after she's done eating or sleepy, being the hyper playful kitten she is...she hasn't reached the cuddles stage yet but she does like to sleep with me at night [ we share a pillow since I keep her with us till she's a little older ] she's also become apart of my fan club....Lol that is what my boyfriend calls the cats, they ALL follow me in the bathroom T u T

 [ This is her after the first week with us, she loves that rabbit...she suckles on it from time to time ]

 [ And her currently snoozing on the bed lol ]
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 15, 2015
Miami, FL

Here she is, in all of her spoiled princess bratly glory. Jam's a siamese mix and about 10 months old, she'll be 1 in November as well [ I don't know their actual birthdays but I'm going by the gotcha month...and I so happened to get both of them in Nov. just almost a year apart from each other ]. Now how I got her was a funny story...See I was going to our family's vet that we've known for years [ This lady is amazing! She's so sweet and kind, her prices are fair and she really loves animals ] to get Cy neutered, it was early in the morning and I was the first person there to be seen by her...As soon as I walked into her office, I heard this loud insistent meowing coming from the back where the cages are. Curious, I ventured back there once I was called in with Cy and saw this adorable, small nearly all white 3 month old kitten. Apparently someone had just left the kitten in front of the vet's door step the previous night. As I stuck my fingers in the cage to try and pet her, she mewoed even louder and louder...Even the vet asked if I wanted to hold her and when I did, she clung to my shirt like there was no tomorrow...

Soooo needless to say, I left the house with one cat and came back with two LOL 

Jam is extremely talkative, I talk to her and she always answers back [ very vocal when it comes to meal time ]. She's always murring or meowing and making lots of other cute little cat noises. She is very much in your face, she will let her presences be known and WILL just walk right up to you and plop it down for pets. She's quite rowdy and rough when it comes to playtime, her and Cy spend a lot of time running back and forth, play fighting in the bathroom tub or grooming one another [ 9 times out of 10 its Cy who's doing the grooming, she returns it sometimes the diva ]. She's a wire chewer and I've lost a few headphones, PS contorllers and a few phone chargers...we're still working on that but she has gotten better. Jam's pretty affectionate with me but her target source of love is my boyfriend...I mean she will go up to him and sit on his stomach and chest, kneading and purring [ And LOUD as hell too xD It sounded like a little car engine ]. Jam's a picky brat but non the less, she is a very loving and playful cat with a very big purrsonality.

Miss Einstine 

Annnd say hello to the newest family member, Miss E! Totally unexpected addition that happened a few weeks ago. When me and my boyfriend where coming back from food shopping, turning into the townhomes we live in...I spotted a tiny kitten bouncing along in the grass. I stopped the car, staring out the window were I saw another two kittens...a black one with white socks and a ginger tabby. We parked and grabbed a can of cat food we had just bout for our other ones and set it out...This little kitten was the first to rush over and eat, being so hungry she even tried to fight off her siblings to keep them from eating...I was just heart broken and seeing no mama cat in sight [ the neighbors I talked too said that they use to see her when the babies were little but that they haven't seen her in a long while ]....So we went home, put the food away and I grabbed another can of food plus our cat carriers to head back. I wanted to catch them and get them adopted out to good, loving homes. I tried many times to try and get them with each attempt unsuccessful but in the end I was only able to get one, being Miss E. She was the smallest of the three, she was sooo skinny...all I could feel were bones under her skin and wiry furr and the only reason we were able to catch her was due to her hunger out weighting her fear of us. I took her to the vet the following day to get checked out. I was given deworming medicine, to give to her every other day and it was a total of five treatments. At first, I had her in the bathroom in the carrier...she was just too terrified to come out even when I placed food and water, so I deiced to keep her in the room with me during her period of quarantine [ Cy and Jam did NOT like that...they had no access to the room, meowing at the door all the time lol ].

Its been interesting ride to say the least...She's about 9 weeks old now and I've never have  taken care of a kitten this young before, I've been doing a lot of reading and getting a lot of good information from this site on just what to do and what to expect.

Miss E [ Who was name by my boyfriend, since she's always observing and fascinated by our daily routine ] is now a healthy, EXTREMELY overly hyperactive kitten that wants food, attention and playtime 24/7. Cyrus and Jamilla have started accept the fact that she's staying...Jam now having a playmate to match her energy levels, they run back and forth all the time...Miss E loves to hide and surprises her around the corner and off they go again. Jam plays a little to rough with her but from what I read, as long as I don't hear screaming to let them work it out...I do closely monitor them just to make sure nothing happens. Cy's not all that interested in playing with her, he smells her and tolerates her so long as she keeps her distance, if she gets to close  she gets a hiss and a paw bop to the head but lucky for him Miss E is a fast learner, she keeps a respectable distance from him...getting up close every now and then when he's not paying attention to get a good sniff of his tail [ While trying to swat at it before he catches on ]. 

Miss E is only cuddly after she's done eating or sleepy, being the hyper playful kitten she is...she hasn't reached the cuddles stage yet but she does like to sleep with me at night [ we share a pillow since I keep her with us till she's a little older ] she's also become apart of my fan club....Lol that is what my boyfriend calls the cats, they ALL follow me in the bathroom T u T

 [ This is her after the first week with us, she loves that rabbit...she suckles on it from time to time ]

 [ And her currently snoozing on the bed lol ]
 xD Just had to include this! The bathroom club all laying together!


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Welcome to TCS! I love the stories of how you got all your kitties - it's so wonderful that you took them in. They really are beautiful and Miss E is just an adorable little kitten. Love the bathroom club! [emoji]128512[/emoji]
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 15, 2015
Miami, FL
Welcome to TCS! I love the stories of how you got all your kitties - it's so wonderful that you took them in. They really are beautiful and Miss E is just an adorable little kitten. Love the bathroom club! [emoji]128512[/emoji]
Ah thank you so much!

I love my cats to pieces...They are my kids, my babies <33

Apparently, Miss E is a main coon/tabby mix...I'm not sure how big she's going to get but her tails already frizzing out, so I'm expecting it to be nice and fluffy x)


NOT Malfoy!
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
Welcome to the cat site!

Your kitties sounds adorable! I love the photos, especially the bathroom shot!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 5, 2015
Your kitties are adorable! I like the stories of how you rescued each one. You're a sweet person and cat caregiver to do that. Jam looks like a pretty relaxed kitty. Miss E looks like she could be a cute little trouble maker. Cyrus is very handsome. He could my Sgt. Pepper's doppelganger.


Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
A BIG welcome to you and your kitties! 