Good cat food for an older cat?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 23, 2021
Was curious as to what food or recommendations on food for an older cat? We have much older cat recently found again and back in our home. No idea how old he is but he was a full grown cat when I first found him over 11 years ago. He has a hard time jumping in bed or anything higher than 3 feet. He's kinda unstable in my lap, stumbles a little if he puts is paw wrong. He wasn't in the best shape when we found him last week. He's skin and bones. No one in the neighborhood was feeding him I don't think. I can't tell if him being skin and bones is from old age or just no one feeding him and to old to catch mice. His breathing and heart rate seem awful fast for even when he's sleeping. Trying to get him to put on some weight. He is eating the food we give him now, loves kitty snacks, and always begging for human food. He has a vet appointment tomorrow so hopefully we know little more. Any recommendations would be much apricated. We also have a younger 3 year old cat. So Hopefully the food will be ok for her as well because I know they will both eat out of the same bowl.


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. I would wait to see what comes of the vet appointment - hopefully, he is getting full scale senior blood work done, and perhaps a urinalysis (pretty much standard for a senior cat). The results of these tests could help with determining what foods he should eat. I think that until more is known about his current condition, feed him all that he will eat!

Also, the jumping and instability could be related to arthritis, so you might want to consider an x-ray to see if that is the case. There are many arthritic joint supplements, such as Cosequin or Dasuquin that can help with his mobility.

Let us know how the vet appointment goes!


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
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Aug 13, 2009
Totally agree to wait for the results of his Vet visit before deciding what to feed him. At his age and from what you describe, he could have some health issues that may require a special diet.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 23, 2021
So his vet appointment went well. I was a tad bit disappointed from the lack of info I received though. Because of his history and not wanting to put him through any more stress I scheduled an appointment with a home visit vet tech. I really care about this cat and want what's best. You can read me and this cats brief short story on this thread I posted for anyone interested in the back story. Transition outside cat to indoor advice It was expansive and didn't feel like they were as thorough as I would have expected but hey he is in retirement and needs to enjoy and live out what time he has left, stress free and spoiled. Vet tech seemed like they were kind of in a rush.

I can post a copy of his report if anyone would like to see it. They did a blood sample but I think it was just for feline leukemia. They put the blood sample on a slide and waited for results. No lab work. That came back negative so thank god.. since I already brought him around our other cat. They informed me that wasn't a good idea. Didn't know any better and just wanted to get him inside because of the shape he was in and afraid I wouldn't be able to catch him before the vet appointment. I thought feline leukemia was a cancer not a virus. Oh well anyways that was all good, they were surprised he didn't have it after being an outside cat for 11+ years. His heart rate and breathing seems awful fast to me even when napping. Asked them about that and they said probably just stress. Didn't seem to concerned. I googled it and sounds like early signs of heart failure =( They gave him a shot that I guess took care of a bunch of different stuff? Ear mites, fleas, heart worms, and some other stuff? They told us to feed him kitten food and sprinkle this stuff on his food for his joints (don't remember the name, my wife bought it wasn't with her) Kitten food would help him gain weight they said. They also told us he definitely was a male cat that had been neutered. Everyone kept calling BK a she. I knew he was a "He" I was the only one that was right lol. His hair is very matted and they said it's probably pulling on his skin. They didn't have time shave him but me and the wife manage to last night. He's not very happy with us but oh well he will get over it.

All and all He seems healthy other than the breathing issue. I really wanted the full 110% inspection and to know every possible thing we can to make his life the best but I don't know if it's worth the stress on him talking him from vet to vet to run different test or ex rays? He seems to be plenty happy napping all day in bed not running from cars or coons, searching for shelter, and putting our other fat cat in her place.
Sorry it's not as much about nutrition but had to reply to two different posts so killed two birds with one stone, but yes kitten food and that powder is what they suggested. Any further recommendations on food or ideas I would appreciate very much. I've been weighing him every couple days and he's gained almost .4lbs so far.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Sorry to hear the vet tech didn't do more. Feline leukemia is also known as FeLV - so perhaps that is why you didn't recognize it, and yes it is a feline virus. Good that he doesn't have it! I would assume your 3yo cat has been vaccinated for it - and while that is not a 100% guarantee of preventing her from contracting it, it is certainly decreases the odds exponentially, But, nonetheless, I am glad it didn't matter.

They should have taken you more seriously about his breathing too, since it wouldn't seem it is solely from stress based on your description of how content he seems to be. Take a few readings of his breaths per minute when he is napping (1 full rise and fall equals 1 breath). You can count the number for 30 seconds and then multiply by 2. Mid-20s is about the norm, and generally anything over 35-40 is considered abnormal, but the numbers can vary by cat. So, you'll know better how to interpret his rate after you've done the count at least once - or twice - a day for a week or so. Make sure he is truly napping in order to get the best reading possible. If after a few times, it comes out unusually high, then call the vet and let them know. He might need checked out further to determine if there really is some sort of heart issue, and most can be treated with meds.

I don't know what stuff your wife got to sprinkle on his food, but there are also nutritional pastes that can help with increasing calories. However, if you have managed to get him to gain 4 pounds already, you are probably good to continue with what you are feeding him now, along with some kitten food if that is what the vet recommended. Whatever he is eating just needs to be loaded with high quality protein for helping him maintain muscle mass. Ideally, his diet should consist of more canned food than dry food, for the added moisture; and some sort of meat should be listed as the first ingredient. I've included a couple of links below just to give you some ideas about food quality in general - not that I am suggesting you necessarily need to buy any of the particular foods mentioned. One article discusses mostly dry food and the other talks about canned foods.

Was there any discussion about giving him an arthritis supplement in case that is part of his issue with jumping?

I'd be happy to take a look at the report - if for no other reason than I am curious what they actually did do.

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