

Insert cat joke here.
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Feb 10, 2018
I'm not sure if this goes here or not, and I'm sorry if it doesn't but I'm really not sure where else to turn to because I'm feeling so guilty and anxious about my feline friend.

Her name is Monah and she's about 8 years old and full of personality. I adopted her about 7 months ago and so far everything is fine, she's the queen shiba of the apartment and does what she pleases. Except go in the cabinets, we've had to cat proof those when we found out she could open them.

However, the first time pet parent here has had guilt eating her inside and out for the last week with concern that I'm not fit to be her mom. I try to do everything right but I don't know if it's enough and I worry that something's going to go wrong because I missed something or I did something wrong. Maybe it's that first time parent guilt, or maybe it is something else entirely.
She gets fed twice a day and has a small amount of dry food, litter box gets scooped out once a day (every other day possibly) nails clipped every few weeks and teeth brushed with it. We play a little bit every night before I go to bed and give her some hairball control treats before I leave her to her own devices - shes a very clean cat and is notorious for hair balls. She'll sit in my lap and chest on the sofa but won't come into my room - and she drools on me and not my roommates so that's clearly a sign that she likes me right?

Should I do anymore? Am I doing enough to be a good pet parent? Maybe I'm just abnormal feeling this way but I thought that maybe the community here of cat people someone might have felt the same way and could offer me some guidance. I know we kind of saved each other because I was so lonely and I needed a little more help and she was nearly bald when I adopted her because of the stress she was under and wouldn't eat.
I just don't know what else to do to try to shake this feeling.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
It is natural to feel some anxiety when you love your cat and want to do everything you can for them. But from everything you have posted she is getting everything she needs and has adjusted perfectly to your home. So try to relax and enjoy your time together.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi, thanks for coming here! If you like, you could start tracking her weight with a baby scale or just a regular bathroom scale. It sure comes in handy to know what normal is.
Speaking of weight, you can double-check and if you can lightly feel her ribs with a thin layer of fat, she's ok. There are also adult cat body charts on the internet.
This way if you need to add a wet meal (those two meals are wet, right) or increase the dry you can adjust.
If you can, add one more litter box. That way, if you can't get to the scooping duty on a daily basis she has another box to use.
Can you spend time brushing her, if not daily then fairly frequently? That could help with the hairballs and it will give you more time together.
The only other thing, from one good cat parent to another :) is that if you can, find some toys that interest her for batting, chasing, kicking and more chasing. Do you have a cat tree? A scratcher or two? It sounds as though she could use more physical activity.
For yourself, hopefully these things help you, because right or wrong I'm not judging you and neither is your cat, ---but, I guarantee she will pick up on your stress and other emotions. She can't understand anything negative, but she absolutely knows when you're happy.
Hang on to that, and enjoy your baby!!
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 23, 2017
You are doing fine- dont worry (and if it helps I have been in your shoes before and the fear does go away). I would however recommend

1-staying on top of the litter box cleaning-cats HATE dirty box (trust me I wasn't great about it when I first got my boys and I paid the price!). 2 boxes scooped 2 times a day is prob perfect for one cat

2-getting her some interactive toys (not just regular catnip mice that just lay there but things like these as they are toys that sorta play back with her and can keep her entertained when you are busy/not around



TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 10, 2018
Cleveland, OH
Aw, thank you for rescuing her. I am sure she loves you so much and it sounds like you're doing good.
Just have a good clumping litter and scoop it once a day. I periodically dump the litter in a grocery bag and scrub out the litter pan with hot bleach water, dry it, and then put fresh litter in. My opinion is one box is fine for one cat as long as you keep it scooped clean.
Have you had her to the vet for a check up, just to get a base on how she's doing? They can't talk, so we don't know their history.
I think you are doing a fine job. God bless.
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Insert cat joke here.
Thread starter
Feb 10, 2018
I'm really happy about all the advice I've gotten from you all so firstly I appreciate you and and thanks!
She's been putting on a little weight because she was VERY skinny when I first adopted her so that's why she's kind of getting spoiled but good wise, so I'll keep that in check for now on.

We have a lot of toys along with a cat tree and with a hanging rope and a scratching post - and another one for her to stretch up on! Also a catnip mat with some feathers and stuff on it. She can't be left alone with string or ribbon (but loves them!) I found out but that's why I come in later on and play with her favorites, maybe I can invest in something more interactive when I'm not around, thanks for the proposals! I do my best to brush her daily or every other day (especially when she doesn't feel up for playing)

Thanks again I'm going to try to do a few different things possibly get her another vet appointment and I just want to thank you all again. Hugs and meows!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 25, 2018
Congrats on your new kitty! I just got a new young'un and had basically forgotten everything I learned from my previous cat about having a kitten. One thing that I found helpful (besides everyone here!) was reading some articles online about cat behavior and body language. They reminded me that cats are actually really good about communicating their needs and preferences to us if we are just patient and learn how to speak a little 'cat'. So it's helpful to know when she's asking me to back off and leave her alone, and encouraging to know that when she's trotting around the apartment with her tail high and proud that she's feeling confident!

Good luck. I know you're doing a great job with her.