Hazel :)


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 26, 2018
A few weeks ago my little girl crossed the Rainbow Bridge. I didn't post about it here because I wouldn't have been able to make this post since I was still mourning. It took me a few days of mourning, and now I'm ready to post about it. Although it still is a little sad to think about her not being physically here, I have many memories of her and she had a long and loved life. She would have been 17 this month. We always celebrated it on September 15th since we didn't know what day she was born, just the month. We got her maybe a couple months after she was born. She was always petite. I hope I find a picture of her back then to see how tiny she was!

The members on this forum are very helpful in trying to help others out with their kitties and I am forever grateful to them for this including trying to help Hazel.

Here is what I typed up for Instagram recently:

Last week I gained another angel in Heaven. Although it deeply saddened me to see you part from this world, I can still feel you in my thoughts, memories, and pictures. You have always given me so much joy. I am forever grateful you are part of my family. I have an endless amount of things to talk about of you. There's nothing more I want than to see you and the rest of my family who have joined you up there. Love you, Hazel. ❤


di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
What a wonderfully long life for that sweet girl! I know it wasn't near long enough for you, but any older is equivalent to a hundred-year-old in human terms, and it just isn't often......
You did everything you could with what you had, please try not to dwell on those last days, I know that is impossible right now, instead try to celebrate having her in your life. She was in it for a reason, to have never met her at all is unthinkable. None of us are guaranteed a tomorrow, and though she now follows a new path, that path will forever be intertwined with your own life's journey. Her tiny soul is at peace because she carries your love and devotion in her heart. She will be forever as close as your thoughts and prayers because love is spiritual, so eternal. There are no truer words than "do not cry because it is over, smile because it happened".
My thoughts and prayers are with you, I know how much this hurts. Only time begins to heal a broken heart, and it takes so much time. You know in your heart you could not let her suffer, you also know she would want you to go forward into life and seek its sunshine and happiness, not dwell in darkness and grief. Live the rest of your life as you would want for her to go forward if you were the first to go. allowing more love to enter your heart and to reside right beside hers, making it grow even bigger, even stronger because that is the legacy she left to you, the capacity to love.......RIP dear Hazel. You will be forever missed, you will have a secure place in loving hearts for eternity. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Hazel, dream you deep. Your pawprints are on someone's heart forever.

Such a lovely, long life she had with you...but where there is love, an eternity is not long enough. This is what I know...love never dies, it only changes form and continues on, translated and purified into Love. And Love abides, always, forever, Love abides. Hazel's love for you, now Love, she sends back to you from That Place Where All Things Are Known to walk beside you down through all your days, until you meet again in joyous reunion.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 12, 2018
Such a grand old Lady she was! Run and romp in that place that is across the Rainbow Bridge, where all things are made new.


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
Oh, beautiful girl! I'm very sorry. It's so hard to get used to them being gone. My heart goes out to you.

Rest in peace, sweet Hazel. :rbheart: