Had to put my kitty down


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 4, 2014
I had to put down my first pet as an adult (my beautiful black kitty) yesterday and I am really questioning my decision. :(

She had CHF but was taking medicine and doing quite well.

Sunday after being gone all day, I knew immediately something was wrong when she didn't meet me at the door.

I found her in a closet looking like she could go at any time. She wouldn't purr at all, eat, or anything. There was a mess by her littler box I assume she couldn't make it, poor thing. I called the ER number to her vet, and he said to give her a few extra doses of Lasix over the next few hours. The holiday was at a horrible time.

I took her in first thing Tues morning, and they wanted to keep her a few days and they ordered some blood work. After having good hope, they called me saying her kidneys are shutting down and her blood work was off the charts. He said he could do a lot of stuff but didn't see her making it but that he would be willing to try. I asked him if she was suffering and he said very much so. I gave them the go ahead to put her to sleep but I don't know. I feel extremely guilty and cannot come to peace with my choice. She just went down hill so incredibility fast it was a total shock. She was around 14 and had a great life but man that was the hardest decision to make. 


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
I am so sorry for your loss.  I am glad the two of you met.  You've been through a devastating experience.  Please don't feel guilty...took good care of her, always.   
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Animal Lover Extraordinare
Top Cat
May 17, 2014
I had to put down my first pet as an adult (my beautiful black kitty) yesterday and I am really questioning my decision. :(
She had CHF but was taking medicine and doing quite well.

Sunday after being gone all day, I knew immediately something was wrong when she didn't meet me at the door.
I found her in a closet looking like she could go at any time. She wouldn't purr at all, eat, or anything. There was a mess by her littler box I assume she couldn't make it, poor thing. I called the ER number to her vet, and he said to give her a few extra doses of Lasix over the next few hours. The holiday was at a horrible time.

I took her in first thing Tues morning, and they wanted to keep her a few days and they ordered some blood work. After having good hope, they called me saying her kidneys are shutting down and her blood work was off the charts. He said he could do a lot of stuff but didn't see her making it but that he would be willing to try. I asked him if she was suffering and he said very much so. I gave them the go ahead to put her to sleep but I don't know. I feel extremely guilty and cannot come to peace with my choice. She just went down hill so incredibility fast it was a total shock. She was around 14 and had a great life but man that was the hardest decision to make. 
You did what was kind and humane for her, remember her always![emoji]128062[/emoji][emoji]128062[/emoji][emoji]10084[/emoji]️


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I am so sorry.  Try not to second guess your decision.  She is free of sickness now and at peace.  Unfortunately eventually there is no more that can be done to extend a quality life.  


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 6, 2014
I had to put down my first pet as an adult (my beautiful black kitty) yesterday and I am really questioning my decision. :(

She had CHF but was taking medicine and doing quite well.

Sunday after being gone all day, I knew immediately something was wrong when she didn't meet me at the door.

I found her in a closet looking like she could go at any time. She wouldn't purr at all, eat, or anything. There was a mess by her littler box I assume she couldn't make it, poor thing. I called the ER number to her vet, and he said to give her a few extra doses of Lasix over the next few hours. The holiday was at a horrible time.

I took her in first thing Tues morning, and they wanted to keep her a few days and they ordered some blood work. After having good hope, they called me saying her kidneys are shutting down and her blood work was off the charts. He said he could do a lot of stuff but didn't see her making it but that he would be willing to try. I asked him if she was suffering and he said very much so. I gave them the go ahead to put her to sleep but I don't know. I feel extremely guilty and cannot come to peace with my choice. She just went down hill so incredibility fast it was a total shock. She was around 14 and had a great life but man that was the hardest decision to make. 
Hi MsPrincess, I'm very sorry for your loss and for your beloved baby. I can tell you from recent experience, the guilt and second guessing and not being at peace with your choice is what happens after IT happens. You are not alone, I went through the same thing you re going through on the 9th of July this year. You did the right thing, the vet told you she was suffering immensely, you eased her of her pain and didn't want her to endure excruciating pain. Browse through some threads here, you will see many people have and are going through almost identical circumstances, thoughts and feelings that you are.

Sorry for you

your baby is an
in heaven now. She's at peace.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
My heart just cries that you have to go through this pain, you let your baby escape her pain and a future full of misery and fear. Would you not want her to do the same if you were suffering and miserable? What you did was out of the true love that you shared with her. Guilt such as this is a normal part of the grieving process, I know that doesn't help but I want you to know that what you are going through is normal and a necessary part of healing for your broken heart. Most of us on this site have gone through the agony of losing one of our loved ones and have gone through the same emotions you are going through now. We will try to comfort you in any way we can, those first few dark weeks are the worst and you need someone to share your pain and heartache, someone who understands what you are going through. Some days you will feel like the agony will never end, the only thing to do is to keep busy and keep your mind elsewhere. Time and patience is what you need. Thank you for sharing your story, please try to remember the good times, don't dwell on the bad. Bless you for going through so much pain, it means you loved another that much. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers, take care..... RIP beautiful girl!

lorie d.

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 2, 2001
Upper Midwest (SE MN)
You did the right thing since the vet really didn't think she would make it even after he tried different things.  When an animal is suffering and all hope is gone, euthanasia is the greatest act of kindness that can ever be given to them.  I'm so very sorry for your loss.
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Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
You gave her the last gift of love - a peaceful passing. We lost our Jamie to HCM last year and also made the decision to euthanize during a severe bout of CHF. He'd had several and recovered from them, but the reprieves were only temporary, and he "told" us the last time that he was done fighting. Second guessing your decision is perfectly natural in the circumstances, but you have to ask yourself what delaying the inevitable would have brought. View media item 237350


TCS Member
Super Cat
May 21, 2007
I understand your heartache as we said goodbye as well to our black tuxedo "Minnie" Saturday. It's so hard... may your sadness be lined in peace

lulu s mum

TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 11, 2014
I am really sorry for loss. But know that you helped her by giving her relief from the pain that she was in. Its difficult and I understand what you are going through as i lost my kitty just yesterday and that too was all of a sudden..but I know for a fact that your kitty is in peace now and happy. Please dont be so hard on yourself. You did what was best for her. And Im sure she'd be greatfull for that.
God bless you


TCS Member
Aug 28, 2014
I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you did the right thing. It is impossible to say what could have been, but about 4 years ago my old dog, age 12, suddenly saw her health deteriorate rapidly. We decided to go through with extensive surgery, pretty much same set of choices as you - try treating it now or put her down. She died immediately after surgery, it just didn't do the trick. We knew there was nothing more we could have done for her, but on the downside we put her through a long (expensive) surgery for nothing and that was also painful to come to terms with. I would not hesitate to put down a pet if I find myself in that situation again where a seriously ill pet of a certain age is suffering. Again, you made the right choice IMO. It is extremely painful to let go of a friend you've had for 14 years, but be kind to yourself and know that you did an amazing job caring for her all these years and stepping up for her when she needed you the most.