Hello y'all.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 11, 2014
Sandhills North Carolina
Glad to be on the site.

My partner and I are the parents of 3 little ruffian's.

Marvin is the Grownup. He is 10½. He was found feral under a truck, somehow separated from litter, and only weeks old. Fortunately we put him into a domestic lifestyle. He grew up with Miss Moo an Snorkles, both of whom crossed over the last three years, having both reached 20. Marvin's a little husky, but with the new rug rats around has been a lot more active and is slimming down. He's an orange tabby, and loves to follow the sunny areas around the house.
When Miss Moo passed 3 years ago, and Snorkles was starting to get feeble, we determined that we wanted to adopt before he too passed, so that Marvin would not be alone. A good friend of ours runs a feral neutering ministry, and she let us know she had a rescued litter that she was trying to place. When we got to her she only had two left of the litter. After visiting for a while, being suckers we knew we couldn't separate this brother and sister. The great thing is that having the kittens was the BEST THING for the last year of Snorkles life. He had been on the decline, and absolutely re-energized him. They loved to cunnudle with him and I know he mentored them with his sage wisdom.

The twins are Dover and Calais. They will be 3 in May. They were the rescued feral litter-mates.

Dover is male flame-point with blue eyes. His face has some Siamese features, but his build is very ASH. He is all boy. He likes to get dirty, and is about as bright as a bag of hammers. He is very loving. He likes to climb up onto my shoulder and purr in my ear in the pre-dawn snoozing. He like to bring me tributes. Every night he will bring the three little blue mouse-toys up onto my chair while watching TV. Then, at bedtime he will bring all three back up to bed before settling down for the night. He brings sticks in from the back deck and wants ½ play fetch wit them. I'll toss them 10 times before he gets bored with it.

Calais is our girl. She has strong Russian Blue features, but eyes more of a darker amber. Her coat is not as thick as Russian, and she has white locket and buckle. She has a very dominant personality and has been struggling with her Uncle Marvin for Alpha Cat status. She chases the vacuum. She socializes with visitors (both boys hide) . If me or mommy says NO, she will stand there and argue with us. She is bright, intelligent, curious and vocal. Just like her great-aunt Miss Moo, who she never knew, her favorite play toy is a paper ball.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Welcome to the site, what a wonderful introduction, I feel as if I know you all! I think what you said about your Calais goes with being a female, they all seem to be dominant and talk back! You have a wonderful family, please keep us posted on their antics.


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
  Hello and welcome. 
  You are all very welcome here on TCS, and what a great introduction to all of your fur family past and present.   'As bright as a bag of hammers' and 'if mommy says NO she will stand there and argue'  LoL, I love your guys already!   Dover and Calais look like quite a pair and I am guessing they make sure you always have your hands full. 

I look forward to seeing more posts from you and learning more about you and your fur-family as you find your way around the site. 


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
What a great story.  Sounds like you've got some characters there!   Welcome to TCS.  