He Peed On The Bed Right In Front Of Us!


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jun 8, 2016
Nova scotia
So my very sweet cat Silky, he peed on the bed right in front of me , my spouse and child, in fact I was in the bed.
About two weeks ago maybe 3 he peed in a brand new kit bag my spouse had put his work stuff into ( stapler measuring tape clipboard...) The stuff was all older and would smell like home.
I thought that it was the origin of the bag that was the problem or stress
It was evening that time then This morning he peed on the bed.
When I have had inappropriate urination in the past it has rarely been in front of me usually it is on the stealth.
He is a in and out cat male neutered 2 1/2 years he was born in this house.
He was dewormed not to long ago but maybe needs it again.
I know there has been some stress, several times this summer he was gone for days , we had company and then were away two nights.
I put one cat on a diet so had moved all the other food dishes up to a counter in the laundry room ( I know cats hate the laundry machines).
But we have 6 boxes for 5 cats and only have an issue if they aren’t cleaned nightly, then somebody might have a l pood beside the box because my favourite one had already been used twice moment but those are in the basement and very close it the box.
Anyhow 4 of the 5 cats are litter mates. The other adopted as an adult but before the kittens were born.
The are some Pecking order things a foot , but silky is the beta male of the only two males and usually stays out of it.
His alpha male brother is a brat that attacks papers in piles or on the wall in order to wake people in the am.. likes to sleep with anyone else but especially silky and sort of forces silky to clean his head for him. Also that cat is a fetch player so hogs play time.
I will take silky to see the Vet but
Beside ending the diet so the food bowls are down I am not sure what else to do.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
It could have been caused by the stress, but taking him to the vet to rule out anything medical is the best first step, as UTI's can cause litter box avoidance issues.

TCS has some articles on the topic, as well as stress. Here are the links. Good luck. Let us know what the vet says.

How To Solve Litterbox Problems In Cats: The Ultimate Guide
Litterbox Problems? Here's Why You Should Call Your Vet
Inappropriate Peeing, Spraying, Toy Obsession And Leg And Hand Nipping
Spraying: When Your Cat Uses Urine To Mark Territory

Also, ensure you wash the bedding with an enzyme cleaner to totally remove the urine scent.

How To Get Cat Pee Smell Out Of Clothes And Linens

Here's the articles on stress:
Is Your Cat Stressed Out?
You, Your Cat And Stress
Potential Stressors In Cats - The Ultimate Checklist
Six Surefire Strategies To Reduce Stress In Cats


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
Its always a good idea to check for a UTI sure, but this is a common scenario for a young cat that doesn't require a medical or stress-related explanation. Sometimes they just start slipping up a bit, but once you understand what is going on, you can help get him back on track.

90% of "accidents" happen in the bed, because the covers can be kneeded with the paws to simulate burying waste. A soft or at least flexible bag is also a common target. Your going to have to temporarily eliminate temping targets for at least a few weeks to get your cat back in the grove, so let me help with that:

-nothing soft or flexible left on ground level
-no laundry/clothing accessible -- i.e. if your throwing dirty clothes on the floor or leaving the laundry basket accessible I advise stopping asap to avoid an issue
-no access to the bed or at the least put the comforter away and make the sheets tight before allowing access
-no access to the bathmat
-no piles of children's stuffed animals on the floor

If you have area rugs you can't put away, watch like a hawk. And buy a blacklight.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Jun 8, 2016
Nova scotia
A ArtNJ I love your list of targets sick ageing and mad cats from my past have used all of those places . Bathtubs and empty plastic,totes laundry baskets and kids sledge as well as boxes of paperwork were where at say 4-12 months they would somehow get miss directed with.
I actually think he was/ is peeved about something, maybe it is my fault the weather is growing colder. As his health is fine.
Thanks for the laundry tips
Its always a good idea to check for a UTI sure, but this is a common scenario for a young cat that doesn't require a medical or stress-related explanation. Sometimes they just start slipping up a bit, but once you understand what is going on, you can help get him back on track.

90% of "accidents" happen in the bed, because the covers can be kneeded with the paws to simulate burying waste. A soft or at least flexible bag is also a common target. Your going to have to temporarily eliminate temping targets for at least a few weeks to get your cat back in the grove, so let me help with that:

-nothing soft or flexible left on ground level
-no laundry/clothing accessible -- i.e. if your throwing dirty clothes on the floor or leaving the laundry basket accessible I advise stopping asap to avoid an issue
-no access to the bed or at the least put the comforter away and make the sheets tight before allowing access
-no access to the bathmat
-no piles of children's stuffed animals on the floor

If you have area rugs you can't put away, watch like a hawk. And buy a blacklight.