Having a bit of difficulty with my cat’s behaviour

Morgana’s Human

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 28, 2023
Liverpool, United Kingdom
Good Evening Everyone!

I’m having a bit of difficulty managing my cat Morgana’s behaviour. Morgana is my first cat so I’m very aware that mistakes might be being made. I’m very eager to learn and I was hoping you guys who have a lot more knowledge than me could shed some light! I’m sorry if this gets long.

Morgana is a 1 Year Old Ragdoll x British Shorthair Mix, naughty tortie! she turned 1 in April. Still a baby really! At the time, I wasn’t aware that it’s better to get two kittens rather than one. I am considering another cat as it’s just me and Morgana at home (and some guinea pigs, but they’re kept in a separate room she doesn’t have access to!) So I do worry some of it is because I work the typical 9-5 Monday to Friday. I aim to play with her for at least an hour a day, she is extremely high energy and can chase her Da Bird for hours on end (that’s her favourite!). Her favourites are absolutely wand toys. I’ve tried a bunch of interactive toys (floppy fish, chasing laser pointer on wheels, ball circuit, tunnels) but at least when i’m home, she doesn’t appear too interested. She also adores those little balls with bells inside, I think there’s at least 20 under my sofa! I know she definitely plays while I’m out.

The main issues I’m having at the moment is behaviour only specific to when i’m watching TV / playing on the PS5. She used to scale the TV and cause absolute mayhem - I used to watch a show and be constantly waving her toy around (this is after playing for 30 minutes prior to turning it on!) thankfully, most of that behaviour has stopped, but she’s now opted to tearing the carpet. She doesn’t do this behaviour when I’m out, or when I’m in any other room. She has access to a higher window and a cat tree within that room, this room is where the vast majority of her toys are. I’ve tried behaviour spray (I swear she’s now immune…) double sided tape, foil, a loud noise, orange peels - none of that tends to work. I tried the ignoring method and that doesn’t work, she’s kept going and caused quite a bit of damage. I tried to train her to come to me and sit, which backfired - she now does the behaviour for a few seconds and then comes and sit next to me. I do resort to putting her in a “time out” inside her carry case (it’s out all the time, she’s very used to it being around, makes vet visits so much easier!) for 10 minutes, but it’s honestly impossible to just sit in my living room and watch TV. Really unsure what’s going on here, unless it’s a case I’m still providing her with attention by reacting!

I’m also having an issue managing behaviour in regards to biting. Especially when she comes for a cuddle - recently, I’m lucky to get one minute of cuddles before she goes into hunt / play mode. In fairness, I probably overstimulate as she adores her chin scratches - but she bites hard enough to leave dents, seemingly suddenly too. There’s often no warning - she’s leaning into the scratches or pets, then bam. I’ve tried making loud noises (mostly a loud “ouch!”) but she’s unphased. I immediately re-direct her attention to a toy to make her let go, but it’s getting to the point where it’s happening more often than not - breaking the skin by doing bunny kicks on my arm and things like that.

Any advice and I will be very appreciative! I’m aware that I may be making some mistakes and I would really appreciate some guidance please. Eager to learn! I’m also hoping she’ll mellow out a bit as she gets older. I am open to any suggestions - I am very much considering a friend for her, but this will probably happen in November - financially tight at the moment and aiming for a new job before considering bringing a friend in, I want to make sure I can support two. Sorry for the long winded post!


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi, as you've realized, you have a spunky, smart, full-of-energy girl who needs a way, or two, to work off all that energy.

Can you take her for walks? This would be incredibly helpful.

What about a cat wheel? Sprinkling a little catnip, or putting a favorite treat or two on the wheel can help get her started.

Also, find a piece of carpet remnant and tack it down over the area she's working over. She'll still get a bit of exercise and you'll be much less stressed.

Regarding the biting, have a catnip filled long-ish toy close at hand for her to use, and definitely stop before she even has a chance to think about biting.
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Morgana’s Human

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 28, 2023
Liverpool, United Kingdom
Hi, as you've realized, you have a spunky, smart, full-of-energy girl who needs a way, or two, to work off all that energy.

Can you take her for walks? This would be incredibly helpful.

What about a cat wheel? Sprinkling a little catnip, or putting a favorite treat or two on the wheel can help get her started.

Also, find a piece of carpet remnant and tack it down over the area she's working over. She'll still get a bit of exercise and you'll be much less stressed.

Regarding the biting, have a catnip filled long-ish toy close at hand for her to use, and definitely stop before she even has a chance to think about biting.
Thanks so much for your reply!

She’s currently between harness sizes! She’s outgrown her kitten one but is able to slip the adult sizes. She only weighs in at 3.8kg at the moment - teeny tiny! But I am planning on ordering her a cat backpack on Friday when I’m paid and see if she takes to it. One of the nice mesh ones, that she can stick her head out as we walk if she wants, hopefully! We used to go on walks in the past so I’m looking forward to hopefully doing it again soon.

She isn’t actually too bothered by catnip toys! I’m currently waving a catnip filled cocktail toy (new summer range toy came out today…) which okay, she does start kicking at if I press it directly into her as she starts to kick me. Sometimes I’m too slow. I actually keep one under my pillow at this point! But she doesn’t tend to go very crazy for catnip. I have the spray form for her toys which doesn’t appear ro do anything. She does roll in it sometimes though, so maybe I can try rolling the toys in physical catnip? I also find catnip tends to make her even more insane!

I’ll do my best to try and prevent biting before it starts! I’ll also look at getting a cat wheel. As mentioned, money is pretty tight at the moment but I can definitely save towards one!


TCS Member
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Apr 29, 2022
First of all welcome! And second of all, love the Persona 5 reference. You know she was named after a Phantom Thief, so she's bound to cause mischief 😉😂

I think she's like our Magnus and she does these kinds of things because she knows it gets her attention (even though it's negative attention).

I would recommend looking for another similar aged cat with a similar personality. Personality matches are the ones that work out the easiest. Since you're considering it already...I will say I resisted this a bit for Magnus and finally gave in.

Likely, playing with another cat will teach her to be more gentle.

It's impossible to sit and watch TV with Magnus when he's in a mood. He will do increasingly dangerous things because we will get up. I have babyproofing, which he destroys regularly. One morning he destroyed 2 baby locks within 10 minutes...one by standing on it??? He's 3 and hasn't calmed down.

Here's what I recommend outside of a second cat:

1- Catification. In some areas where she's doing naughty things, you may be able to give her 'yes' places to do that.

2- bring toys for TV time and keep using that wand in different ways. Prevention rather than reaction and then rewards for good behaviour. Half the TV watching time Magnus is chasing the wand end of a toy while it's under a blanket, but at least we can settle a little.

3- electronic toys might help to keep her busy. We've had mixed results.

4- moving things around so she can re-explore areas

5- rotating toys once a week. Store the others in a container with a lid and some catnip. Put the container into the freezer for 30 minutes before switching the toys out.

6- clicker training

7- AAC buttons (Lily Bunny and Stella the dogs and Billie the cat). At least enough for basic needs requests.

8- make a high pitch 'eep!' when she bites and pick her up and put her away from you. Cats don't really understand time outs. Gotta 'speak cat's to train them.

9- provide boxes and craft paper when you can.

10- generously provide catnip

11- give all dry food through enrichment/movement. Check out DIY food puzzles on YouTube for cats

Honestly, some relief was acquired when we got Calcifer. But we recently got Ghost who has a similar energy level to Magnus and that's finally settled things significantly.

Best of luck. Let us know what you try and if anything works or doesn't work.
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  • #5

Morgana’s Human

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 28, 2023
Liverpool, United Kingdom
First of all welcome! And second of all, love the Persona 5 reference. You know she was named after a Phantom Thief, so she's bound to cause mischief 😉😂

I think she's like our Magnus and she does these kinds of things because she knows it gets her attention (even though it's negative attention).

I would recommend looking for another similar aged cat with a similar personality. Personality matches are the ones that work out the easiest. Since you're considering it already...I will say I resisted this a bit for Magnus and finally gave in.

Likely, playing with another cat will teach her to be more gentle.

It's impossible to sit and watch TV with Magnus when he's in a mood. He will do increasingly dangerous things because we will get up. I have babyproofing, which he destroys regularly. One morning he destroyed 2 baby locks within 10 minutes...one by standing on it??? He's 3 and hasn't calmed down.

Here's what I recommend outside of a second cat:

1- Catification. In some areas where she's doing naughty things, you may be able to give her 'yes' places to do that.

2- bring toys for TV time and keep using that wand in different ways. Prevention rather than reaction and then rewards for good behaviour. Half the TV watching time Magnus is chasing the wand end of a toy while it's under a blanket, but at least we can settle a little.

3- electronic toys might help to keep her busy. We've had mixed results.

4- moving things around so she can re-explore areas

5- rotating toys once a week. Store the others in a container with a lid and some catnip. Put the container into the freezer for 30 minutes before switching the toys out.

6- clicker training

7- AAC buttons (Lily Bunny and Stella the dogs and Billie the cat). At least enough for basic needs requests.

8- make a high pitch 'eep!' when she bites and pick her up and put her away from you. Cats don't really understand time outs. Gotta 'speak cat's to train them.

9- provide boxes and craft paper when you can.

10- generously provide catnip

11- give all dry food through enrichment/movement. Check out DIY food puzzles on YouTube for cats

Honestly, some relief was acquired when we got Calcifer. But we recently got Ghost who has a similar energy level to Magnus and that's finally settled things significantly.

Best of luck. Let us know what you try and if anything works or doesn't work.
Ten points for getting her name reference! I really don’t know what else I was expecting naming her after a Phantom Thief. You know what’s ironic? I’m a big ADHD brain so I have alarms set telling me to go to bed / wake up alarm. She’s learned what these alarms are. She will meow and meow and yell at me to go to bed… and she’s also yelling at me to get up in the morning! Perfect amount of sass, just like her namesake.

Thank you so much for all the wonderful suggestions! I have ordered some carpet samples (thank you so much ebay, you wonderful thing, 99p per sample…) so I’m hoping two will be enough to tack down over what she’s currently scratching. I do find prevention works really well for her. I look mad in my local pet store, the second they have Da Bird refills? I’m like. Yes. Let me buy 5. Much thanks. Don’t ask - 😂

I will also see how she does with more catnip regularly - gave her a dash just now, and of course, after not showing interest in a year, she now decides to roll in it and meow… standard! I’ll pick up a clicker and try making the eep noises as well. Sadly, and so frustratingly, I am on rescue’s naughty lists! I’m apparently not suitable for rescue since I live alone and I work a 9-5 :( It’s such a shame! I really appreciate that it’s a long time but I also… need to work, haha. But I’ll pop some dreamies inside her treat dispenser ball and see if that helps! I’m also considering a lick-mat to feed her evening meals on to try and tire her out more. She does better on wet food - she has a bit of a sensitive gut, so I find dry food makes her really constipated so she’s wet only.

I am very much leaning towards a friend. Between you and me, if I did happen to get another… I’d want to call them Deku after my favourite anime character. I’ll see how we go - if I get this job, absolutely! If not - we’ll re-assess and see how things go.

Morgana tax! It took forever to get this!
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  • #8

Morgana’s Human

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 28, 2023
Liverpool, United Kingdom
Sorry for the double post but I think you're doing wonderfully - thinking of the licki mat is spot-on!
Thank you so much - I really needed to hear that! Adding to my shopping list for payday. Let’s see, backpack, raised food bowls, lickmat… 😂 she adores those catit lick-e-lix, but in typical cat fashion, the cheap ones make her gut go funny so it’s the double in price ones instead!


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Apr 29, 2022
Ten points for getting her name reference! I really don’t know what else I was expecting naming her after a Phantom Thief. You know what’s ironic? I’m a big ADHD brain so I have alarms set telling me to go to bed / wake up alarm. She’s learned what these alarms are. She will meow and meow and yell at me to go to bed… and she’s also yelling at me to get up in the morning! Perfect amount of sass, just like her namesake.

Thank you so much for all the wonderful suggestions! I have ordered some carpet samples (thank you so much ebay, you wonderful thing, 99p per sample…) so I’m hoping two will be enough to tack down over what she’s currently scratching. I do find prevention works really well for her. I look mad in my local pet store, the second they have Da Bird refills? I’m like. Yes. Let me buy 5. Much thanks. Don’t ask - 😂

I will also see how she does with more catnip regularly - gave her a dash just now, and of course, after not showing interest in a year, she now decides to roll in it and meow… standard! I’ll pick up a clicker and try making the eep noises as well. Sadly, and so frustratingly, I am on rescue’s naughty lists! I’m apparently not suitable for rescue since I live alone and I work a 9-5 :( It’s such a shame! I really appreciate that it’s a long time but I also… need to work, haha. But I’ll pop some dreamies inside her treat dispenser ball and see if that helps! I’m also considering a lick-mat to feed her evening meals on to try and tire her out more. She does better on wet food - she has a bit of a sensitive gut, so I find dry food makes her really constipated so she’s wet only.

I am very much leaning towards a friend. Between you and me, if I did happen to get another… I’d want to call them Deku after my favourite anime character. I’ll see how we go - if I get this job, absolutely! If not - we’ll re-assess and see how things go.

Morgana tax! It took forever to get this!
View attachment 453433
Okay. That picture is perfect with the Showdown in the background!! I'm still on my first playthrough of Royale but Im on my second of the original. Great job living up to your namesake Morgana! (Luckily the PS is not like my old computer or she might learn to turn it off like my late cat Lily did)

I understand what you mean....oh you got refills of the crinkle balls? Let me buy the whole bin. Calcifer cries when he loses his!

I'm curious to know who they are adopting out to since those are regular working hours 😂. Did you try your SPCA? We got Ghost through our local SPCA and it was a great.

Re: purchases you can try getting toys on your local Buy Nothing Group as well. And regift there if she doesn't like them.

Deku is the best ❣ though, I'm a Todoroki fan myself. It's a bit long for a cat yeah? 😸

Mine are Magnus Bean, Calcifer and Ghost. The first reference is usually hard for people to catch even though the series took off with a crappy movie and well I haven't watched the show. If you're an anime fan I bet you catch Calcifer's reference! (And can say his name right because apparently you need the reference to get the pronunciation 🤣). Ghost is just ghost because he's a white cat.

You might be able to get away with a freeze dried treat. Have you noticed any similarities in ingredients for what makes her ill? It could be a minor allergy.

Lick mats are great and they have some lick-mice too. There are some DIY puzzles for toys, but not as many. Magnus is not food-focused so I've been on the hunt for those.

Catnip reactivity starts between 6 months and 1 year. You might find her more reactive to different mixes too. Magnus likes regular catnip but also silvervine.

You could also do a little cat friendly garden in a small pot with some catnip, cat grass or even some cat friendly herbs. Mine are a fan of sage as well and thyme.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Thanks so much for your reply!

She’s currently between harness sizes! She’s outgrown her kitten one but is able to slip the adult sizes. She only weighs in at 3.8kg at the moment - teeny tiny! But I am planning on ordering her a cat backpack on Friday when I’m paid and see if she takes to it. One of the nice mesh ones, that she can stick her head out as we walk if she wants, hopefully! We used to go on walks in the past so I’m looking forward to hopefully doing it again soon.

She isn’t actually too bothered by catnip toys! I’m currently waving a catnip filled cocktail toy (new summer range toy came out today…) which okay, she does start kicking at if I press it directly into her as she starts to kick me. Sometimes I’m too slow. I actually keep one under my pillow at this point! But she doesn’t tend to go very crazy for catnip. I have the spray form for her toys which doesn’t appear ro do anything. She does roll in it sometimes though, so maybe I can try rolling the toys in physical catnip? I also find catnip tends to make her even more insane!

I’ll do my best to try and prevent biting before it starts! I’ll also look at getting a cat wheel. As mentioned, money is pretty tight at the moment but I can definitely save towards one!
XLarge Guinea pig harnesses ( or large) are very inexpensive,great fit for kitten stages and small cats..... I start all mine out with these teeny harnesses



Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Also Furballsmom Furballsmom mentioned tacking down a piece of remnant carpet over the area of carpet kitty likes to scratch- reason being because some cats prefer horizontal scratching rather than vertical...I thought I might also suggest horizontal scratch boxes-they are not expensive and you can easily move them around to put wherever your cat chooses to scratch....

I have both type of scratchers....my horizontal scratches don't touch the posts but love their boxes,I've several throughout the house..... here's a photo,you can buy refills & they come in all shapes & sizes- to attract them sprinkle with catnip or just show them by scratching with " your paws"
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  • #15

Morgana’s Human

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 28, 2023
Liverpool, United Kingdom
Okay. That picture is perfect with the Showdown in the background!! I'm still on my first playthrough of Royale but Im on my second of the original. Great job living up to your namesake Morgana! (Luckily the PS is not like my old computer or she might learn to turn it off like my late cat Lily did)

I understand what you mean....oh you got refills of the crinkle balls? Let me buy the whole bin. Calcifer cries when he loses his!

I'm curious to know who they are adopting out to since those are regular working hours 😂. Did you try your SPCA? We got Ghost through our local SPCA and it was a great.

Re: purchases you can try getting toys on your local Buy Nothing Group as well. And regift there if she doesn't like them.

Deku is the best ❣ though, I'm a Todoroki fan myself. It's a bit long for a cat yeah? 😸

Mine are Magnus Bean, Calcifer and Ghost. The first reference is usually hard for people to catch even though the series took off with a crappy movie and well I haven't watched the show. If you're an anime fan I bet you catch Calcifer's reference! (And can say his name right because apparently you need the reference to get the pronunciation 🤣). Ghost is just ghost because he's a white cat.

You might be able to get away with a freeze dried treat. Have you noticed any similarities in ingredients for what makes her ill? It could be a minor allergy.

Lick mats are great and they have some lick-mice too. There are some DIY puzzles for toys, but not as many. Magnus is not food-focused so I've been on the hunt for those.

Catnip reactivity starts between 6 months and 1 year. You might find her more reactive to different mixes too. Magnus likes regular catnip but also silvervine.

You could also do a little cat friendly garden in a small pot with some catnip, cat grass or even some cat friendly herbs. Mine are a fan of sage as well and thyme.
Royal is so fantastic! I recently finished playing Strikers - that was a great game as well! Thankfully the power button is relatively hidden as I know she’d find a way to turn it off otherwise 😂

Mhm! I’ve tried RSPCA, cats protection, more independent charities - it’s all the same, I work too much to be considered :( It’s such a shame! Haha! actually, a friend of mine had a Todoroki, she just nicknames him Roki for sure! They also have a mini Red “Riot!” 😂 so I’ve basically gone dibs on Deku 😂😂 Morgana is neutered, so it won’t be an issue. Been reading different things on if a male / female is a good mix though in a household. I absolutely adore your names and the references!

We think it was caused by a bacteria rather than worms - although anything liquid based treats is a 50/50 shot. She doesn’t have stuff like cat milk. I tend to get her treats from the dog section… sprats, chicken necks, freeze fried 100% chicken or lamb, venison strips, and then some chicken and duck catnip infused treats! Can you tell I’m the typical “mid 20’s single female who got her first cat and treats them like a child?” 😂😂

I didn’t even know you could get different types of catnip! That’s amazing! My garden needs serious work, but I can definitely work on it. I’ve been growing chard this year for her non-feline companions, the guinea pigs were very appreciative! Morgana is very good focused, so I’ll pick up a lick-mat too this week and see how that helps.
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  • #16

Morgana’s Human

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 28, 2023
Liverpool, United Kingdom
Also Furballsmom Furballsmom mentioned tacking down a piece of remnant carpet over the area of carpet kitty likes to scratch- reason being because some cats prefer horizontal scratching rather than vertical...I thought I might also suggest horizontal scratch boxes-they are not expensive and you can easily move them around to put wherever your cat chooses to scratch....

I have both type of scratchers....my horizontal scratches don't touch the posts but love their boxes,I've several throughout the house..... here's a photo,you can buy refills & they come in all shapes & sizes- to attract them sprinkle with catnip or just show them by scratching with " your paws"View attachment 453472
What a fab idea about the large guinea pig harness! I’ll definitely try one of those on her and see!

I have ordered some carpet to place over the area, and I actually have some horizontal scratchers. I’ll catnip it up after work and place it where she tries and scratch at the moment and see if she can be persuaded….!


TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Apr 29, 2022
Royal is so fantastic! I recently finished playing Strikers - that was a great game as well! Thankfully the power button is relatively hidden as I know she’d find a way to turn it off otherwise 😂

Mhm! I’ve tried RSPCA, cats protection, more independent charities - it’s all the same, I work too much to be considered :( It’s such a shame! Haha! actually, a friend of mine had a Todoroki, she just nicknames him Roki for sure! They also have a mini Red “Riot!” 😂 so I’ve basically gone dibs on Deku 😂😂 Morgana is neutered, so it won’t be an issue. Been reading different things on if a male / female is a good mix though in a household. I absolutely adore your names and the references!

We think it was caused by a bacteria rather than worms - although anything liquid based treats is a 50/50 shot. She doesn’t have stuff like cat milk. I tend to get her treats from the dog section… sprats, chicken necks, freeze fried 100% chicken or lamb, venison strips, and then some chicken and duck catnip infused treats! Can you tell I’m the typical “mid 20’s single female who got her first cat and treats them like a child?” 😂😂

I didn’t even know you could get different types of catnip! That’s amazing! My garden needs serious work, but I can definitely work on it. I’ve been growing chard this year for her non-feline companions, the guinea pigs were very appreciative! Morgana is very good focused, so I’ll pick up a lick-mat too this week and see how that helps.
Nice! I haven't picked up any of the spin offs as most of my time has been taken up playing Sea of Thieves with friends. It's actually why I haven't finished Royale yet either....

That's really odd and disappointing to hear re: cat adoption. 9 to 5 is really normal and reasonable, and being away for the day is really more reason for them to adopt out a cat to keep one another company.... Our local SPCA didn't ask about working hours in the application actually. The rescue did though.

If you do proceed with adopting from anywhere but especially Kijiji or like, make sure to talk to your vet about FIV/FELV vaccines if they are applicable in your area, for Morgana first. It's rare (here at least) for rescues to test for that....my cousin unfortunately lost her new kitten and her resident cat recently because of lack of testing. Magnus is missing one vaccine as per the vet's recommendation so we jumped on both Calcifer and Ghost as Calcifer's mum was tested and he was born inside and Ghost himself was tested.

Be cautious re: catnip in your garden, as some areas you can be fined for planting it in the ground. It must be in a pot in some places and other places say it must be inside only. But it's quite simple to grow inside in a little pot with other plants!

Your friend needs a little Baku for Riot! 🤣

Nice! Re: treats. We do Churu mostly and Catit tubes. Magnus was sickly as a kitten and we used those for medication giving in a positive way.

Awww Guinea pigs are so cute. That's cool that you're growing your own chard for them.


Cat mom, cat foster mom
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Mar 6, 2023
We have one who is a little prone to over-stimulation. He also sometimes thinks biting = kissing. I yelp high pitched - even if it's a light/tiny bite. He bites me far less than my husband who doesn't yelp. My husband also gives him some "serious" face pets (which he loves) but it quickly gets him worked up and then he bites. I guess my pets are more "That's nice" vs "OH. MY. GOD...".
With the carpet, there's 2 things that help - #1 keep nails trimmed so there's less of a "hook" for the snagging, #2 get rugs with lower pile that are harder to snag. I honestly have only fabrics that my cats can't destroy and before I buy something I run my own claws over it to see if it snags. (Cats! Can't have nice things!)
Sometimes a heavy play session backfires on me. If I play with our boy too hard and it's too exciting, I actually see him lose his mind. He gets EXTRA wild and does a lot of naughty things. So when that happens, I get REALLY boring. All play stops and eventually he gets his wits about him again.

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
Our cat, Casper, walks in front of the TV all of the time. He does it because we humans are sitting on the sofa, staring at that glowing rectangle-thing on the shelf, across the room when he'd rather we pay attention to him. Like a three-year old child, he gets his supply by going in front of the screen.

In fact, our younger cat, Elliot, is starting to do the same thing. He's learning it from Casper, I suppose.

It's my guess that she's turned to tearing up the carpet because blocking the TV screen doesn't work, anymore.

I think you're right in that her biting comes from over stimulation. Watch her ears, tail and the fur on her back when you pet her. If her ears go down into the "airplane wing" configuration, that's a sign of over stimulation. If her tail starts to get all twitchy, that's another sign that she's getting upset. Finally, look for what Jackson Galaxy calls "Lightning Fur." That's when the skin and fur on a cat's back gets all scrunchy as you pet her. That's a sure sign that she's getting close to her limit.

When you see signs like that, just back off and let her cool down. Like you've already noticed, cats love chin scratches and scratches behind the ears. They often like it on their front shoulders or down the back if you do it slowly and gently. Stay away from the rump, especially that spot right at the base of their tail where it meets the spine. That's a "hot spot." How would you react if somebody came along and tickled your bum, right where your tailbone is? You'd probably let out a big "Whoop!" and go through the ceiling! ;)

Well, for a cat, that "hot spot" is where a male cat bears down on a female during mating. So you can understand how your cat might react when you pet her there, too much or unexpectedly.

As I'm sure you're aware, DO NOT try to pet your cat on the belly! That would be like sticking your hand into a briar patch!

You say that you play with her before you watch TV so she should be "played out" but does she eat afterward? That's a good sign that she's done playing. If she doesn't, try giving her a snack. Maybe that'll calm her down a bit.

After hunting/playing and eating, the next thing cats like to do is groom and sleep. If you play with her and give her a snack, she MIGHT come up on the sofa with you for some lap time and some petting. That would be the cat's social equivalent of grooming and bonding after eating.

If you're gentle with her during lap time, maybe she'll even take a cat nap with you. :)


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Spit. I'm late to the party, and all the best stuff has been given! HOWEVER, I had to chime in on a post with such a gorgeous tortie! I live with one myself, also referred to as "that malevolent little gargoyle." Said lovingly. I adore every hair on her body, individually and collectively!

As for the biting, we used to have an issue with that. I found a sharp, short hiss to be effective. They come into this world knowing that a hiss means, "STOP THAT!" and I'm convinced that you get street cred for knowing the language.

She will stretch both your imagination and your patience in ways you never thought possible. And she will be worth every ounce of energy she causes you to expend. Hekitty (named for and pronounced like the Greek goddess Hekate) is fifteen now, so I am very aware that our adventure is in its latter stages, but yours is just beginning! Buckle your seat belt and enjoy the incredible ride!