Going on short vacation, worried about kitten


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 27, 2014
*I'm not sure if this is the correct section for this question*

Months ago, before we knew we'd be getting a kitten, we arranged a 3.5 day Fourth of July beach trip with a few other family members. Last month my partner surprised me with a wonderful kitten (we named Casper). We've arranged for our good friends to come spend time with Casper and take care of him while we're away, but I am still worried sick about leaving him here for a few days. I am usually home with him all day and he's grown very attached to me. Like my other cats have, he follows me around and enjoys being where I am. I also keep worrying about his safety while we're away for those days. We live in an apartment, and while we've been here for several years and the place hasn't caught on fire or anything while we were away in the past, I keep worrying something will happen and no one will be there to protect him.

So my question is, is there anything I can do / buy / make to A) keep him entertained and not lonely, and B) Safe 

He has loads of toys and favorite spots already but maybe I should get something else to keep his mind off of us being away? 

Oh and  Casper is 4 months old.


TCS Member
Apr 2, 2010
Annapolis, MD
I would wear some clothes (pajamas maybe, work out clothes) for a day or two and leave them around. The clothes will have your scent on them, and hopefully Casper will comforted. He'll be fine no doubt, but I worry too, still do after five years.

He'll sleep most of the time anyway. Are your friends cat people. If so, they'll know most of the cautions, like, make sure windows and doors are closed 24x7x365.

You might also talk to Casper, telling him you're going away but really nice people will look after him and you'll be back soon. Sounds weird but I swear cats understand. Also, I'd have your friends spend an hour or so just being around Casper, maybe feeding him. Will get Casper use to your friends, perhaps in a different capacity (friend versus caregiver).

Out of an abundance of caution/paranoia: write a letter "to whom it may concern" authorizing your friends to obtain vet care in case of an emergency. Put the letter next to your letter of instructions for your cat/friends. (My first letter was over two pages long LOL .)

PS: is he microchipped? Wouldn't hurt especially in an apartment complex.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Since he may be frightened all alone while you are gone you may want to consider keeping him in just your bedroom that you cat proof.  I would block off access to under the bed or place the mattress/box springs directly on the floor.  Also check for other small spots he could get himself into or get stuck. 

You can leave a radio or music playing 24/7 so that it is not so quiet.

A feliway diffuser might help too. 

As mentioned about some clothing with your scent is helpful.  Have toys scattered about as well. 

Do talk with him and tell him you are going on vacation.  You may think it's weird that you are telling your cat your plans, but you may be surprised at what he truly understands.  Let him know when you are leaving and when you will return.  Tell him who will care for him as well as what he expected to do while you are gone. 

I hate leaving my pets.  I worry about them alot.  If you are really freaked out, you can purchase a wireless indoor ip cam and you can watch your kitten remotely if you have him in a small enough space!!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 27, 2014
I would wear some clothes (pajamas maybe, work out clothes) for a day or two and leave them around. The clothes will have your scent on them, and hopefully Casper will comforted. He'll be fine no doubt, but I worry too, still do after five years.

He'll sleep most of the time anyway. Are your friends cat people. If so, they'll know most of the cautions, like, make sure windows and doors are closed 24x7x365.

You might also talk to Casper, telling him you're going away but really nice people will look after him and you'll be back soon. Sounds weird but I swear cats understand. Also, I'd have your friends spend an hour or so just being around Casper, maybe feeding him. Will get Casper use to your friends, perhaps in a different capacity (friend versus caregiver).

Out of an abundance of caution/paranoia: write a letter "to whom it may concern" authorizing your friends to obtain vet care in case of an emergency. Put the letter next to your letter of instructions for your cat/friends. (My first letter was over two pages long LOL .)

PS: is he microchipped? Wouldn't hurt especially in an apartment complex.
Thanks Ritz and ShadowsRescue!

Great idea about this clothes! And yes, our friends are big cat lovers! Actually they were in on the surprise and so they were there on Casper's first day home, and have been over several times since then.

Haha talking to him doesn't sound weird at all, I do it nonstop! Actually last week when I took him to the vet for vaccines I asked about scheduling a neuter appointment and when they said they could do it that day I said "I feel bad that I didn't tell him he would be doing that today!" They might have thought I was a bit nutty. But I have always talked to my cats, I wouldn't feel right not telling them when I was leaving.

Yes, I have already started drafting a Casper-Care sheet, and it's already pretty long. In one section I have left the name and number for his vet as well as their emergency number. So I will speak to the vet and let them know our friends are authorized to bring him in if needed.

He isn't microchipped yet. I was considering doing it when he was neutered but it all happened so fast that I forgot to ask about it. But he goes back on Tuesday to have the stitches removed so I'll ask about it then.

I have a webcam on my laptop so we could probably set that up, I just keep having silly thoughts that the laptop will suddenly catch on fire.


TCS Member
Apr 2, 2010
Annapolis, MD
Not silly at all. Do let your neighbors know that you'll be away and give them your phone numbers.
I was at work when I learned three houses in the 2600 block of "Main" Street were on fire; I live on 2608. Panic. Luckily I tracked down the property manager who assured me the fires were on the other side of main street, and I have since learned that a friend of mine works ten minutes from where I live. She's a cat person, so 'gets it'. (I work in Washington, DC, at least 1.25 hours away.)
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 27, 2014
Not silly at all. Do let your neighbors know that you'll be away and give them your phone numbers.
I was at work when I learned three houses in the 2600 block of "Main" Street were on fire; I live on 2608. Panic. Luckily I tracked down the property manager who assured me the fires were on the other side of main street, and I have since learned that a friend of mine works ten minutes from where I live. She's a cat person, so 'gets it'. (I work in Washington, DC, at least 1.25 hours away.)
Thanks I will!


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
My parents have little laminated signs by their front and back door that says,

Fire fighters. There is a cat in this house that needs your assistance.

They've never had a fire either, but just in case anything should happen when they are not there they know  the emergency workers will be looking out for a cat.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I always leave pjs or shirts I've recently worn out for M&N when I travel.  I've used the same house sitter for 5 years and she's someone I've known going on 20 I think!  But I still get a bit anxious.  The girl I used before that is my BFF's sister and she lived just up the street from our old house.  I also leave typed lists of how to care for the girls.  Noodles has a thing for eating things like string, ribbons, and tulle; so I like to be sure they are aware of that and how serious that can be.  I also add in some things about the house; since she stays here while we are gone.  Last year DH and I went away for our anniversary and my parents stayed here with the kids and cats.  I think the typed paper was about 5 pages long.  
  In my defense; we had a different internet based TV service and I had to explain that too.  I didn't want them stuck with no tv for days on end. 

Everyone has given you great advice here.  Try to relax and enjoy your time away.  It sounds like you have good, trustworthy people to look after Casper! 