Heart Disease (subaortic stenosis) - Success Stories?


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
The cardiologist did not doubt the ability of the sonographer to do a competent ECG, so the first one stood as a diagnostic tool. She did her own subsequently as time went on.

I do not feel that medication or the HCM changed Jamie in any way. It sounds like you have a plan for administering the meds which is working for you, especially if he is looking forward to it.
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  • #22


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Young Cat
Apr 1, 2023
Thank you fionasmom, that is exactly what we're going to do too. I've already gotten the images from the ultrasound from the vet clinic so now just waiting on the referral to go through and for the cardiologist to call and schedule an appointment with us. Given his condition I think we're also going to do the same as you and do his recheck echos at a cardiologist specialist. It's worth the extra money.

Bowser had his first atenolol this morning. I'm happy to report it was a resounding success! My wife actually used one of those toothbrush gloves to protect her fingers, to help with getting the capsule as far back his tongue as possible without getting an accidental bite. Bowser took the capsule much easier than the dry kibble, and as soon as he swallowed it, was looking for the syringe full of treat water. The whole thing was over in ten seconds. It's been about an hour and he's still the same silly kitty he always is, taking a little break on our dish drying mat. Hopefully he can follow in Jamie's footsteps and be the same sweet kitty, whether on or off meds. 😊



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Jun 1, 2022
Thank you fionasmom, that is exactly what we're going to do too. I've already gotten the images from the ultrasound from the vet clinic so now just waiting on the referral to go through and for the cardiologist to call and schedule an appointment with us. Given his condition I think we're also going to do the same as you and do his recheck echos at a cardiologist specialist. It's worth the extra money.

Bowser had his first atenolol this morning. I'm happy to report it was a resounding success! My wife actually used one of those toothbrush gloves to protect her fingers, to help with getting the capsule as far back his tongue as possible without getting an accidental bite. Bowser took the capsule much easier than the dry kibble, and as soon as he swallowed it, was looking for the syringe full of treat water. The whole thing was over in ten seconds. It's been about an hour and he's still the same silly kitty he always is, taking a little break on our dish drying mat. Hopefully he can follow in Jamie's footsteps and be the same sweet kitty, whether on or off meds. 😊

View attachment 447224
You've gotten so much great advice! I love the pic, he is so cute and I'm glad he's acting like his normal happy self. :) :catrub:
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  • #24


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Young Cat
Apr 1, 2023
Thank you, he is absolutely adorable to look at but even more so when you get to interact with him in person! We'll keep doing our best for Bowser and keep you all updated here. The support has really helped us feel much better the last few days so thank you to you all 🤗


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
That is great news that you have found a way to make him look forward to a pill. Is the atenolol very large in his case? He is so cute sitting there carefully making sure that the dish mat does not move. Someone has to.

He looks a lot like Jamie. Jamie resting.JPG
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  • #26


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Young Cat
Apr 1, 2023
His atenolol comes in 6.25mg capsules. Not sure what size, but if I had to give you a frame of reference, they're about the same size as two kibble... maybe a little narrower. We had our concerns when we first saw them but he's taking them like a champ. And yes, he is the guardian of my dish mat, along with my laptop keyboard and basically any piece of paper I'm trying to write on 😁

Jamie's such a cutie! They look as if they could be brothers! So glad he's doing well on his medication. He's an inspiration to all of us, knowing a cat can totally live a fulfilling and long life with a heart condition ♥
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  • #27


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Young Cat
Apr 1, 2023
So the vet clinic got back to us, and the earliest appointment for a cardiologist at this time is in September... that's a long wait for us but doesn't seem like there's many options. So this will probably be the last update for a while.

Bowser has been taking his atenolol very well. The only side effect is a bit of diarrhea. He's still rushing to us after dinner to get his capsule (and subsequent syringe full of yummy treat soup of squeeze treat, canned food water, and pumpkin puree). We will keep giving it to him per our vet's instructions and hope that it controls the SAM to a point where his condition remains mild and hopefully his heart stays within normal size range. I do wish we had an appointment sooner as sometimes it just feels like we're not doing enough or exploring all medication options, but I know this is a feeling that most of us around here would have when faced with a diagnosis that has no clear answer.

Will continue to peruse this great forum to hopefully hear some inspiring stories about your kittens doing well with whatever conditions they are working through. It gives us hope as well! Here are my two babies enjoying themselves at the expense of my work. One day at a time. 😊

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  • #29


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Young Cat
Apr 1, 2023
That sounds like a good idea! I do hope the vet clinic isn't getting annoyed with all my questions but for us it could be a matter of life and death. Anything to get some attention on this as soon as possible even if it's not direct with the cardiologist herself, I will do. Thanks for the suggestion 😊


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 29, 2018
You can speak to a vet about this first but my oldest was diagnosed with heart failure about a month ago. He is 6 years old, FIV+. He is on all sorts of meds but I have been researching different approaches to helping his heart heal. I found tons of studies and information on ubiquinol, taurine, fish oil (omega-3), and vitamin C. Along with his medication, I am giving him all 4. I just started the vitamin C a few days ago and it seems to already be helping with his heart fluttering (afib). It is not as strong or as noticeable (when it happens, I can see the top of his chest move and pulse). I read that it helps people with afib, 80% reversal rate in one study which is amazing.

I do know cats that are younger (especially kittens) that have heart problems can benefit a lot from taurine supplements, this is especially true if a cat is on a dry diet. I think it is worth asking a vet about. I started with flavored tablets but he got put off by them so I am doing NOW Foods (human supplement) taurine, 500 mg. I do half in the morning and half in the evening, so he gets two doses at 250 mg a day. I mix it in one of those bisque packets by Hartz, half per dose. I tasted the supplement before giving it to him and it is not bitter at all so he doesn't seem to mind it. Bonus, it is cheap. It is only $10 for 100 capsules, right now it is only $5 and change on amazon.

I hope the little guy gets better and his heart ends up healthy and strong.
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  • #31


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Young Cat
Apr 1, 2023
Hi BluOnyx, thanks for the suggestions! We were actually thinking of starting some supplements after we discuss them with the cardiologist to ensure they don't interact negatively with the atenolol. Taurine, Nattokinase, CoQ10, and Omega 3s are what we're considering, will look into Vitamin C too. We figure as long as it won't harm him, it'd probably benefit to make sure his heart is in good healthy condition even if there is a defect. Appreciate you wishing us well, Bowser thanks you too 😊

Sorry to hear about your kitty, it sounds like you're a great owner and are doing all that you can for him and I'm sure he knows it 😊 I hope with your care he's able to enjoy the days with you for many years to come. The right supplements and medication seem to really help CHF so keep it up!
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  • #32


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 1, 2023
Hi everyone, just an update.

Per my last update, we were told by the vet that the wait for a board certified cardiologist appointment was until September which was way too late, so I called around until I found an emergency clinic that had availability sooner. Thankfully I did, as we now have an appointment for tomorrow! I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, but for better or for worse we will at least know that we are getting the best possible treatment and medication from a board certified cardiologist. Top questions for us will be other medication/supplement options, and a detailed review of the images taken by the mobile sonographer to ensure that he indeed has this rare disease. They will also perform their own echo as they want to see it all with their own eyes. Not that they had to twist my arm, I was going to ask for one anyway. Funny how when we first got these two kittens, we meticulously budgeted for their food, litter, toys, etc... now with Bowser's condition, it's like throw all the money at him, I don't care! :whitecat:

Bowser's been taking his atenolol twice a day and I'm thankful to report that he is still the same cuddly lovable ball of fur as always, albeit maybe marginally less active. He's still playing with his brother, jumping on counters, and engaging in exercise with toys (not too strenous of course). If nothing gets worse and we were to continue having to give him atenolol daily for the rest of his life, we can totally live with this. Some days the capsule goes right in, other times he gets a little upset and growls before swallowing and getting his syringe of treat syrup. But all in all we can't ask for much more cooperation, he's been an angel. Big thanks to my wife as she has a real knack for this. I tried a few times and although I could get the pill in successfully, he was a little angrier than when my wife does it. I guess she's got the right mix of gentle and firm.

Car rides have become an almost daily occurrence at this point. The boys LOVE their carriers and play in them all the time at home, and they're getting gradually more used to sitting in a car. We started with 5-10 minute drives around the block which they were cool with from the get go, and just this weekend we took them for a longer 30 minute trip, where the only time there was any nervousness was when we stopped for me to fill up gas. And the only one nervous was actually Bowser's brother Sushi. Bowser was chilling in his carrier watching the rain, happy as a clam. The drive to the cardiologist tomorrow is 1 hour each way and without his brother, so fingers crossed that he remains as cool as he did today.

Tonight, we give him a dose of gabapentin with his last meal before fasting, and another dose tomorrow before the appointment. He didn't like the gabapentin before his last vet visit, which was directly given to him through syringe. We're going to try to put the gabapentin into these Tiki Cat broth pouches we recently started buying, tonight. He goes crazy over them so hoping it completely masks the taste.

Anyone have any other suggestions on how to give liquid gabapentin easily? I believe it is vanilla flavoured, but in any case we're going to try and mask the taste completely. We would prefer not to apply directly with syringe as Bowser has come to love his syringe full of treat syrup at pill time, and we don't want him to hate it because of the gabapentin experience.

Wish us luck!

silent meowlook

TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Nov 10, 2014
Hi. Your kittens are adorable.

The liquid gabapentin is disgusting. If you just touch it with your finger and taste it you will understand. I used to have to give it until I tested it and it is horrible. I would ask your vet about just using the capsules instead. The capsules you can open up and sprinkle on the food.

Is there any way his brother can go along for the ride? It might help him to be more calm and you won't have any of the drama that comes with one cat smelling like the hospital and one not.

I hope everything works out well for your kitties.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Thank you for posting and we will be waiting for your update after the visit. It is wonderful that they like car rides; this will serve you so well over the years to come.

Vanilla flavored, like cherry flavored, is rather a euphemism in the cat medication world. It makes the owner think that the cat will enjoy these human flavors. I agree that trying for gabapentin in another form might be a good idea.

Medications for Cats commonly prescribed for Neuropathic pain
Hopefully you won't be giving a lot of gabapentin to your boy, but it might be possible to get a more palatable form.
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  • #35


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Young Cat
Apr 1, 2023
Silent meowlook and fionasmom-
Thank you for chiming in, much appreciated 😊 it seems like gaba is just universally considered gross. Unfortunately it's too late for me to get it in any different form before tonight, so based on your comments, I'm going with the nuclear option of canned tuna water to mask it, with a small chunk of tuna waiting for him as a treat afterwards. Sushi must be over the moon as he gets all the same treats as Bowser, minus the yucky meds and pills 🙄 that Wedgewood link is amazing by the way, do you know of an equivalent that is based in Canada?

I did consider bringing Sushi with us as well, but given the duration we'll be out of the house, we're a little apprehensive. The drive would likely be fine, but then he'd be confined to his carrier for 3+ hours while we do the consult and echo for Bowser. Still haven't ruled it out yet... we'll be making a game time decision on that. For regular vet visits which are 5 minutes away though, we are definitely going to bring him along even if he doesn't have to get looked at. The boys are inseparable!


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Wedgewood does ship to Canada
FAQs for Veterinarians
I do understand that you may be looking for a local compounding pharmacy in Canada though for a number of reasons. I have a good friend in Canada and will ask if she knows of one. We have a number of Canadian members of TCS who may also be able to help with this.
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  • #37


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 1, 2023
Thanks so much fionasmom! Didn't realize Wedgewood shipped out to us, I'll definitely be looking into capsuled gaba. Bowser didn't love the gaba in the tuna water. He initially went crazy smelling it, but I think he may have tasted the medicine because he usually inhales that stuff. He did (cautiously) finish it all though so it worked out thankfully. Made the car ride there very peaceful, he slept through most of the hour even without his brother by his side.

An update following our cardiologist appointment today. So the fixed subaortic stenosis was indeed the correct diagnosis. However, our cardiologist did say she had a more favorable prognosis for sweet Bowser than the initial ultrasound report did. With the help of the atenolol, Bowser's condition has reduced in severity to a mild case only! If things don't progress too much, she believes he can live for many years to come. No hypertrophy as of today and the peak pressure gradient across his LVOT has decreased significantly from a month ago. We'll continue to give him atenolol indefinitely, but this news has us so relieved after the last month of anxiety. We're so thankful we were able to get an appointment this soon and help alleviate some of our stress from the unknown. The doctors didn't even have to sedate him this time, as the two doses of gaba worked perfectly and he (mostly) stayed still for the ultrasound.

To top it all off, when we got home, Sushi not only refrained from aggressing towards his brother smelling like the hospital... he groomed him and is currently sleeping on top of him on the cat tree! He missed his big bro all day. All in all it was some great news today and we'll be sure to keep updating as things come. Bowser will go in for a recheck echo once he's fully grown in 6 months or do. Fingers crossed that he stays where he is! Thank you all for the positivity the last few weeks, it's helped more than you know.



TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
Thanks so much fionasmom! Didn't realize Wedgewood shipped out to us, I'll definitely be looking into capsuled gaba. Bowser didn't love the gaba in the tuna water. He initially went crazy smelling it, but I think he may have tasted the medicine because he usually inhales that stuff. He did (cautiously) finish it all though so it worked out thankfully. Made the car ride there very peaceful, he slept through most of the hour even without his brother by his side.

An update following our cardiologist appointment today. So the fixed subaortic stenosis was indeed the correct diagnosis. However, our cardiologist did say she had a more favorable prognosis for sweet Bowser than the initial ultrasound report did. With the help of the atenolol, Bowser's condition has reduced in severity to a mild case only! If things don't progress too much, she believes he can live for many years to come. No hypertrophy as of today and the peak pressure gradient across his LVOT has decreased significantly from a month ago. We'll continue to give him atenolol indefinitely, but this news has us so relieved after the last month of anxiety. We're so thankful we were able to get an appointment this soon and help alleviate some of our stress from the unknown. The doctors didn't even have to sedate him this time, as the two doses of gaba worked perfectly and he (mostly) stayed still for the ultrasound.

To top it all off, when we got home, Sushi not only refrained from aggressing towards his brother smelling like the hospital... he groomed him and is currently sleeping on top of him on the cat tree! He missed his big bro all day. All in all it was some great news today and we'll be sure to keep updating as things come. Bowser will go in for a recheck echo once he's fully grown in 6 months or do. Fingers crossed that he stays where he is! Thank you all for the positivity the last few weeks, it's helped more than you know.

View attachment 448982
Oh my gosh, this is absolutely wonderful news all around!!! I am so glad you got such a great report and things seem to be not just stabilizing, but improving! ❤ I am so happy for you all! :hugs:


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Such sweet little boys and I am so glad that you got some hopeful news! It was the same with Jamie with the HCM where we all thought that he would have a very short life, but he is still here and is very comfortable.

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