Good-bye to Krista

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TCS Member
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Sep 7, 2018
daftcat75 daftcat75 daftcat75 daftcat75 are you safe from the fires?
Safe from the fires, yes. I’m in no danger of losing life or home.

The air quality is another story.

Sadly, I’m getting used to this. The last three or four years we’ve been having wild fires large enough to poison the air hundreds of miles away and make me thankful for the Dyson air purifiers I purchased on days like these for days like this. 😔
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“What greater gift than the love of a cat.”
Staff Member
Dec 13, 2017
Pacific NW
I still have Teddy’s, Mayflower’s and Max’s ashes. I know this sounds stupid and irrational, but because they were indoor-only cats, I could never bring myself to leave their ashes outside. And also, we moved a lot, and I would have left them. So they’ve traveled with us wherever we’ve gone. And I see those little containers and remember.

On a somewhat humorous note, I did sprinkle Brandy’s ashes many, many years ago. My parents lived on a wooded hillside, and they stood with me as I sprinkled her ashes. True to her mischievous nature, she stirred up a breeze and her ashes blew back all over us. We laughed and cried at the same time.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
I am so very, very sorry. She looks like a beautiful angel, that face! You were an amazing dad
to her and she knew it. Please be good to yourself, let the tears flow if need be. Be assured
she is now at the Bridge surrounded by so many of our babies.

Mia :hugs: :rbheart:💖

di and bob

TCS Member
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Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I followed her care and was always amazed at the patience, the perseverance, the undying love you displayed. You two had a special bond, and I hope you can take comfort in knowing you gave that sweet girl 18 more months of life she most likely would have never had. When you are ready please come back and immortalize her life here at the site where so many grew to love her. Please accept my sincere condolences, mere words cannot convey what is heart sent......


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 12, 2019
Eighteen months ago, I started a thread called Krista’s Care.
Krista's Care
View attachment 348225

It is sadly time for me to close that thread. As she has moved on to her next chapter, so must I.

I’m still too raw to offer a proper tribute. But I’ll start this thread with a highlight video Apple made from my camera roll last year—presumably out of the photos and videos I shared the most. So basically all Krista. 😻

Nicky and I mourn with you ...


TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
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TCS Member
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Sep 7, 2018
This may help:
Angels Rest and Memorials
Uniquely Utah: Best Friends remembered at Angels Rest
There are longer videos, too, if you search "BEST FRIENDS ANGELS REST".
I have been there and it is truly a magical and spiritually powerful place. Also, it is one of the most beautiful places there is. Krista would love it.
Cabbie, my cat before Krista was an indoor-outdoor cat. We lived in quiet neighborhood in a hippie college town. Our backdoor was always open for the cats to come and go as they pleased. Cabbie was very much a porch cat. She never strayed much farther. In fact, later when she became an indoor-only apartment cat with me, there was no adjustment period. She used to watch me bring up the groceries through an open front door with never a concern that she'd leave. I would often have to tempt and beg her to join me on the balcony.

Krista, with the exception of about 20 minutes that she got out, roamed around and came back, was exclusively indoors. I have no idea what she would have thought about the great outdoors. I actually hoped that if I could put weight back on her, we could do some traveling that might include campsites. (There's only so many $150 animal policy fees I want to spend per trip.) But she did strike me as one who would have loved trees and climbing. If there was a fridge where we were going, she would be on top of it before the first night was out.

I think I am going to pick up her cremains and keep them at home for some time. Angel's Rest sounds nice. But I want to make sure I'm comfortable with whichever decision I make and that I didn't just panic my last connection to her out of my life. I still don't know what I think and feel about her cremains. But I'm going to muster up the courage to sit with them awhile and figure that out.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
Hi daftcat75 daftcat75 , I'm so sorry for your Krista.
She was a symbol of this website, your thread was such a monument to the love and dedication of yourself to this wonderful and precious kitty.
I never intervened in your thread, but I used to read some updates, so not seeing new posts in that very long thread is a loss not only for you, but for us all.

No doubt you have been a true example of pure love for a cat, no doubt she was a lovely patient.
We all will miss her, that's for sure!

I'm deeply sorry, it's the end of an era. Now she's resting with the other kitties that made the history on TCS, like Artie and Simon.

RIP Krista, you will shine forever in the sky.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 9, 2019
I am so sorry to hear of Krista's passing. May She Forever Rest In Peace now & please remember her memory and cherish her forever. This is harder for me to take than any human I knew personally who has passed in my lifetime. My parents passed both, but they were older and sick a long time. I understood their deaths but can never understand losing a kitty. May God Send You Peace.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 10, 2018
I almost forgot. This is something that I did for my Callie when she died earlier this year, I got a touchstone so even if I later decide to bury or scatter her ashes I'll still have her with me.



Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I am glad to hear that you are safe from the fire, if not the terrible air. A lot of good advice about not scattering the ashes too quickly. You will know what is right and when it is the right time.

Hope today is a tiny bit easier and that you are remembering (which it sounds like you are) the good times with Krista.
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TCS Member
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Sep 7, 2018
That’s Cabernet (“Cabbie”) and Sage is the rabbit.

Krista wasn’t my first cat.

I grew up allergic to cats. It must be genetic because my Dad and brother are also allergic to cats. The only cats I knew growing up were a high school friend’s 8 cats. Oh that was miserable going to her house! But her cats were such cool creatures to observe.

Between sophomore and junior year in college, I lived with friends off-campus. Even before the old housemates had moved out and I had a room of my own to shut the cats out of, my friends brought home a pair of kittens: Merlot and Cabernet. Like most cats to an allergic person, Cabbie took an instant liking to me. That first night she spent in the home, she tried to sleep curled into my shoulder. I’m still definitely allergic to her at this point. I push her away. And she returns. I set her among boxes she was exploring and minutes later I hear panicked meowing. She reached the top of a dresser and this tennis ball floof didn’t want to jump down.

“Okay. I’ll come get you. But you’re sleeping at my side. Not my face!”

It was a miserable two weeks of allergies. But then I got over them. I haven’t been allergic to cats since. 👍😻

Housemates came and went. Including myself. I was just a summer boarder at first. At the end of the school year, I moved back in for a couple of years. Then I moved to my own place. And finally, a couple years after I moved out of that house, the last tenants, my friends who cared for Cabbie (Merl had sadly been struck by a car years earlier) finally moved away to a place that did not welcome pets. Four or five years after our initial night together, Cabbie came to live with me as my cat. Everyone who knew Cabbie said she and I had a connection that she shared with no-one else. Cabbie would come and interact with me when she was often stand-offish or aloof with others.

Krista was a dog cat. She followed me around. She wanted to know what I was doing. She enjoyed sitting in my lap, on my chest, or next to me in such a way that she could touch me, either the full body lean or the “I just need to know you’re still there” paw reach. Krista was always down for scritches. If I wanted to sit down next to Krista for scritches and to check in with her, she would trill me up on my approach. She wasn’t going anywhere.

Cabbie was much more a cat’s cat. Strangely, she was never much for walking on tables or counters. She was very good in that respect. Cabbie decided whether my approach was welcome. Cabbie would run off if she didn’t want to interact at the time. Where Krista wanted to meet every stranger and supervise every workman, Cabbie was much more comfortable hiding under the bed or a chair when someone strange came in. But, Cabbie loved me. And I loved her. 😻 When I was settled in from my day and the “coming home” energy had cooled, she would aim for my lap like a furry heat sinking missile. And every night she wanted to sleep with me. Many nights up against me.

But here’s the sad thing about Cabbie.

I rushed into Krista after Cabbie’s passing. My girlfriend at the time saw me moping in the empty cat-less apartment and decided she would pay adoption fees on a new cat as my belated birthday gift. Krista came home within weeks of Cabbie’s passing.

I don’t have nearly as many Cabbie memories as I’d like. They got crowded out rather quickly by Krista.

So on the one hand, I’ve already proven to myself that I could rush into this with another cat. Short circuit the grief. On the other, I’ve also proven to myself that that would come with a cost that I’m not willing to pay. Krista deserves to be honored and grieved. And I need to learn how to be myself again and who that is without increasing cat care demands sidelining my own self-care.

I wouldn’t trade my time with Krista for anything. But I do wish I had taken more time to honor and remember Cabbie.

I also wish I had more pictures of Cabbie. She lived most of her life before widespread use of digital cameras (and cloud storage.)


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
What an adorable picture! I so much enjoyed reading about Merlot and Cabbie....and Krista, of course.

I agree entirely that you need time to revere and remember Krista. We are all dedicated animal caregivers, but taking time for yourself and your own care is so rational. When my last dog passed away 14 years ago, I did not get another one (current dog) for 11 months.When he passes, I know that I will need time as well to regroup and recover.