Hairball, Teeth and more


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 21, 2022
(UK) First time having a cat. My cat was spayed but we were told there was no blood tests as she looked healthy and was young.

I have been struggling a lot with the correct diet and brands and with the fact that she is long hair and sheds a lot. Today she threw up a massive hairball as she's been grooming herself since last night. I have yet to find any product to help her with hairballs and also to control her shedding and I don't know how much shedding is normal.

I am also not sure how to clean her teeth or any good products for that. For example I'm using a baby toothbrush and it's very difficult both for me and her hence I just don't bother and feel scared her teeth might run into issues.

Wondering if anyone could recommend a good healthy diet and brand if possibe, some hairball and shedding supplements as well as a type of toothbrush that is easy to use on cats and would also appreciate if you share what places I can get these things from like any Amazon alternatives easier to use, discounted, and such

Thank you

Edit: I've spoke to the vet a few times but each time they I asked about good and brand, they mentioned lily's kitchen which my cat runs away from. I've not had the chance to ask about hairballs supplements but did ask about toothpaste but I need a toothbrush right now that is suitable. Vet visits are a bit expensive and I just had a visit for a problem but want to go again for a blood test as she's never had one and recently doesn't play much unless I also play with her so like idk if it's low energy or just boredom


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 21, 2022
Hi welcome!
Canned food is better than kibble although I don't know brands for your location (in the UK, correct?). But you're able to use Amazon?

Can you brush her? How old is she?

These articles have good info and tips, as well as product suggestions;

How To Choose The Right Food For Your Cat - TheCatSite

7 Reasons Why You Really Should Groom Your Cat Regularly - TheCatSite

How To Treat - And Prevent - Hairballs In Cats - TheCatSite

How To Brush Your Cat's Teeth - TheCatSite
Thank you so much for the reply. She is 1.4 years old and i am using baby toothbrush but I just read the article and I will use gauzes since I have a lot at home.

I have been using Amazon for the supplies but sadly recently Amazon sends damaged, openned stuff and even though they refund and all that, I cannot bring myself to use them (the products) and sometimes they need return for refund which is very time consuming.

I will be trying my best to find a canned food for her
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TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 1, 2022
I've found Q-tips with a dab of pet tooth paste, one end of each Q tip for each side of their mouth, can help and get them used to the process of having you handle their mouths. You can't "brush" with Q tip, but most pet toothpaste products are designed to prevent or dissolve tartar, so application vs. brushing is better than nothing. As they become more used to the process you can switch to swabbing their teeth with a tooth brush, and graduate to brushing after that.
What food are you feeding right now (brand, dry or wet, etc.)?
Do you brush/comb her? That will help a lot of seasonal shedding (I have a short haired cat that sheds CRAZY heavy this time of year) and help prevent hairballs. My cats dislike a plain slicker brush but love pin brushes, followed up by a comb. For my heavy shedder, I sometimes use an undercoat rake.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 21, 2019
Milwaukee, WI
Regular brushing REALLY helped with my cat Willy. He is a huge shedder. And hairballs were a frequent occurrence before I started brushing him daily.

It's super-annoying to have to do and I honestly don't like having to do it... but it improves both of our lives. He vomits up much fewer hairballs, and I don't have to clean them as often.