Hello TCS members & staff


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 17, 2023
I’ve been a little active on forums before posting my formal introduction. Apologies. I’m Kathryn aka LivnDedGrl and now known as LivnDedCatLady. I’m a mom to humans and cats but I don’t typically show my humans off for the fear of creeps but if there’s one thing Netflix taught us it’s Don’t mess with cats bc cats are something unique that can unite all sorts from every corner of the world. Hmm maybe that’s what’s missing from politics and we should all vote cats into whatever position our country elects. I live in America on one of the coasts lol. I’ve got a cat lady rep. I recently moved to our first owned home with my family but before we moved we had people dropping off kittens and pregnant moms often so I do have quite the assortment of cats bc if we couldn’t find a home for them they found one in us.

I am trying to limit taking in any more though I know if it was ever truly needed I likely couldn’t say no. My husband however is at the no point. I think he’s just a bit worried I went off the deep end after losing one of our special babies early last spring. We have our babies and ones we foster as well. His name was Fang and he had pituitary dwarfism. He was born sick and was one of only two survivors of the whole litter. He had a fever coat and was the cutest baby werecat until his black sheen took over. He reached his full size at about 6/7 months old. He slept next to my head every night and spilled my cup of water on me like clockwork trying to sip the ice cubes once I fell asleep. He’d sleep in my hood and hoodie pocket or curl himself on my shoulders around my neck. He was truly my baby. He didn’t leave my side all day long and if I left he faithfully waited on my bed for my return. So when I returned home one night and he wasn’t there I instantly knew something was wrong. Some of the cats we had at that time were indoor/outdoor but he was strictly indoors. He was just a tad “touched” as the vet explained but it only added to his flare. He was perfect. I looked everywhere for him and couldn’t find him. I searched outside too just in case. It was Friday and I made a post on our local lost pet page that same day I couldn’t find him with my number and a very detailed description of him. My husband woke me up Saturday morning and by his face I just knew. The local animal hospital called and said there was a cat rushed in Friday matching his description. My husband went to check and bring him home. They said they stabilized him and the whole time through surgery and everything he purred, even in pain while she stroked him. Sometime that night he passed. He was hit by a car. I was so angry. The cat that never went outside and somehow got out the first time and got hit. I was very distraught and trying hard not to think about it. One way I avoid things is retail therapy. It wasn’t working though and every outfit I bought that day was cat print. I wear office attire to work but since that day my whole wardrobe consists of cat print/theme office attire which I consider quirky reminds me of the 2008-2014 new girl style era but I’m sure not everyone gets it and they might think I’m crazy idc it was just how I ended up mourning him.

one thing about me is I’m always long winded. I’m unable to summarize and not bc I don’t want to I just type how I talk and every detail seems important. It’s a lot I know so hopefully it’s not too annoying. I’ll attach some awesome cat pics to distract from it or make up for it though

This is Koga affectionately called Puss-puss bc he is absolutely massive but his meow sounds like a newborn kitten lol. He was found under our house which was a deadend off the beach and the bay often flooded to our yard it was also home to hawks, owls, and eagles who took many people pets. One time it was flooding to our yard we’re heard a tiny meow under the house and once we opened the door he ran right in. No one knew where he came from and no cats were around at all other than mine who were indoor still bc we had yet to foster the cats that made that more difficult to maintain. Nisha my female took right to him and started lactating like 2 days later and nursing him that’s when taking in orphan kittens started bc she is just so nurturing naturally. He’s impossible to get a pic of but his face shape is that of Garfield. We were told it’d thin out once neutered but this is him very neutered and still a chonk


This is Edgar. He stays on my lap or chest and his twin brother Fitzgerald isn’t as photogenic but he looks exactly like Edgar, they have a baby sister Caterina identical in color but smaller she’s hard to spot but if you walk in a room and feel eyes on you it’s likely her in the highest corner stalking you from afar.

this is Fievel he’s got ears larger than his head and if you happen to doze off you’ll awake to exactly this upon your eyes opening. Hes
And some have you have already met Clover here. He’s a famous cat-napper looking for warm loads of laundry out of the dryer


This is Sir Henrik with his famous moustache that earned him his namesake. He is brother to Fang. He is the most affectionate cat only second to his brother but likely bc they had to be hand nursed after unusual events shortly after their birth. It was a tough birth for the mother who was feral as well. Sir Henrik has the most unusual meow I have videoed it if those are ever sharable in the site. He is currently missing made even worse by the loss of his brother shortly before his disappearance. I don’t feel he is gone though I feel he’s still around here and we will never stop looking for him. This was the last pic I took of him.
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This is Sir Henrik and Lucipurr. After we lost fang they came in every night to let me know it’d be okay and I’d wake up and theyd
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and this here is Fang himself. The cutest and sweetest boy. He was solid black but had the brick red eyes just like his blonde/orange brother they were very distinct and stood out even more in person. And beneath the last pics of Fang are his baby pics when he still had his fever coat and looked like a werecat.
ive only just recently switched phones so as I gain new pics of our cat fam I will share and introduce them as well. For some odd reason I have some of my saved pics from my last phone but not all. Anyways sorry again for the novel.
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Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Hello and welcome to TCS. :wave2: Such beautiful cats, all of them. :catlove:

So sorry about Fang. 🤗 When I was in my teens our family had a cat hit and killed by a car, so I know how devastating it is. :(

If you'd like to make a post specific to your special kitty's short life, we have a Crossing the Bridge forum.
RIP sweet boy. :angel3:


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jul 21, 2023
Northeast Ohio
Welcome to TCS Kathryn. What a beautiful cat family and my condolences on your loss of Fang.

No worries on the length of your posts, I also tend to write as I'm thinking and try not to forget details I find pertinent to the post.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
A BIG welcome to you and your furry family, including the adorable Fang, who joins us in spirit!


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Kathryn and to your beautiful clowder and on behalf of The Catsite community, a warm
to all of you.

Such love bunch of furballs you have here :hearthrob: :redheartpump: and we are so
to hear about Fang :alright:


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Welcome Kathryn
Nice to meet you ,officially! So sorry for your loss- Sweet adorable Fang RIP

See ya round the Forums & Merry Christmas to you and your family ( hoomans too)❤


TCS Member
Dec 11, 2023
Devon, UK
Welcome from me too! Beautiful cats thank you for sharing the story ❤ Fang does remind me of our Napoleon! Fangs eyes really are lovely 😍
Soph x