Get my cat a kitten companion?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 20, 2015
North NJ
On March 7, my beloved cat Daisy Jane had to be euthanized after her health crashed suddenly. She had acute anemia and lost 3 pounds in one week. She was only 10 years old. Her mother, Lillian, who is 11, is acting very frantic. She is constantly meowing and runs through my small apartment. She has always wanted to be held all the time, but is taking it to even greater lengths than usual. (I brought Lily and her three kittens home from the shelter when Lily was between nine months and a year old and the kittens were less than a day old. Lily and Daisy had never been apart from each other since then.)
Lily is very high energy. It is hard to believe she is 11. She loves to play and insists on going out on her harness and leash whenever the weather permits. I do mean insists. If I neglect to hang up her harness and leash at night , she drags it into the bedroom and I find it there when I wake up.She is very very active.
I have arranged to adopt a male kitten of a rescue mother when he is old enough to leave his mom. I am wondering how brilliant that idea is. I figured she would accept the kitten more readily than A strange older cat. Also that she would more readily accept a male. She has definitely gotten more needy/pushy/clingy since Daisy died.
Any thoughts on the situation? Or comments, or ideas of the best way to introduce the new one? I have a one bedroom apartment and have no room that the kitten could be shut into away from Lily.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
This is one of those situations where I wish for a crystal ball to see the future.  

it sounds like Lily is grieving.  She may need time to work through that process.  I would say most of the time I would not recommend a kitten as a companion for an 11 year old cat.  They tend to irritate the older cat.  Lily's activity level might make that easier; it's hard to say.  

This article describes how to introduce cats to each other:

Since you do not have a spare bedroom I would consider an alternative place you can separate the kitten.  When my 2 were small they could fit under the doors at our old house!  We first used a bathroom as the safe room for them; but our first morning after adopting them we woke up to find them in the living room checking out the fish tank!  Eventually I found a large wire dog crate for a good price.  It was large enough to fit a small litter box in the back, put food and water in the front and a bed and toys in the middle.  The girls slept in there at night and were in there during the daytime when my DH and I were at work.  The bonus was it helped them learn that the night time is for sleeping.  Being together; there was no lonely crying or anything like that. And they were safe when they couldn't be supervised.  

Good luck with your decision! 