Hello from Canada


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 11, 2015
Hello, it is nice to find a cat forum. Dog forums are a dime a dozen but a good cat forum...

I am not quite 30, a woman. And an author. I am self published with a few books on law enforcement [security, military, etc.] as that was something I used to help pay for education / university. I am also working on two books about wolves which have taken me longer than I thought to do up.

I am looking to get back into cats. As a young kid [from a bit younger than 2 to about 8] I and my brother were "owned" by four tabbies. All siblings. All from the local shelter bought as kittens I am told.

I remember them vaguely, due to the young age, but mum has told us countless stories of how one brother would follow her from the house and the stroller all the way down to main road despite her saying go home [he'd go home once at the road]. And how almost all of them would bring mice from the farmer's field behind the house.

I have no pictures - constant moving due to work / education means the older pictures are packed away until getting a permanent house.

Unfortunately we had to get rid of them all, all at once, because my mother's mother didn't "like" cats [she wasn't allergic as my mother had had three cats & my cousins who she went to live with had 1 cat (who may have been gotten rid of too) & 4 dogs]. My grandmother gave the impression she was going to live with us... and stayed maybe 3 months before moving back to be closer to her other three daughters & one son.

I love my grandmother - there is no denying that - but I kind of think karma has come back for such selfish behavior on grandma's part as despite being offered to live with us numerous times since she has always refused and now lives with her son who pretty much ignores her [or bosses her around] and is rarely visited by her grandchildren despite how they live in the same town.

However, the idea of cats stuck with me. My brother on the other hand is a through & through dog person. We've had three dogs since:

A Scotch Collie. We didn't have her for long, she was abused as a pup and had some serious issues. When she nearly bite my brother, that was it. We gave her away to the farmer whose fields our cats had once been de-mousing.

In a tiny town just outside the Rocky Mountains - A Scottish terrier whom loved our neighbor's cat. We caught her grooming the female on many occasions. The funny bit is if she noticed you looking out from the porch all of a sudden she'd go "dog" and start chasing the cat & barking.

A Elkhound. A foolish buy from a shelter seeing as we were in the city and an Elkhound is a hunting dog. Mystery was an ill mannered dog that I began to seriously retrain when my brother & mother moved [my brother had a corrections job] because neither my brother nor mother had the ability to work with her. She was head strong and they were too soft.

I mean one time she literally leapt almost six feet in the air after rough housing with my brother going for his face - if I hadn't had the leash in my hands and yanked, he'd have been bitten ... but he keeps telling me "we were playing". She was eventually given away [as we had to move to the job location] to an aboriginal woman who had just lost her elkhound and lived on 10 acres just outside of a local park.

As such I decided to join is to get back into cats. Advice, tips, etc. As a kid, cats were lovely cuddle toys [as they'd often sleep with us on the floor, etc. during nap time] but I wasn't responsible for them.

Ps. Is there a problem with a forum on internet explorer 11? I keep getting signed out despite activating my account.


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA


Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
It's great to have you aboard, RoseWater!  Maybe I'm a bit biased, but I think this is the BEST cat forum out there! 

I loved hearing about your pets. Oh, those Norwegian Elkhounds...they can be stubborn, but they are fun dogs. I once baby-sat one for over 2 weeks, living with her. I used to take her for rides in the car, and for small hamburgers at the drive-up window at Wendy's. She was also a star at the local Pet Smart, making friends with many humans and their dogs!  She was a bit bitey (such as my forearm one time), but I was able to break her of that habit (humanely, of course), and she calmed down. They are beautiful and intelligent dogs, but they can be a handful.