Has anyone experienced this before?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 6, 2015
We lost our 12-year-old baby, Bailey, to kidney failure a little over 2 weeks ago. We miss him like crazy. We have 4 other cats. Suddenly, in the last few days, our youngest cat, Ben, has been adopting many of Bailey's old behaviors. It's really very strange. Bailey used to always sleep right next to me when I watch TV at night and now Ben is suddenly doing that. We've had Ben since he was a kitten and he's NEVER done that before. He's always been so incredibly hyper and not nearly as much of a cuddler as Bailey was since he was always too busy terrorizing the house and he would sometimes even bite us if we tried to cuddle with him for too long. He is now suddenly sleeping in the exact spot on the couch that Bailey used to every single night, right next to me. He even sleeps in the exact same position that Bailey did! Also, Bailey, being the oldest and the king of the house, would frequently groom the other cats and sometimes even the dogs. Tonight, I walked in on Ben grooming one of our other cats, Joey, exactly like Bailey used to, also something Ben has never done before. In fact, Ben and Joey never really even got along all that well because Ben would constantly pester Joey and chase him all over the house.

I'm just extremely surprised by Ben's sudden change in behavior. He will be 2 on August 1st and he is the baby of the house (until we bring 2 new kittens home in a few weeks) and he has significantly calmed down and mellowed out since Bailey passed. He used to be absolutely insane and so hyper, racing all over the house and getting into all kinds of trouble, but now he's suddenly acting like...well...Bailey. Another really interesting thing is that Joey (the cat Ben was grooming tonight) has been extremely clingy and vocal since we lost Bailey. He also has been eating less since Bailey's passing (unless it's wet food). Tonight, after Ben groomed him, he went right to the food bowl and ate a huge amount of food and seems much more relaxed now.

Has anyone else ever experienced anything like this? I just find it so strange that Ben has suddenly, completely out of nowhere, started doing several of the things that Bailey always did and has calmed down so much. I actually kind of like it, but am curious as to what would cause Benny to do this. He is the absolute last cat I would have expected this from! He's done a total 180!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 6, 2015
Wow, that is very interesting. I wonder if that's what is going on here. I've never experienced anything like this before, but it's kind of cool. Ben is actually in bed with me, under the blanket sleeping right up against me as I write this. That is exactly what Bailey frequently would do and Ben has never done that before, and I never would have expected him to! If it is over souling, that's actually very comforting to me. Bailey and I had a very special bond and a connection that I've never had with any other cat and I've been so lost without him these last 2-1/2 weeks. I don't think Bailey has completely taken over Ben, because Ben still does do some things that only Ben would do (like chew on things he's not supposed to, lol). Ben can be a very, very naughty boy, but he has seriously calmed down in these last several days. Even yesterday afternoon, Ben was sleeping on the chair that Bailey used to sleep on. I don't think I've even seen Ben sleep in that chair before. Out of curiosity, I wonder why Bailey would choose Ben to over soul. Ben was always getting on Bailey's nerves! :)


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Wow, that is very interesting. I wonder if that's what is going on here. I've never experienced anything like this before, but it's kind of cool. Ben is actually in bed with me, under the blanket sleeping right up against me as I write this. That is exactly what Bailey frequently would do and Ben has never done that before, and I never would have expected him to! If it is over souling, that's actually very comforting to me. Bailey and I had a very special bond and a connection that I've never had with any other cat and I've been so lost without him these last 2-1/2 weeks. I don't think Bailey has completely taken over Ben, because Ben still does do some things that only Ben would do (like chew on things he's not supposed to, lol). Ben can be a very, very naughty boy, but he has seriously calmed down in these last several days. Even yesterday afternoon, Ben was sleeping on the chair that Bailey used to sleep on. I don't think I've even seen Ben sleep in that chair before. Out of curiosity, I wonder why Bailey would choose Ben to over soul. Ben was always getting on Bailey's nerves!
I don't know too much about this concept as it is new to me as well.  I lost a cat 6 weeks ago that I had a very strong connection to.  I had been looking into reincarnation and came across the concept of oversouling.  Do a search on Brent Atwater.  She has a facebook group as well as tons of youtube videos, blog posts, radio shows and books.  They are very interesting.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
There's been a change in the "pecking order" due to Bailey's death; Ben has to some extent taken on some of Bailey's roles. I've experienced the same thing with dogs a couple of times, and we see that change in group dynamics and behavior all the time at the animal shelter when a "high-ranking" cat from one of the cat rooms is adopted out. In no time at all another cat has taken over the prime place to sleep, the greeting and grooming rituals, etc.. Age and gender have little to do with who becomes "top cat".
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 6, 2015
I don't know too much about this concept as it is new to me as well.  I lost a cat 6 weeks ago that I had a very strong connection to.  I had been looking into reincarnation and came across the concept of oversouling.  Do a search on Brent Atwater.  She has a facebook group as well as tons of youtube videos, blog posts, radio shows and books.  They are very interesting.
I actually have seen some of Brent's videos before on YouTube and they are very, very interesting!  I never really was a huge believer in that sort of thing since I wasn't sure if these types of things can actually happen or not, but now I'm really starting to believe, even if just a little bit.  

Another very strange thing happened over the weekend.  On Saturday morning, my husband had just gotten home from a week long business trip for work and we were standing on our back deck talking.  I turned around and there was an all white cat sitting on a tree stump near the woods.  Bailey was also all white and this cat looked IDENTICAL to him.  I asked my husband if he saw it also to make sure I wasn't totally losing my mind and he saw it too.  I tried to get closer to it, but it got up and trotted away as I got closer.  It then stopped and scratched at a tree and then turned around and meowed at me a couple of times and then took off.  We have never seen that cat before in the almost 8 years we have lived in our house and we haven't seen it since.  We were out swimming in our pool the other evening and I kept hoping we'd see it again, but we didn't.  Seeing that cat really tugged at my heart since it looks so identical to our Bailey.  I just like to think, or at least hope, that Bailey is around me.  He meant so much to me.  
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
May 6, 2015
There's been a change in the "pecking order" due to Bailey's death; Ben has to some extent taken on some of Bailey's roles. I've experienced the same thing with dogs a couple of times, and we see that change in group dynamics and behavior all the time at the animal shelter when a "high-ranking" cat from one of the cat rooms is adopted out. In no time at all another cat has taken over the prime place to sleep, the greeting and grooming rituals, etc.. Age and gender have little to do with who becomes "top cat".
We have noticed that our now oldest cat and only female, Abby, who is a 9-year-old black Maine Coon, has been asserting her dominance on the younger boys, which she never used to do when Bailey was alive.  She went after Ben and Eddie, our Russian Blue, the other day for no apparent reason.  I guess she didn't like where they were sitting or something, LOL.  