Hare Today now has ground whole mouse


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2014
This isn't going to help. Some liked it, some didn't. It wasn't enough of a hit among all of them to justify the expense for me (I feed 10). I have started ordering it again, but I'm feeding it to one: my kitty with lymphoma (small cell, intestinal). She will only eat ground raw, and was eating only llama, so I've been trying to find more proteins. Lamb? No. Beef? No. (She never liked any ground poultry and still doesn't). Goat is working. And mouse is working. I'll live with it! Better than only llama!
Wow, ten cats eh? It's hard enough finding something two cats will eat but ten, my hat off to you that you make it all work ....

Sorry about your kitty with lymphoma but glad kitty has an appetite.

Thanks for the feedback. it is expensive, a 1 lb bag of Primal rabbit, also expensive, $13 but no shipping costs seems pricey to me but I'm willing to give this novel Minne Mouse protein a try. Enjoy your day. :)
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