Getting Desperate To Get Cat To Eat

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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 2, 2013
I saw that @cat1967 has a post on this issue too - - and I read through that. But our situations are a little different - - - so I'm hoping some of the amazing people on this site might have just a few more things to try - - we're desperate. :(

The background: One of our kitties (Moo - a failed foster we've had since she was 4 weeks old) is almost 16, and she's always been a "keep to herself kitty." She only eats at night (we've only seen her eat - no exaggeration - probably 10 times in her life! She had a full blood work-up last year, and all was normal (the vet said she would have thought Moo was 5, not 15, by her bloodwork!). Then a month ago we noticed she was getting thin (although at 16, that's obviously not unexpected). We started to weigh her once a week (since we couldn't judge how much she was eating since she won't eat when watched) and realized her weight was coming down very fast.

We got right to the vet, and Moo's blood tests showed her calcium was over 3x normal. The vet said with levels that high, it was likely a fast-growing cancer. We decided to do one more blood draw to send to a university lab for more extensive testing. While waiting for results, Moo was put on meds to bring down the calcium, and added an appetite stimulant ("Entice"), an anti nausea drug, and fluids once a week. Right away we could tell fluids were an issue. Since I've worked at shelters, I've done fluids and so has my hubby. But Moo wanted none of it. We were supposed to get 200 ml into her 2-3x a week. We even had a neighbor that's a nurse (he often cat sits our guys, so Moo knows him) come over to help, but none of us could get more than 50 ml of fluids before someone is bitten. Even the vet - -after the first time - only got 50 ml and then was bitten!

Happily - the 2nd blood test came back - NO cancer!!! But the stress on her body from the calcium had stressed her kidneys. The vet suggested a last ditch effort was admitting Moo for a 3-day fluid flush to help her kidneys, at the end of which they'd do another blood draw to check the kidneys. The vet admitted it was a long shot - but that it does occasionally work. We barely had the money to do it -- but we felt like we had to give her this shot. The vet said they also had trouble getting her to eat -she'd only eat at night when no one was there - but she'd eaten well on night #1, about half that on night #2, and only a few licks on night #3. They redrew blood at the end and unbelievably - - when we picked her up late Saturday, her kidneys had gone back to almost normal readings!!!! We were beyond thrilled!!! Even the vet was shocked - - -she said that was an improvement way above what even she hoped for. But now the tough part....

We got her home and she still won't eat. I know alot of people would say force feed by syringe or feeding tube - we did syringe feed with the two elderly kitties (Ally at 19 & Phoebe at 20!!) that we ended up losing last year, and we don't want to put Moo through that. We also don't want to do a feeding tube - - she's definitely one that would be miserable with either of those types of intervention. Yes - we bought a bit of tie with Phoebe and Ally, but it got to the point where they both became terrified of us, and honestly, at least with those 2, they were miserable the entire time we did it. (I'm definitely NOT saying that those are bad solutions to try - but our two were miserable while we did it - - and we definitely wouldn't do it again to them to buy the time we did. But I know many cats who do quite well on force feeding). We just can't do it to Moo - - she's just too defiant about even a small syringe full of oral medication - we can't even imagine how much she'd hate force feeding.

Does anyone have ANY suggestions on getting her to eat at least something????? Here's what we've tried so far - -with decreasingly decent results:

• Her "normal" dry cat food (a prescription food) - we've also run it through the food processor to make is a little less crunchy and easy to swallow - nothing (although the other 3 cats love it!)
• Gerber's baby food chicken (like most of us who do feral work utilize when socializing - she literally turned her head in disgust at that)
• Fancy Feast canned in multiple flavors and textures
- which we've also tried pureeing it, but no luck that way either
• Whiskas pouches of chicken (which have alot of "broth" - - this is what she finally ate at the vet)
• Friskies canned (again - only other thing she even touched at the vet)
• Prescription A/D canned (won't touch it)
• Sheba pate, with water added to make it soupy (she did fairly well on that for a few days, but won't touch it now)
• Canned mackerel, both "as is" out of the can and also blendered with water
• Meow Mix in the little plastic "tubs" - - which is alot of broth with a bit of meat
• Prescription I/D canned and dry
• Canned tuna (nothing)

We're cooking a chicken tonight, and will see if she's enticed by the chicken itself at all, and we'll also mush if up with broth and offer it. We got a few other samples from the vet, and bought a few more kinds of food at the pet store.

But we're at our wit's end. It's breaking our hearts. Now that her "numbers" are good - - even the vet couldn't explain why she still won't eat?!?! And I don't want her dying of starvation - - - - what a horrid death.

So ANY suggestions?!?!?! I feel like I'm out of tears to cry over this (why can't they live to be 120????) - -- - - and my hubby suggested I reach out on here (since he knows I love love love this site - - and have learned alot from it!).

We're willing to try anything -- - so please suggest anything. I'll also read through @cat1967 's thread and see if it has any other ideas.

Thanks in advance. Moo appreciates is.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 10, 2016
The South
Have you tried pouring tuna juice over a soft food she likes? Don't do with dry food because of bacteria.

Was her food changed recently? Even if it's the company changed the food, iams did that all the time.

orange&white orange&white used cracklings. Maybe she can chime in on ideas.

If you cooked chicken breast plain and no marinade or seasoning. Would she eat it? Worth trying.just see if you can get her eating. Right now just try pieces of cooked chicken. No seasonings. If she eats it then the only thing i can think is go home cooked with supplements. Don't worry any that at this point. Your only concern is getting her to eat.

Have you tried a different appetite medication? This is a side thought but you could ask the vet if it's ok. Zyrtec. Is she easy to pill. Ask the vet if you can give her zyrtec. It makes my cat hungry. I'm coming up with any idea here. Zyrtec needs to be pilled. No cat will eat it in food plus yours isn't eating. I crush half a pill and add a cap of water. I use 3 ml pipettes (cheap easy on Ebay). I suck up the liquid and squirt in the side of the mouth. These are soft plastic so you won't have to worry about cutting her mouth.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
Such a hard place you guys are in. Cats can be difficult to feed at the best of times. I know when my little girl came home from the stay at the vet she would not touch any of the foods she had eaten previous to the vet, or while at the vet. she just would not.

I would try different foods for her, both wet and dry. Put fresh down several times a day, so its always nice and fresh. Some say if it is elevated a little so they dont need to bend over that helps. I might also try kitten food. Keep her regular dry out, that she likes, but try another bowl with some kitten kibble, its often tasty, and high in nutrients so she gets more with each bite. Purina makes one as does Merrick. Maybe also kitten wet food. I would check with the vet first, as she has had so much health problems, the vet may say no to the kitten food. But i think getting her to eat is important now.

Do keep us updated, i will worry about you guys.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
You didn't say if she's STILL on an appetite stimulant. That might help. When our old girl had no appetite, mirtazapine helped, but we had to have it compounded into a transdermal gel and rub it into her ear. She was impossible to pill.

Also, have you tried Fortiflora as a topper? Most cats can't resist it. I have one who loves it and one who hates it, but the one who loves it will even eat it right out of my palm, even when he's sick and won't eat any food, he'll still lick it out of my hand, so I can then usually get him to lick some up, then sprinkle some on a tiny bit of food and gradually increase the amount of food with more sprinkling. It worked this morning for us! There are also freeze dried treats that cats usually can't resist, like PureBites. They are 100% meat like Chicken, Turkey, Beef, Liver, etc. I just crush them between my fingers over their food and that does the trick on those picky days. Also parmesan chees makes a great topper.

AND, what a cat hates one day I have found they then love the next day, so keep trying the old stuff as well as new stuff.



Kitty on the half shell, tortie power!
Top Cat
Apr 4, 2018
Littleton, CO
It sounds like she likes chicken, and you are trying a lot of broth/liquid. Have you ever looked into the Lotus Just Juicy Chicken Stew for Cats? It looks just like people chicken soup, and maybe she might like those flavor combinations? I was able to try a few cans from PetFoodExpress.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi! I'm not on my desktop computer where I can copy/paste/snip/delete and edit with the best of them, so I apologize if there are duplicates from other's great advice you've gotten already.
Here are toppers you could try, to try and entice him;

  • Chicken or beef flavored baby food, Beechnut is another brand and there's also Earths Best - make sure there is no garlic or onions in the ingredients
  • Tuna, try SafeCatch, I've found it at whole foods
  • Salmon
  • bonito flakes
  • Sardines (make sure there are no bones)
  • boiled cut up turkey with no seasonings
  • canned kitten food as already mentioned, you could try heating it a little bit, be sure and mix it to avoid any hot spots
  • Try mixing in Kitten Milk Replacer - there are recipes on the internet
  • Fish, tuna or BBQ flavored canned wet food (I personally have never seen BBQ flavors, but...)
  • Lickable cat treats or pouch treat gravy poured over the food
  • kitten glop (recipes are on the internet, look for some with goat milk)
  • goat milk, or low/no lactose cow milk
  • whole cooked eggs (the white must always be cooked) or raw egg yolk now and then
  • broth with no salt and no garlic or onion or seasonings of any kind
  • There are also commercial toppers, Applaws is a brand that can work well as a topper, Tikicat has a mousse that might work
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  • #7


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 2, 2013
Thanks SO much everyone for the suggestions - - and the caring thoughts. Both mean SO much. I know she's winding down - - I can feel it. But I know everyone on here also knows that feeling of "can't I just have a month or two more?" Especially after having the blood work testing come all the way around to at least "good" on everything Saturday - I thought we were at least good for awhile!

Interesting note: we have a close friend that's a Reiki master (my husband thinks it's probably a bit of mumbo jumbo - - -but I figure it never hurts to get good energy!) - and she just stopped by and did a 15 minute Reiki session. After which Moo jumped IMMEDIATELY jumped down and ate! Well - - -licked about a tablespoon of the gravy out of the bowl of "Friskies with Extra Gravy" - but that's the most she's had in a few days, so we'll take it!

Quick answers to questions (and if I missed anyone - I'm SO sorry - - I'm thrilled for all of everyone's suggestions and caring):

valentine319 valentine319 (and others) ---- hubby got an organic chicken this afternoon and boiled it (no seasonings, separated it out containers of dark meat, white meat, and fatty broth). Normally Moo LOVES chicken - - but she not only turned her head from the bowl with a little meat in it, but actually got up and walked away when I offered her a bowl with broth! :( We'll keep trying that since we have it, but so far it hasn't seemed to stir anything in her appetite.

I will say in all of my years at shelters and fostering - - I've never had ANYONE mention cracklings? (as a farm girl - I do know what they are though!). orange&white orange&white I'd love to hear if you have suggestions on cracklings.

And I've got a call into the vet (although now it's late - so I'm guessing there'll be no call tonight) to ask about adding Zyrtec as you described - - I've never heard that mentioned as an appetite stimulant! I'm 100% checking with the vet on that.

mrsgreenjeens mrsgreenjeens Moo IS still on the appetite pill and the nausea pill. I'll have to go look at the bottle as to what it is exactly -- - we have another cat who has mega colon, and he's on an appetite pill too. But I'll see if the vet can offer another medication to try. I'm also going to try and get some Fortiflora in here asap - -- I've heard that recommended often! I'm also going to try the

The compounding pharmacy compounded her anti nausea and her appetite stimulant into liquids, but I'd prefer something I can rub on her ear (even at the vet they said they had to go to an injectable since she locks her jaw so tightly that it's almost impossible to get a small syringe into her mouth!). She's a truly horribly tough cat to pill and to even give small syringes of medication. I completely space asking about compounding it into something that can be rubbed on her - - - if we can get her to pull through a few days longer - I'm going to see if we can get a new prescription and have them compound it that way vs the liquid we have now.

KarenKat KarenKat I've never heard of Lotus Just Juicy Chicken Stew for Cats -- but I'm going to see if I can get some in quickly!

duckpond duckpond We did try Fancy Feast Canned kitten food (we've had few cats - even very ill ones - turn that down), but the two we tried she wouldn't touch. And we've got about 10 different soft foods & 5 different hard food (most of which - both hard and soft - she'd in the past shown interest in - -although not this time. :sniffle:

Furballsmom Furballsmom We've tried alot on your list, including warming things up to pull out the aroma (but it's a GREAT list!!!!) - -but I haven't tried KMR - - - absolutely going to get some in the AM (actually we might have some since we usually have an unopened package of it in case we get a middle-of-the-night tiny foster)

My hubby just went out on his bike to pick up some liver for a "Liver Shake" (that we'd heard positive things about through a friend who used to be a vet). Sounds disgusting - - but anything for the babies, right?

Poor Moo does look like she's just spent. Today she definitely looks less "with it" - - - like she's fading away (both figuratively and literally) and it's just SO hard to watch.

So again - thanks a TON for the advice - - - throwing anything at me is appreciated - - - we're hoping we hit the "magic bean" of kitty feeding. Hard to believe that just 5 days ago she was alternating between sleeping cuddled up with me, pushing a bag around the floor, and getting cranky over anyone sitting in "her sleeping spot" on the loveseat.

Please think happy thoughts that we can get her over this for at least a little longer - - - she's such a dear - - and I'm just not sure my heart can take losing cat #4 in less than 2 years. :( All of the suggestions and expressions of caring for her AND for me makes me feel beyond appreciated!

(I attached a slightly healthier Moo - curled as tightly as she can!)

Moo curled up.jpg
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 2, 2013
Furballsmom Furballsmom I can't begin to so how much those words mean. I'd been crying virtually non-stop since last night - -- and it's encouragement and love and positivity like yours that makes these rotten, painful, gut-wrenching times with our beloved fur babies just a tad more bearable.

And to all - - - I ordered several of the things suggested to get here Wednesday (like the bonita flakes, Fortiflora, and more) - - maybe something will help - you never know! If it doesn't - - - we'll have them here for the next sick foster we have!

Can't remember if I mentioned we'vee basically sequestered her in our Master Bedroom - -which is pretty big with lots of windows and french doors so she gets lots of light and good smells. We were going to keep her in there 24/7 - - - but hubby and I talked about it this evening, and while we were doing it to keep her stress level low and to accurately monitor her food intake (since we do have 3 others inside - one of which (Bowie, my avatar) was an acute abusive starvation case foster, so he eats anything not nailed down (despite now being pretty enormous!). So if we let Moo out of the bedroom at all --- we can't monitor unless we pull everyone's food during the day (and maybe we should????? thoughts??????) After Moo ate those couple tiny bites of that food after our Reiki-giving friend finished, she hasn't eaten any more. But for the first time in 3 days she looks a bit more coherent, jumps onto the bed in the first try (for the first time in several days!) and has suddenly been up and exploring a bit! (as hubby and I both said "who are we to judge whether or not Reiki does anything? It absolutely could be coincidence - - -but whatever the reason, she's a bit steadier and more coherent!). She even jumped back on the bed on the first try - - - something she hasn't been able to do for several days now??!?!?!

Still, unless the vet has a flash on some other med, or Moo decides some food is just the cat's pajamas, we both feel it's likely that this is Moo's last week (or two) at best with us, which obviously breaks our heart. But we then decided we'd rather she spend some time wandering the house and doing "normal Moo stuff" during the day than keeping her locked up 24/7 (we'll put her back "to bed" in my master again tonight). Does that make sense? Or should we just keep her in there to monitor her intake accurately? We just so want the best most comfortable thing for her.

Thanks again - - - this forum is often what keeps me as close to sane as I get :)


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I'm of the thought to let her have the house and do normal Moo things.
Hmmm, I can't decide about pulling everyone's food....maybe ?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 2, 2013
Furballsmom Furballsmom I think we're leaning that way too - - - so that reinforcement made me feel better about trying that.

The other 3 do have hard out for free feed (which we could definitely take up during the day, as they tend to eat that at night after hubby and I go to bed anyway). And the wet food they get once in the morning and once at night, we have to monitor closely anyway because one has a medication in it that the others can't eat. So we were thinking we'd put Moo in for the night in the bedroom (with her tons of food choices - - even more after my Amazon order arrives Weds am with lots of the suggestions made on this thread -- - fingers crossed she holds on till then!!!!!) before the other 3 eat their canned, and then let Moo out soon as other 3 have quickly snarfed their wet food in the am! It would at least give her more time to do more "normal Moo things." (a phrase that cracks me up)

I will say when we let her out briefly this morning - - - two of our three other kitties approached her slowly as she rested in a sunbeam in the family room - - -and groomed her! She's always been at arm's length (I think mutual choice) from the others - - - so that felt so sweet and comforting (at least to us).

I keep telling myself that, even if she doesn't turn around, we've done absolutely all we could do to keep her comfortable.

If everyone can keep fingers crossed and supportive vibes coming for Moo (and "her humans"") - - we all need it!!!!

Love this site - and the wonderful people on it!!!!!!!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 10, 2016
The South
I believe cracklins are just pan fried pieces of meat fat. You've ordered the forti flora and bonita flakes. You're doing everything you can to help kitty pull through.

My former cat was impossible to pill. I was usually bleeding after. Syringing food into him I never did. He was sick so long there was a point I had to let go. I did try feeding him a little food every 2-3 hours.

I totally understand it's heartbreaking. I'm hoping that something works. If the reike helps it helps. We do so much for them.

You're doing your best and hopefully kitty will start eating. Go Moo Go! :cheerleader:

You're doing what you can. Hopefully this is just a bump. :alright: Thoughts and prayers for Moo :vibes:


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 30, 2008
Upstate New York
I had two CRF cats whose appetites were stimulated more by FortiFlora than any Rx. Sprinkled onto their food, they usually ate at least half of the food.

When their appetite diminished further, both would eat the pouched broths and stews (mostly liquid) that I get at the supermarket--one by Fancy Feast, and I think the 'stew' and 'bisque' are made by Hartz. One of my guys would eat those even at the end when he rejected all other food. They are not a complete food, but they are something that will nourish them a little.

I understand about Moo being 'difficult,' and with a senior cat, my goal is to keep them as happy and comfortable as possible. I would never violate their natural temperament (I've had 4 cats over 35 years, and each of them had a unique temperament.)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
I'm sorry to hear that Moo is fading.

The cracklins I make are just chopped up extra fat that I trim off chicken, pork, and beef. I put the fat in a nonstick skillet on med-low and let all the fat melt off, then drain the crispy bits on paper towels. Two out of my three cats love them for treats.

My senior went off food early in April, and I syringe-fed him 4 egg yolks per day while we waited for the first available vet appointment. That's 220 kcals. I know you don't want to syringe feed, but Moo might be interested in an egg yolk, raw or cooked, or a gently cooked scrambled egg. My vet grumbled a bit about the risk of salmonella, but I told him that was the only food I could get Tangent to actually swallow and not just spit/drool syringed food all over both of us.

At the vet, I requested sub-q fluids for slight dehydration and a vitamin B12 injection for appetite. Those worked a charm. You can have your vet show you how to do sub-q fluids at home. Moo may be getting a bit dehydrated as little as she is eating, and some extra water in her system might make her more comfortable.

The vet added a steroid to the B12, which I did not request, but they told me about it after the injection. That might have helped. Hard to say if the fluids, the vitamins, or the steroid (or combination) is what got Tangent feeling well enough to eat again.

The liver shake you're planning will have a lot of B12 and other vitamins which might perk Moo up if she'll eat a bit of it.

Good luck with Moo. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way that you can have a good amount of more time together. :grouphug2:
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  • #17


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 2, 2013
An update on Moo:

We made the liver shake, but sadly she won't touch it. Sidenote: I have the absolute best hubby in the world - he was a relatively vocal "I-just-don't-get-the-appealpof-cats-but-I-love-dogs" guy when we met, but I came with a cat, and I told him we are a package deal or we weren't a deal at all. ;) Cut to 24 years later - this morning he bicycled just after dawn to get everything for the "Liver Shake" and had it made before I woke up. And then he held me when I couldn't stop crying that she wouldn't touch it. Is that the best of what?

one more side note - - I mentioned we've lost 3 others in a little over a year - - but everyone hurts as much as the first. I'm a pretty big cynic, but I will say even I have been dismayed about the lack of concern by friends and family (my very-close-to-me sister included!!!). I sent out personal little emails or texts to the few we thought would understand how hard it is to lose Moo. I only got one acknowledgement. One. From my sister, who lives over 4 hours away from us - and it was just a text that said simply "Sorry to hear the news." I keep thinking maybe she's upset with me for something (the only thing we can think of is that we didn't end up going to my nephew's graduation from 5th grade bc hubby & I are both freelance designers, and we had a big project and meeting with one of our biggest clients that Monday. And that weekend her daughter, my niece, was voted #1 in attitude and helpfulness by her peers in her 200-person school band ---and my sister's bday was in there too! I called my sister on her bday and sang Happy Birthday to her voicemail and described that the minute all of this ickiness was over, I'd get the card we had for each - - and that each had a little "surprise gift card that we thought each would love. So guess she could be mad at that -- - but I'm still just stunned that even my cat loving friends haven't even acknowledged this.

Anyway - enough griping - sorry I had to vent!

Back to Moo - -

We got her to the vet late morning. Even though it was only about 48 hours since she'd had her 3-day fluid flush - - she was horribly dehydrated. I feel like a horrible kitty mom -- -i hadn't checked her because she'd just had that enormous amount, plus we'd seen her drink water multiple times in the few days she's been home. The vet suggested we try giving her 50 ml 2x a day since she's SO hard to get her to do 100 in one sitting w/o biting one of us. But she also noted (and she actually had tears in her eyes - - which was oddly comforting) that Moo is really rough to give IV fluids - - and she said since Moo hates it so much, maybe sticking her repeatedly wasn't the answer. As she said "You might buy Moo another free days by giving fluids, but it upsets her SO much I don't think it buys enough time to override the pain of the sticking." So while we were at vets, they gave the fluids, and her meds in injection form. She was so dehydrated she sucked up the 100 ml IV fluid in something like 2 minutes. She also did the B-12 injection can't believe I didn't know she was that dehydrated. Over the years in working at shelter, Iv'e pilled and injected lots of kitties - so we're not squeamish about it = she's just virutaa''a imposibl;

And Moo still refuses to eat anything and everything we offer every includingpackaged "cat broth" by Fancy Feast and by Meow Mix.....even KMR with food, KMR without food - not even the slightest bit interested.

Thanks again to all who have offered suggestions, support, or both. I'm able to keep going because of the wonderful souls on this site. Bless you all!!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
I am so sorry that Moo and you are going through this. I will keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers! Wishing you guys a peaceful day! :grouphug2: and hugs!


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I've been thinking about you, a lot :hugs: :redheartpump:
Your hubs ROCKS, please tell him I said so.
Your friends and family, ....and yet when it's something of theirs, they have all the expectations....sigh. kinda sad, really and I feel badly for you-all.
I got to thinking, what if you deconstruct a kitten glop recipe and try the individual ingredients with her?
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